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Everything posted by lynxster4

  1. Very interesting effect, NomBot! I like it, too. Thank you for sharing your plugin and Welcome to the PDN Forum!!
  2. Excellent video, Pixey!!! Seerose should be able to follow this....great job!
  3. @Seerose....your images are not showing up in this thread, either.
  4. PDN keeps me Zen

    1. Maximilian


      Keeps me Zen too vil2_cligne.gif

  5. MJW, I like the changes you have made to Texture Merger. The color coding is very helpful. And I see what you did by changing 'Scale' to 'Divide'. I successfully made your gridded sphere again by using the 'with scaling numbers' in your short tutorials. I think you should revise your tutorials in this thread to reflect your changes to the plugin. A 'beginner' or 'newbie' who wants to try this may not be able to figure out what to change. And I have a question. Where you say: "Another short diversion. If you use Add instead of Subtract, the lines will show up as ridges. However, at the center of the sphere, the sum of the heights will be too large to fit in the 0-to-1 range, so the height will be clipped. What to do? The answer is that the Window Height-Map Height will need to be reduced, and the Merged Height-Map Height will need to be increased to compensate. If the Window Height is set to 0.5, the Merged Height will need to be twice it's original value of 255, which is 510. The Clipboard Height and Displacement will also need to be adjusted. (I usually only reduce the Window Height as much as I need to, to avoid overflows.) These adjustments, while sometimes inconvenient, are usually not too difficult, because most everything is just based on appearance, anyway." If you use Subtract and Invert the Clipboard Height Range, you end up with the ridges without the 'flat spot'. Is this an alternate 'correct' way to do it, or is making the additional adjustments when using Add, the way it should be done? Just curious.....I hope you understand what I mean. Thank you for revising the plugin!
  6. Thank you, BBQ, Max, Seerose and ReMake! It's kind of funny that two of you, @Maximilianand @MJW, think they look like minerals under a microscope. They are actually flower bunches that I made by hand for another project; I then kaleidoscoped them and applied my 'magic' glass techniques! I thought they looked really cool....so I posted them. Thank you to anyone I may have forgotten!
  7. Congrats BBQ! Just loved your image. And congrats to doughty and MJW! Your entries were great, also. And thank you, Drew, for hosting!
  8. Very neat @doughty! And when you lightly scroll the image back and forth, you get dizzy! Great job! rep you when I'm replenished.
  9. Welcome to the forum @Pastorross. Very inventive image. A small tip: Instead of copying and pasting the link, why don't you copy and paste the 'IMG thumb' instead? Then that would give us a preview of your artwork. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. EDIT: I just love 'Angel Wings'!
  10. @Shochi, @MJW, @Eli, @Woodsyand @Pixey....thank you so much for the lovely comments!! Just another interesting technique I've been playing with to get a 'glassy' look.
  11. Very beautiful composition! I'll bet there is many hours in this! Great job!
  12. 2 more stained glass pieces I created. I hope everyone enjoys them!
  13. Yes! Looks much better. Drop Shadow gives it more depth.
  14. Awesome, Seerose!! I just love the 'marbles'! Is that from a tutorial?
  15. Thanks Pixey....I could play with this all day! Are you finding some things just don't work out as you intended? With so many controls, outcomes can vary greatly. (like with my shields) Thank you, Rickhum! More people seem to like the first one. The lighting angle seems to have a huge effect on the outcome.
  16. Max, BBQ, Red and Seerose....thank you bunches! I love playing with MJW's new plugin. Seerose...I'll catch you later....
  17. Here is a quick piece I made today. Still playing with Texture Merger. 'Carnivale Masks' Please enjoy!!
  18. Pixey, I was going to comment on your new sig and I got sidetracked with my art project. That is a wonderful sig! Beautifully done and bless Woodsy for animating it for you!
  19. @LionsDragon....lovely rug and chandelier! Yes, take Pixey's advice...that will help smooth out and sharpen up things. Drop shadow will make things 'pop'! Keep up the good work!
  20. Thank you @Woodsy , @Shochi and @Maximilian!! Now we can defend our honor! Max, I will hit you up later... Woodsy...I have to digress...I don't think the Texture Merger plugin is at all like beveling objects. It's much more complicated than that. (not meant as a criticism)
  21. Thank you so much, everyone, for commenting! I, myself, also prefer the first one. But, the second one sure is colorful!
  22. I did these with @MJW's excellent Texture Merger plugin. Which one do you like better? This is called 'Maiden's Shield'. Two different outcomes using the same image. The first one has a more 'etched' look to it. The second has a more 'painted on' look. Please, let me know!
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