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Posts posted by lynxster4

  1. Hi @ardneh  I assume you are referring to say, Gradient Mapping link.  Go to the Gradient Mapping page and copy the URL. Whatever thread you are posting to, type Gradient Mapping, highlight it with mouse cursor and select the 'Link' button (looks like a chain link), paste the URL in the space provided and click okay. That makes Gradient Mapping 'clickable' and will take the user to that page.


    For the user names, type the '@' symbol and a drop-down menu will appear. Choose the name from the list.

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  2. On 12/6/2020 at 5:23 PM, Joshua Lamusga said:

    (The text for this sotw is very difficult to read on dark mode, just for future reference. Almost the same color as the background. :))


    I see what you mean.  When I open a new contest, I copy and paste the whole thing.  It is saved in Word so I can change theme description and date. It's also typed in black.

    I certainly don't want to re-type the whole thing every time.  If I changed the font color to gray or white, then other users (default and Goodnite Nurse) wouldn't be able to see it.  


    I don't know what the solution is unless @toe_head2001 knows a setting he can tweak in the dark theme to change the font color when viewing in dark mode.

    Toey, let me know what you find out.  Thanks.


    EDIT: And I did note that everything I just typed in black (I use Goodnite Nurse) turns white when switching to dark theme. There has to be a solution.



  3. What originality @Vagabondi!  <3  I can't even pick a favorite, I love them all.


    Okay, 'Is It Spring Yet?' and 'In The Room' I keep going back to.  The bicycle looks so lonely sitting there up against the tree (hope he doesn't rust! haha...)


    And the room looks so warm, cozy and inviting...and we know what those kitties want... 😉  Fantastic!

  4. SOTW_01image.png

    The theme this week is - 'Royal Crowns'



    The theme this week is  –  "Royal Crowns"


      Chosen by ( @Ladybug SOTW #229 winner)


    This week you're challenged to design and create a signature to look like a ‘Royal Crown’


    Examples can be viewed here.


     The deadline for entries is 2:00 pm (EST) 7:00 pm (UK time) on Saturday, December 12th, 2020.


    To see how that equates to other countries, here is a link to the World Time


    Competition Rules


    Max dimensions are 500 x 200. Please NOTE: The forum limits signatures to 500 x 150, if it is too large do not try to use it as your regular signature.


    Please keep your signature family-friendly.


    Please keep to the theme that has been set.


    You may modify or replace your image until the deadline!


    Don’t violate copyright laws with found images; links to source images would be courteous.


    Your entry must be made using Paint.net; please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work.


    There are three entries per entrant allowed.



    Don’t add links to larger versions of your signature. Your entry should be voted on based

    on the size laid out in rule #1. Please keep larger versions of your work for your gallery.


    Signatures may be either horizontal or vertical.


    The winner of the current SOTW gets to choose the subject for the next competition.  Good luck all and thank you in advance for entering.

     Thanks to - chrisco97, Sozo, TheHowler, Nitenurse79, Chimay, DrewDale & Pixey for keeping this comp going in the past.


    Previous comps have included the following topics as listed Here compiled by MJW. This list will perhaps assist future winners with a theme. 

    This thread is for posting your entries only.

    If you want to talk about any of the entries, you can do so in the discussion thread found here.




  5. Didn't have time to post a comment yesterday.  All your images are fabulous!  <3 


    Your imaginative mind at work again with another great set of images!  😊


    I especially like 'Impressionism', 'Bad Choice' (makes me lol), 'Queen of Spades' and 'Time Flies'.

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