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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Hello again @xdarrel3

    I see you are asking about the equivalent to the quick selection tool of PS. Keep in mind the image the video showed was a simple one to demonstrate how well that tools works. Paint's magic wand would do the same function just as easily. Learning to control the tolerance setting will usually get most of the desired cut out

    of the image. For fine tuning - there are few ways to go about that. In addition to TR's plugin (which I think is the closest paint will come to a quick selection tool) - you could duplicate the image and play with the blend modes to help see the change in texture or color to help crop out the image.

    Hope this helps B)

    • Upvote 2
  2. Hello again @sashwilko B)


    Since I installed that update I have had no problems to speak of.

    With over 500 plugins designed for paint.net and over 200 filters designed for PS that all run properly installed on my computer, I wouldn't be complaining about WIN10 or Paint.net.


    There has to be some other software running on your machine that is interfering with your creativity.

    God forbid you didn't catch that worldwide virus just announced on CNN. Have you downloaded the patch Microsoft released?


    And just another note - Other than what Win10 has for anti-virus - I run no other protection.

  3. @Calciborite I better understand your dilemma. Fitting a large image into a small area never seems to turn out well.

    There is another plugin I use  PasteWarp+ 


    Because your sword blade is only 11 pixels high - have you tried just selecting 11 pixels from your lightning image?


    Your sword image is 146 high - so try and select 146 pixels of the lightning effect and run pastewarp# to get this effect.



    The effect is centered on the blade by just selecting the center of the lightning (146 Pixels).


    The best you might do is using zoom to reduce the size of the lightning to the width of the blade but again you would loose that quality.

    Here's another way of creating a blade for your sword that you might find interesting. 



    Hope this helps you




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  4. Hey @Woodsy It is great for WIN10 users.

    However - when you look at your settings/diagnostics - do you still see errors?

    I read through your installed plugins and saw some strange ones.

    Who knows what effects they are having.

    IE; woodsyVP1,dll, woodsyVP2.dll and woodsyVP3..dll

    Just curious - maybe you tinkered at codelab once upon a time. :lol:

  5. How big is the image you are trying to paste?

    How big is your canvas that you are trying to paste to?

    and - if you are pasting into a selection box - How big is the selection box?

    And yes I see the sliders have a -2 to +2 but that is just relative from the top left corner of the canvas

    If you want to reduce the size of image of you are trying to paste - try the tiling option

    Posting an image will get better advice


  6. Good news for you @sashwilko. Read this thread - 

    I was the first to go through the whole process of upgrading to the creators edition. Yes - It is slow to begin with while updates appear to continue even after you reboot. GIve it a day or two. The link to a new version of paint resolves the slow loading issues.


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  7. Most excellent tutorial. Talk about details. Followed you every step of the way and learned several new things about shading and using noise. Thank you for your effort in describing exactly how you accomplished your artwork. Now I understand your gifs a little more too. Looking forward to seeing another one if you have the time. And as always - a sample of what I came up with after several attempts. No enhancements on this one - but I did take some artistic creativity along the way.



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  8. Poor @Pixey.  :(  I've seen this time and time again. Everything works great - Operating system - Installed applications and Installed drivers for hardware components.

    Then - Someone decides to do an update and the whole house falls apart. My latest Video Driver tried to take over my sound controls. Its never ending I say. Each new piece of software wants to take control of everything. We must be diligent in watching what updates do to our configuration. Hope that's not too deep. My 5 cents worth.


  9. On 10/11/2007 at 6:46 PM, davidtayhs said:

    Found a simple way to use the Toon effect to make beautiful pictures by combining it with the Ed Harvey Surface Blur effect:

    1. Open the picture that you want to apply the Toon effect on.

    2. Duplicate this layer so that you have two layers with the same picture.

    3. Apply the Toon effect onto the new layer (the top layer on the Layers' window).

    4. Apply the Ed Harvey Surface Blur effect onto the 'tooned' layer.

    5. Going to the Layers' menu --> Layer's Properties --> Keep the mode 'Normal' but reduce opacity to about 140.

    6. Flatten the layers.

    7. Admire your finished product - lol!

    @davidtayhs Thanks for the mini tutorial. It works very well - at least to my liking. B)



  10. On 5/4/2017 at 2:59 AM, LionsDragon said:

    is this the time travel scene from Star Trek IV?

    Not at all @LionsDragon  Just a collage of effects from Paint. The starship was first seen in strange attractors a long time ago......been working on it forever B)

    Amazing what some pics can be morphed into


    • Upvote 6
  11. Well @Ego Eram Reputo I had the time - but the error it generates is beyond my understanding. Seems to be missing an EOF statement or something.

    The only error it shows in codelab looks like this -


    Error at line 114: Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected (CS1022)


    Seems the source code is not quite complete.

    A very minor issue as this plugin is a bit outdated but is still a good learning source. A simple fix for any professionals around. B)

  12. Hey @Woodsy I too use a NVidia graphics card and took interest in your issue. In another thread a user suggested checking the "PhysX Configuration" ensuring it was on auto select. Mine wasn't and and I saw an increase in performance by about 5%. Speaking of the graphics driver - I've had 2 updates in the last week - which I find unusual. Also I would mention that I have upgraded to the creators edition of WIN10. One time - while I was in paint - I opened the NVideo control panel and it crashed - only to get a notification that an update was available after rebooting.


    For @BoltBait Playing around as I usually do with plugins - I opened an image 4000 X 2000 - ran the paste from clipboard with nothing in the clipboard (pretty sure there was nothing)  - waited for the green bar to start in the desktop window - then hit cancel - As I write this note - it is still cancelling - obviously hung up on the fact that there was nothing in the clipboard - but cancelling should take me back to my pic. Just a suggestion to look into.


    @MJW Same work ethic. With 500 plugins I restart Paint several times during the course of my "playing around". 


    Hope this helps. B)

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