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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. We all love Win7, but you need to update your operating system. Windows 7 is being end-of-lifed next month. More info here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/114255-reminder-please-upgrade-to-win10-microsoft-ending-win7-support-january-2020/
  2. We are happy to help you understand how to do things in Paint.NET. What have you tried so far? We are NOT here to do your work for you.
  3. IndirectUI doesn’t have a horizontal separator control.
  4. Rick doesn’t add features strictly by popular vote. He prefers a lively discussion that results in a well thought out design. Also, you should be aware that several people in this thread also have the ability to contribute to the source code... so, be nice.
  5. It is impossible to get detail out of an image with no detail. Sorry.
  6. If a plugin has a reseed button, it works like this: 1. The first time you run the effect it starts the counter at zero. 2. Each time you press that button it increments that counter by one. 3. That counter cycles back to zero after the button is pressed 255 times. The counter is used to initialize the random number instance before each render begins. That’s it. And, before you ask, no, there is no way to tell what the current value of the counter is—you just have to keep track of how many times you press the reseed button.
  7. This is currently possible. It is up to the individual plugin authors to implement it. I guess I could come up with a code template... I’ll look at it over the weekend. I have some code worked out that I never ended up using that caused all of my plugins to open in the upper left corner of the Paint.NET window. It wasn’t as nice as you might think, so I dropped it.
  8. If so, it will be a distant update. There are many features on the list with higher priority.
  9. CodeLab 4.4 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.2+! Small update today... (This was all @toe_head2001 as I've been super busy with a new job.) Changes: ▪ Added a Snippet Manager ▪ Added suggested names to autocomplete ▪ Added keyboard shortcut ( Ctrl+] ) to go to matching brace ▪ Added option to specify an Enum on RadioButtonControl and ListBoxControlControl ▪ Added argument constraints to tooltips for generic methods and classes ▪ Improved method overload detection: detection of method parameter modifiers (out, ref, params); detection of inferred generic methods ▪ Lots of bug fixes, refactorings, and optimizations Grab the CodeLab DLL here: https://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/
  10. Sorry, but not all fonts are compatible with the plugin. The plugin requires fonts that are compatible with GDI+ (the graphics library that I'm using in that plugin). Those fonts include TrueType, but not OpenType or PostScript fonts.
  11. That’s why they pay me the big bucks! I’m glad you got it figured out.
  12. You should not have 2 of the same frames. Delete one of them.
  13. In Paint.NET, when working on a single layer, you can move transparent pixels just like you can move opaque pixels. MS Paint can’t do that. It is a serious limitation. The point is, if you want to move transparent pixels and don’t want them to affect the pixels below them, they must be on their own layer. Don't fight it... just learn the power of Paint.NET.
  14. Paint.NET has always worked this way and MS Paint has always worked the other way. So, either you’re mixing them up or you’ve forgotten how to utilize layers in Paint.NET.
  15. The best way is to create your image at 200% or 400%. Then, when finished, scale it down to the contest size.
  16. Instead of clouds, try Effects > Noise > Add noise (no color saturation). Then try the radial blur.
  17. Thanks! Things have been really tight for a long time, but they're starting to turn around. If my luck holds out, I should be OK soon.
  18. Are you expecting it to return to the exact same image? Thats never going to happen unless you are scaling x and y by the same amount and you’re scaling by 100 increment percentages. (That is... scale up to 200% then down to 50%.)
  19. Try turning off hardware acceleration in Paint.NET settings. I’m curious if that will stop the behavior.
  20. Sounds like a PEBCAK. Bruce, be sure you’re using the Effects > Flip effects... and, remember it only works on a symmetric selection.
  21. If you use Microsoft Office, you’ll already be used to the zoom controls at the bottom of the window. Paint.NET is hardly the only program like this.
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