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Pratyush last won the day on March 8 2018

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    Pune, India

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  1. If you want to replace Black lines with colored line, You should use Screen Blending Mode. Simply Make a new layer, change blending mode to Screen By changing layer properties (Press F4), Then draw on next layer with whatever color you want. Finally, Flatten the image (Ctrl+Shift+F), to make it single layer.
  2. I am making a feature request. I know it's appropriate make request for something. But at least, for some awareness. I don't think many will think about it, but It's an important thing. With support of pressure sensitivity for brushes, paint.net has now become capable to drawing with tablet. Pdn has become very good, much more capable, I use it for many things. Thanks you for your hard work and dedication. While making a drawing I miss color blending mode. This things makes me to go the apps while I can do most of things here. I use following blending modes extensively for my artworks. 1) Overlay - For lighter shade, 2) Multiply - For Darker parts 3) Color - To change color from grayscales, color-correct. 4) Add - To add glow. I really miss "Color" Blending modes in Pdn, which is essential. The Color blend mode preserves the luminosity of the bottom layer, while adopting the hue and chroma of the top layer. Can you make this blending mode. It will be huge help. Thanks and Regards. TLDR; Can you make 'color' blending mode available.
  3. 10 YEARS HERE!!!! Joined July 26, 2013

  4. Congratulations for new version of Paint.NET v5.0 . How time flies. I was waiting from 2012 for new version a lot of wait v4.0 came. I remember when New UI was released there were many non sensible post asking for old v3.5 UI. Moderators and developers were very patient. Now v5.0 is here.
  5. There was a plugin named something like PathTool / Drawing. It could make spirals, splines and other complex lines. I cannot find it in Plugin index. I also don't remember exact name. I didn't noticed that PDN now has more than 1000 plugins.
  6. Thank you very much for tabs. @BoltBait & @toe_head2001 ? Version 4.1 is on its way!! I'm eager for the new things. ?
  7. Do you want to fade white color into transparent white? If so use primary color as opaque white and secondary color as transparent white while using gradient.
  8. When new update is expected? Is it something big as it took four and half month wait ??
  9. XOR blending mode can do similar. Black with XOR is pass through White with XOR is invert color.
  10. Hi, can tabs be supported in Codelab? if there would be 3 or 4 tabs, it would be quite helpful in copying and testing different versions together.
  11. Use this plugin. Import all images as layer. and 'save as' sprite with option as 1 column. Then reopen through recent files. This will save files as vertical sprites. If you want to do that horizontally 1. import all images in through layers menu. 2. rotate 90 degree through edit menu. 3. save as sprite-sheet with option column 1. 4. go to file menu, and open the new file from recent files. 5. rotate 90 in opposite direction from edit menu. 6. save
  12. paint.net for Mac is not going to happen. Quoted from FAQ: (1) Will it ever be ported to Mac OS, Linux, or any other operating system? (2) What about Mono support? Wouldn't that be really easy? We will not be doing any work to directly support Mac OS, Linux, Mono, or any other platform. We are doing this in order to focus on the best quality and support for the platform that we develop on: Windows with .NET. Also, we simply do not have the resources or expertise to do any of this work.
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