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Everything posted by oma

  1. and on the eighth day he built a planet. :wink:
  2. nice one goonfella well well done. you've notched up the bar around here with the space station . you may as well go the full nine yards! I say make your own planet or even cosmic dusty stuff. then it is absoultly 100% paint.net and truly all your own work. bravo! ciao OMA
  3. cheeky fellow. I bet you even like to unwrap and rewrap your Christmas gifts. :wink:
  4. thanks you Helen and LCF4ever. getting closer to true realism. sorry I flattened that flower and can not go back and adjust some of the petals. I thought I had been working on an png copy and I actually had the pdn file up and flattened it by mistake. I had intended to go further but alas, the lessons I learned are to be used next flowers. ciao OMA PS waht is that little evil man. :twisted: mean....common words please as I know for sure LCF4ever you are not twisted.
  5. not a photograph, not a cut out render and not hand drawn and scanned in from my sketch book. I drew it and colored it in paint.net start to finish. 100% paint.net ciao OMA ps smudge for the stem and leave. the flower is blur painted and my secret weapon. and the background one of my many abstracts modified. for now this is all you get to see of this flower, I;ll include the large size in my little video I'm making.
  6. thanks Tanel I didn't understand that fully, but your answer at leasts let me know I need to research what global balance is in relation to color shifting. off to do my homework/research. . ciao OMA
  7. more avant garde looking now. gives a great movement effect when you scroll up and down the screen. :wink: here is one I've just about completed. Do not mention the large naked area in the right quandrant. this picture will also become part of frame in my movie maker film on flowers so that area to the right will be the spot where the picture will show. It will be cut away and made transparent in that area. large size and view of frame avail shortly in my gallery. ciao OMA
  8. could some one explain difference between color mixer and this plugin please. ciao OMA
  9. Frontcannon that is a thought provoking abstract. It has the elements of contrast white vs black, good vs evil., but there is not enough spark. It just requires some tension. That element of surprise. Like one of the others suggested one way is to introduce one contrast color. red is a predictable, but safe color choice. perhaps some pattern ? I think the good needs to be more joyous and celebratory, the bad more somber. ciao OMA
  10. great tire! are you doing the whole car? :wink: watch for PM
  11. oma


    I'll go for the super mini tut on those taper lines. I've a project that they would do wonders for. I can get them thin and semi pointy by not near as well done as this. ciao OMA
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks you yellowman for comments on the frames. I will pop the still pictures of the flowers I've made over the past 2 years (well some of the ones I kept copies of) into photo story 3 add some pans and zooms etc. . save the file as a moving picture . and then insert into windowsmovie maker. The pan and zooming makes for just a bit more movement than just flashing a series of images on a screen. I also like the transistions in that program wmm better for the final video . It is in wmm I can add my custom overlays frames (with modifications to the addition of titles xml) and put in running tickers across screen etc. I do plan to add music, but need to figure out how to record my cd's as music files on the computor. I don't have a HD tv so have not made any HD videos... but beleive the ratio is 16:9.... if you go to the tools and options under advanced tab you can change the ratio there. I'm not sure if the preview windows will look like HD. I know vista handles things a bit differently but I was reading in that forum that Blaine made some sort of conversion program. worth taking a look at if you use vista. I've not tried WaxInvoker but will look into it a bit down the road. for now the two photostory 3 and movie maker cover my needs. ciao OMA ps not done the video yet but I'll figure out a way for you to look at it when it is done.
  13. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @Kemaru thanks you for the coments on Cosmic Energy. It is always nice to hear feedback on an art piece. @Janettsue. trust such a sweet person to think of sweet candy. Love your cheerful nature. Oh I'm glad you like the horse. I had a look at your daughters paintings on her site again the other day. I'm not sure if I told you just how talented I think she is. You take care Janettsue, drop me an email sometime just for a chat session. @Welshblue hope that horsey doesn't look too much like "My little pony" or you might end up with a funny looking western picture when this little pony comes cantering thru. Its amazing what some blend modes will do for a sickly sweet pink. LOL! remind me to post over the other site the original flower. @goonfella that's funny. even though you don't think your style influences mine let me tell you, I've learned a bit from looking at your work. and I always enjoy the quick uptakes I get from your end. LOL! you make me smile and laugh and that my friend is one of the most important things for me to have in a friendship. @Helen thanks that is high praise coming from such a great artist. Remember that first picture you pm'd me about how to do the the highlights in paint.net..... I could see how great an artist you were and I've watched you become an outstanding PDN'er thanks all for looking and leaving comments. I truly appreciate it. ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    . The picture gamerworld was asking about is this one . It shows better in large size. The larger size is on pg 58 of this gallery. It is the picture that will be the frame at the end of the short film, for rolling the credits on. answer for Gamerworld from question on DA. . The one on the right (below) is the one I needed to adjust the .xml file for displaying the video
  15. oma

    Oma's gallery

    a little break from the horse, on pg 56 I'm stuck at the legs. if they really come out wonky I'm hiding them in the tall grass. now I have to go find ASH grass tut. ciao OMA 21327
  16. I wouldn't delete it if I were you. we all go thru creative dry spells. You never know! that next song you hear on the radio might just trigger a paint.net reaction. :wink: ciao OMA
  17. actually there is an old plug in called bevel that if you set one of the colors to transparent it will do one side of a square only. you may want BoltBaits bevel thou and use the eraser. its much more versitile when you have odd shapes to do. the old bevel only works on square images and you don't have much control using selection portions of an image. ciao here's the old one viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6526 but strongly recommend the newer version by BoltBait.
  18. thanks playing around with a night lighting look. I'm adapting that flower into an overlay frame for moviemaker. I'v just to finish the xml code for it to work in titles transistion effects. and I'll be sharing over on moviemakers forum. This picture is the companion piece to the overlay frame. I'll run my credits over it scrolling from top down ...I think. maybe a fade in and out in the scroll as well. ciao
  19. LOL! just added glasses and lips still strikes me as so strange how those two additions change it from fierce to pleasant. hope you all note the sig I'm using is the fierce no nonsense picture. LOL! ciao OMA
  20. . early morning no coffee 20 min. self portrait. and no I didn't take time to feather it properly. its just a little play thing to put at the end of an email to th grandkiddies. ps the meanner version is in my sig. ciao OMA
  21. oma


    oh now that bar is raised tooooooooo high for me. That pictures is beyond amazing I do not even begin to know English words to describe. I see how you managed many textures and think maybe I could try this , but I think my computor would have total melt down at the overload of input and output required. Excellent !!! ciao OMA
  22. USS Goonfella Mk1 now that is fantastic. agree motion blur may be a better choice. or motion sharpen its one of Madjiks plugins. I'm not a treky but it sure put me in mind of those type of space craft. I can absolutely see you improving by the picture. Isn't it a great feeling when all your past learning in this program just seem to fall together and you can run with the art. ciao OMA
  23. David you think so! I can't wait until I try to work this one into some sort of picture, now that will take some doing. to offset the plugin. Simon you are just too funny.
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