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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. No need to overreact. Everything's working fine. You're probably just clicking on the wrong link. Starting at https://www.getpaint.net click on the circled link: Then, on the download page, click on the circled link: Finally, click on the dotPDN link: Easy as pi. Now, if all you really want to do is add plugins to your store version, read this page: https://blog.getpaint.net/2017/09/29/paint-net-is-now-available-on-the-windows-store/ There are instructions on how to do it under the heading "What about plugins".
  2. I don't run both monitors at the same time. I have my laptop plugged into my large monitor as "duplicate screen" not as an extended screen. This is my normal configuration. I was just saying that on occasion I unplug my laptop and use it by itself and in that case I change the percentage to 200% because the monitor is only 13". The screenshots I posted above were taken moments apart with no system changes between them. It just shows that switching between tools gives different sized mouse pointers.
  3. It is probably a function of your printer--similar to the way a printer can never print to the exact edge of the paper. Printers typically can't print all the way to the edge of the paper (called "bleed printing") to protect the printer equipment from the effects of over-spray.
  4. Rick, here are 2 screenshots of my 4K system running paint.net 4.0.21 at 200%: Taken with my cellphone (so I could capture the cursors), so ignore the poor quality of the image. Anyway, look at the difference in size of the two cursors! Some cursors are large and some are small. I spend most of my time in paint.net using the rectangle selection tool. When using the light/blue theme, at this resolution, you can't see the smaller cursor when it is on the neutral gray background... even when moving the mouse around. It is very small and the black and white blend together to be gray, just like the background. (When running directly on my laptop 4K 13" screen, I use 200% and when using my 4K 27" monitor, I use 150%.)
  5. I know I'm bumping a 4 year old thread here, but if you're like me and recently upgraded to a 4K monitor... I highly recommend switching to the Dark Theme. Like the OP, after upgrading to a 4K display I had a really hard time seeing the mouse pointers on the neutral gray background that surrounds the canvas. Switching to the Dark Theme completely solved that problem for me. While I would still like to have larger mouse pointers, at least with the dark theme my eye can track the mouse pointer as it glides over the background on its way to the canvas. And, now I will lock this really old thread.
  6. Lies. I purchased a new laptop last week. It has a 4K screen which looks amazing. However, it requires me to run at 200% (minimum, 300% comfortably). This has uncovered some high DPI issues within CodeLab. I fixed some of those and toe_head2001 is working on the others... plus a cool new feature. So, expect a new build sometime soon. (This week?)
  7. What do you see when it crashes? Usually there is a message box with additional information. We're going to need to see that in order to diagnose. Also, I'm moving this topic to the proper location.
  8. 6 years? I think we have a new record for original poster returning to respond to suggestions given.
  9. Try this tutorial: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/12183-the-process-of-antiquing/ The images in the tutorial are gone, but there is a PDF version linked at the top of the post that has all the images.
  10. This is basically the slowest processor you can buy. I think that may be your problem. I think it is time to upgrade your hardware. If you look at paint.net's hardware requirements: https://www.getpaint.net/download.html You'll see that what you have is the absolute minimum required to run the software. This is not the minimum required to have a good experience, just the minimum required just to run it.
  11. The easy workaround, of course, is to define your variables separately. After working on CodeLab v3.0-3.3 and v1.8f, user toe_head2001 and I are a little burned out on CodeLab development right now. So, I imagine version 3.3 will live for a while. (I'm going to be working on rewriting my tutorials, updating my plugins, and trying to get my plugins into the Windows Store.)
  12. Have you tried using the Magic Wand? Try shift-clicking in a transparent area. If too much is selected, adjust the tolerance in the tool bar.
  13. EER, the autocensor doesn't apply to Administrators.
  14. Thanks EER for testing this on XP. We also had toe_head2001 test this on WINE. Everything's working. BTW, @xod, CodeLab 3.3 will work just fine on paint.net 4.0.19 (as requested in your original message). In fact, I built it against 4.0.6.
  15. CodeLab 3.3 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.0.6+! Big update today... Changes: ▪ Added Posterize to File > New Template (BoltBait) ▪ Comments in the UICode region are ignored (BoltBait) ▪ Added "Auto" to the View > Theme menu. CodeLab now tries to match your paint.net theme. (BoltBait) ▪ On the UI Builder screen, relaxed the validation of the Min, Default, and Max fields. (BoltBait) ▪ Added and fixed some snippets (toe_head2001) ▪ Added Debug Output window (toe_head2001) ▪ Fixed the AutoComplete box erroneously showing after typing var and void (toe_head2001) ▪ Fixed syntax highlighting within #if blocks (toe_head2001) ▪ Fixed some issues in Autocomplete (toe_head2001) ▪ Updated to the latest ScintillaNET editor (toe_head2001) ▪ Fixed Format Document and gave it a shortcut key (Ctrl+M) (toe_head2001) ▪ Other small bug fixes and code refactoring (toe_head2001 and BoltBait) Grab the CodeLab DLL here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ Also, for those people stuck in the past (wearing bell bottom pants, running Windows XP with Paint.NET 3.5.11), I ported all of the features from CodeLab version 1.9 through 3.3 into CodeLab version 1.8. Details here: http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/History/#v1.8f Screenshots:
  16. OK, I have published CodeLab v1.8f (where "f" stands for "final") here: http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/History/#v1.8f Be sure to tell all of your Windows XP, Paint.NET 3.5.11 using, bell bottom wearing friends! (Also, tell them to upgrade their OS to Windows 10 before they get a virus!) EDIT: For you people using CodeLab 1.8f, if you open a modern script and there are build errors, the first thing you should try is press Ctrl+G then Enter.
  17. Try disabling the "Controlled folder access" option of Windows Defender. Then, try the install again.
  18. Try this plugin: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/16610-enhance-details-plugin/
  19. Once I publish the next release of CodeLab (which should be in the next day or so), I will revisit all of my tutorials. I've already rewritten #7. But, I'll start at the beginning and do them all over again.
  20. You're welcome. I found it to be an interesting challenge.
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