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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Just like in Chrome, hold down the Ctrl key and use the scroll wheel in order to zoom. As for the color picker, just press K and you'll activate the color picker.
  2. Paypal has an option on their site to just use a credit card if you don't have a paypal account.
  3. The hosting cost for the forum alone is over $300 per month. The ads help offset that cost.
  4. That "annoying box" is actually the way you switch between open documents. Try opening more than one image at the same time. You'll see it is actually showing you a list of your open documents. You click on them in order to switch between which one you're working on.
  5. It is a mixture of Contrast, Saturation, and Brightness. I have a plugin in my pack you might want to try. It is called "Effects > Photo > Combined Adjustments". Download here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28488-
  6. Easier... Use square select to select from the top left corner to the right edge low enough to just touch the top of the card. Press DEL. Repeat for other 3 sides. Use eraser set to size 9 to clean up the 4 corners.
  7. When I posted my question he hadn't updated the thread title with an update date. I think he's fine.
  8. Once you upgrade Paint.NET to version 4.0, it would be a good time to review the plugins you have installed. You may be running older plugins that have had an upgrade recently. Plus, many plugins have been rewritten for Paint.NET 4.0. For example, my plugin pack has been completely rewritten for Paint.NET 4.0 utilizing the new features. You can download a copy of my latest plugin pack here: BoltBait's Plugin Pack For you plugin coders, CodeLab has been updated for Paint.NET 4.0. Make sure you upgrade! Also, in the coming weeks, you might want to keep an eye on the plugin forum and the plugin pack forum for new and updated plugins.
  9. No problem. There are lots of little things to get used to when moving to PdN 4.0.
  10. It is now located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  11. This is the most unbelievable part of the show. It is frustrating that people actually believe this is possible. Then, they come here asking how it's done.
  12. skullbonz, I'm going to win Teacher of the Year award next year for this tutorial. And, you're going to win Pauly Shore again.
  13. I just updated CodeLab again. I got tired of looking a Courier New, so... I added the ability to choose a font for the editor. That was the only change so I didn't bother revving the version number. All the code generation is still the same. I just updated my previous post in this thread with the details. Grab a new copy here: CodeLab for Paint.NET Download fonts here: Consolas, Envy Code R CodeLab users... tell me, which is your favorite of the 3 available fonts? I scoured the Internet for opinions on which were the best programming fonts. I checked them all out and picked the 3 I liked best. If you have a different favorite, tell me what it is and where to download a free copy. If I like it, I'll add it to the next build. (Comic Sans will not be considered.) BTW, if you don't have a font installed, when you select it you'll just get Courier New.
  14. Be sure to save your graphic in a format that supports transparency, for example PNG or GIF. If you saved in JPG format, transparency will be lost.
  15. Recently I took a picture of a deer standing next to my garage: Unfortunately, the deer was slightly out of focus and the ground is also blurry. In order to fix the photograph, I did a TON of research and I came up with the best way to sharpen a blurry photograph. I will now share my technique with you. Here are the absolute best steps to sharpen a photograph: Step 1: Take another photograph. Make sure the object is in focus this time. If possible, use a tripod to hold the camera still. Results: As you can see, the deer is now in focus and the ground is no longer blurry. You may think that using the "Photo > Sharpen" effect will fix blurry photographs and it will to a small degree. However, you can trust me for I have done the research: the absolute BEST way to sharpen a blurry photograph is to take another photograph! Just be sure to hold the camera still, increase your aperture setting, and focus properly this time. I hope this tutorial helps you.
  16. Since you're using 4.0, start with the plugin packs pinned here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/45-paintnet-40-preview-center/
  17. I just fixed a bug in the 4.0 version of this plugin. 3.5 users, it's time to upgrade!
  18. That trunk doesn't look strong enough to hold up that many branches.
  19. Pixey, be sure to update your plugin packs too: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28488- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27701- http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/28646-
  20. Just a cosmetic update to the 4.0 version of this plugin in anticipation of the Paint.NET 4.0 release.
  21. CodeLab 2.0 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.0! Changes: ▪ File>New Templates updated: more effects available for complex effects, better clipboard code, etc. ▪ UI Builder updated: no more ascii art! ▪ Script generation updated for Paint.NET 4.0** Complex effects utilizing clouds has been updated BlendOps have been changed from UserBlendOp to BinaryPixelOp. ▪ Two new fields added to Save as DLL screenDescription (This shows up as a tooltip in Paint.NET 4.0) Key words (This doesn't show up anywhere yet, but eventually plugins will be searchable by keyword.) ▪ Added "using System.Linq;" to user scripts. ▪ Font size of editor now remembered between runs ▪ Editor font selection added to View menu (Download fonts here: Consolas, Envy Code R) Grab the CodeLab DLL here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ Support the development of CodeLab $USD $ GBP £ EUR € JPY ¥ CAD $ AUD $ I haven't gotten a donation for CodeLab in a while. Is anyone out there using it? **I don't recommend using CodeLab 1.8 for developing plugins that you think will work in both PdN 3.5 and 4.0. With the release of Paint.NET 4.0, it is time to rebuild all of your plugins using this new version of CodeLab. If you used a template before, start from generating a new template and then edit it with your specific algorithm code.
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