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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. I'm not having any trouble with Ctrl+D to deselect even when using the Text Tool. Can you give more details?
  2. Make sure you know the difference between Moving a Layer Down and Merge Layer Down. Perhaps you've confused the two functions.
  3. No. But, many of the more prolific plugin authors have packs of their own plugins you can download here: https://forums.getpaint.net/forum/44-plugin-packs/ Download a few of those and you'll have more plugins than you'll ever use.
  4. I was just thinking that @Rick Brewster may NOT want to block that plugin for Windows 7 then.
  5. @toe_head2001, does the old, blocked JPEG XR plugin work on Windows 7?
  6. I recommend checking to see if your Windows Updates are up-to-date. Then, reboot and try again.
  7. I see you were trying to save as a PNG file. Are you able to save as other file types, like JPG?
  8. No, you don't. Click on the link in the upper right corner of this page: https://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html
  9. Try using Adjustments > Color Balance (from my plugin pack)
  10. According to the system requirements... You need to run Paint.NET on a larger hard drive if you plan on working on such a large image.
  11. Try asking here: https://paint-net.ru/forum/index.php
  12. English only on the forum please. User @ReMake might be able to help you.
  13. The plugin "What's it?" couldn't identify it either and it knows about 50 of the most popular formats.
  14. This tells Rick where in the source code the error occurred.
  15. I'm not quite following you. I'm guessing you're using the magic wand to select a specific color and too much is being selected. If so, try adjusting the tolerance slider in the tool bar.
  16. One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet: You should always work at a much higher resolution than you plan for your final image. For example, if your final image will be 800x600 pixels, you should be working at 2400x1800 while developing your image. Then, when finished, resize your image down to the final dimensions. Along with feathering as you create your image, this will remove much of the "jaggies" you're seeing.
  17. Starting from the beginning (the very first build of CodeLab that I worked on), I have tried to avoid "clumsy" at all costs. I haven't always been successful, of course, but that's always been my goal--that, and ease of use.
  18. Show us examples of what you've done so we know better how to help you. Also, show us examples of things you like so we can give you pointers on how to make them.
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