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Posts posted by AndrewDavid

  1. Hey @Woodsy I too use a NVidia graphics card and took interest in your issue. In another thread a user suggested checking the "PhysX Configuration" ensuring it was on auto select. Mine wasn't and and I saw an increase in performance by about 5%. Speaking of the graphics driver - I've had 2 updates in the last week - which I find unusual. Also I would mention that I have upgraded to the creators edition of WIN10. One time - while I was in paint - I opened the NVideo control panel and it crashed - only to get a notification that an update was available after rebooting.


    For @BoltBait Playing around as I usually do with plugins - I opened an image 4000 X 2000 - ran the paste from clipboard with nothing in the clipboard (pretty sure there was nothing)  - waited for the green bar to start in the desktop window - then hit cancel - As I write this note - it is still cancelling - obviously hung up on the fact that there was nothing in the clipboard - but cancelling should take me back to my pic. Just a suggestion to look into.


    @MJW Same work ethic. With 500 plugins I restart Paint several times during the course of my "playing around". 


    Hope this helps. B)

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  2. Just put it anywhere. Its when you are in stickman that you need to load it to begin your animation. If you make changes to the figure itself  - you can make your own folder to keep them separate from other files.

  3. Here's something that will surely help. Keep in mind the list is not complete - but captures the most plugins I have. Enough to get you started. Selections with the puzzle icon are add-ins. Others are built in. I just selected the themes by menu headings.




    On 5/1/2017 at 8:57 AM, BoltBait said:

    As everyone else is busy

    Too much time on my hands - La La La - Remember that one



  4. Have you tried the Nic Collection from Google?


    The Nik Collection comprises of seven desktop plug-ins, which provide a powerful range of photo editing capabilities, ranging from filter applications that improve color correction, to retouching and creative effects, through to image sharpening tools that bring out the hidden details in your images. You can also make adjustments to the color and tonality of your images as well.


    In the filter " Color Efex Pro 4" there is an opacity slider available when you select a color. Not sure if that is what you are looking for.

    You will need the PSFilter Plugin and download the Nic Colllection from  File Hippo .


    Let us know what you think. B)



  5. Indeed - I Had WIndows XP and saw no reason to upgrade. I truly believed that if it works - don't change it. The only reason I have WIN10 is because I bought a new computer. That is when you need to upgrade your OS due to the hardware changes. Installing new software (especially OS's) is not always a good thing - as Vista users soon discovered I think. 


    I'm no expert - but this is what I have learned through the 30+ years of the IT industry.  Who remembers DOS? :lol:



  6. Agreed @Pixey. The same for me. Since we are talking in this thread - I would like some advice on how to get the "dither" plugins working.


    EdHarvey has 3 plugin packs. I have them all.






    I got the egrarious when it was first posted by @ReMake in this thread. I have tried to get the dither plugins to run by switching out the New/Old EdHarveyEffects.dll file - but they do not come up at all within Paint. 


    I do see the Half Tone from EDHarveyEffects 4.0

    The Floyd Dithering I see is from BoltBait

    and the Fast Blur I see is fromEdHarveyFastFX.zip


    I have yet to ever see the dither plugins. I'm sure I tried just the EdHarveyEffects.zip on its own but still no success. 

    I think they are not Paint 4.0 compatible. Am I missing something?

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