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Everything posted by Cc4FuzzyHuggles

  1. The "Back to the Future" theme sounded so fun, I love those movies! haha But, a fall theme is great too, and probably a little more flexible.
  2. Thanks guys! And thanks Red, I like your shape! I'm not able to Download things at the moment, but I will when I get the chance.
  3. Ok, I just want to ask some things for clarification. As long as credit is given, are we allowed to post youtube videos that are not our own? (link and/or embed) Are there rules to sharing youtube videos, such as, the content of a video keeps to the forum rules? I can understand no videos that use inappropriate images or foul language. However, there are some youtube videos that are great for people who want to learn how to use the program, are such basic videos allowed to be shared here? I myself have often wanted to do an "introduction to paint.net" type of video (I might make it some day if I can get the right video making tools, in the mean time, other people are starting to finally make 4.0 videos.).
  4. What kind of art are you thinking about? Do you want to make photos look like paintings? Or do you want to make abstract art? Or do you just want to make anything that's cool, using paint.net? I personally like the "Clouds" effect and the "Dents" effect. Combine the two for a simple but cool look, first run clouds, then run dents. Furblur is also a cool effect. You can find the plugin here : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27058-furblur-update-30th-july-2014/
  5. I like the submenu it's in, it's right at the top, making accesses to it quicker. Aside from me being lazy, I guess I do think of it more as a "tool".
  6. You might like to explore the paint.net documentation. Found here: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/
  7. Thank You TR! And wow, amazing! You did that in only about a half hour? I'm still learning the plugin and I'm not good at making things look smooth yet. As for more designs, I'm not very good at designing either, but if I get some time I might try and make some designs using the curly lines plugin or inkscape. If using pictures from internet searches is ok, then the ones on my first post are designs I like. PS: If anyone would like to do a tutorial on how to convert inkscape lines/shapes into compatible pdn shapes, that would be great.
  8. I love the curly lines plugin. But I don't know how I would add shapes made with the curly lines plugin to paint.net's shapes tool. Inkscape's spiro function is one of my favorite abilities that inkscape can do. I would love it if Shapes Maker plugin could do spiro lines/paths. Inkscape Spiro ability is demonstrated here. That's fine. Manually recoloring things isn't too hard.
  9. @xod, that isn't a bad idea. Thanks. I will consider it for some projects. However, I was hoping to have usable items be as close to 100% pdn as possible. I use a lot of outside resources, which is fun and takes a different kind of effort from hunting the resources down to then compiling all the pieces together, but pdn stuff sounds good too, so if it is possible I would like more pdn things to play with and use. @TR Thank You for your interest! A filigree shape pack would be neat too, but I am looking for things that are more thin and whispy. A lot of the filigree from your sample search didn't seem as simple as what I'm looking for. If this is filigee, then it's cool and it would be fun to have too, but it's not quite what I had in mind. https://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/filepicker%2FmQS33qLBQ9ytwbs0Thrx_filigree.jpg I like this: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=3398055
  10. Hello. I have a Shape Making Request/Challenge. I would like swirly vector lines that I can add to my shapes. Would anyone like to try and make me some? Here are some examples : http://cliparts.co/cliparts/BTg/ERB/BTgERBpEc.png http://www.clker.com/cliparts/0/f/d/b/7/W/blue-swirl.svg http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/swirl-elements-design-vector-35720162.jpg http://st.depositphotos.com/1065578/3487/v/450/depositphotos_34877369-Light-colorful-swirl-lines-background.jpg http://www.webdesignhot.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/FlowersandSwirlsVectorGraphicPreview.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/92/0a/ae/920aae13c15765b8d07664073f117887.jpg More examples can be seen here https://www.google.com/search?q=vector+swirl+lines&sa=X&biw=1536&bih=742&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0CB0QsARqFQoTCMbz77nRvMgCFQM0PgodlEkPug Thanks!
  11. Resize texture > duplicate the resized texture > edit the duplicated texture. As long as you have an unaltered re-sized texture layer, could duplicating be a good idea for working with the re-sized texture instead of the object? You can duplicated as many times as needed, and also merge the duplicates to keep the layers manageable. I'm mentioning this because resizing things to become bigger, is often not ideal to keep things looking good. It's better to re-size smaller rather than resize to larger.
  12. There is also the Liquify plugin. You can set the brush to very big and "warp" things by pushing with the brush, or use the other abilities that are found in the plugin, such as pucker. And just to provide it, here is a link to Grid Warp : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25327-grid-warp/
  13. Was this plugin ever released? We do have other transform plugins, but this plugin was good too and had some potential.
  14. Nice TR! You actually went into the effort of telling how to re-align the fabric's grain correctly, so that the fabric matched the chair's different parts. About the first step though, would increasing the size of the chair really be necessary? Or, would it be fine to resize either one, the chair or fabric, as long as they are sized to be the same width?
  15. Thanks Toe for trying to get the plugin to work. Even though we have an alternative plugin, it would still be cool to see this plugin become alive again. Then users would have two great options for saving layers. Note about this thread: Just out of curiosity, why isn't this plugin marked with a moderators note of incompatibility? It's fine that it's not, I'm just wondering.
  16. Hi. You can try this plugin : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/31996-zip-archive-filetype-plugin-zip/
  17. When installed correctly, Go up to the Menu Bar in paint.net > File > Save As > click the Save As Type drop down list > look for "ZIP - Compressed Archive of Layers (*.zip)", and then click "Save". The plugin's user interface should pop up.
  18. I love your plugins, and I love how they always improve and so quickly too! Haven't tried this one yet, but I hope to soon.
  19. Oooo, I love the look of that cloth Eli. There is this plugin Gingham and the Tattersall plugin, I think maybe one of them, if not both of them, could be updated to do what you are asking for?
  20. I gave an answer similar to racerx's in this thread here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32157-how-i-can-turn-a-black-object-into-pink/?p=429850 My answer talked about using a color, but the idea of using layers and the blending mode should be similar. Have your cloth material on it's own layer above the chair, and set it's blending mode to overlay. If you want to adjust the lightness of the chair, click on the chair's layer and then go up to the Menu Bar > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast, or levels, or curves. If you want to further adjust the color of the object, click on the fabric layer and go to the Adjustments tab and try playing around with Hue/Saturation, or Levels, or Curves. You can learn about paint.net's adjustments here : http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/AdjustmentsMenu.html
  21. Hello. I am excited that the paint.net Documentation has been updated to paint.net 4.0+. Thank You For The Update! Your hard work is appreciated. I've been visiting it to get acquainted with the new look, feel, and layout. As I have been exploring the new documentation though, I have a few questions. About the line/curve tool page, there are a couple of things that I don't see mentioned. I'm not sure if I am simply over-looking them, or if they really aren't there. -- On the line/curve page, where is an explanation on what the white square with arrows is? And/or what it does? Also, does this square have a name? It's a really cool new feature, you would think anyone would understand it by simply clicking on it, but I am noticing that some people aren't realizing that they can move their lines/curves by clicking, holding, and dragging the white square. If possible, I would like to help these people as they use the new 4.0+ line/curve tool, by pointing them to the pdn doc. -- I know there is the shortcut key list, but regarding the line/curve tool's page, is there a place where using arrow keys is mentioned? Grab a handle and use the arrows on the keyboard to move the handle one pixel at a time. Grab the white square and use the arrows on the keyboard to move the entire line/curve one pixel at a time. -- Is there an explanation on how to rotate the line/curve tool? I personally wouldn't have known that the line/curve tool has a rotate ability if I didn't go through the 4.0 beta development stages, because the tool's ability to rotate changed several times during 4.0's beta releases, going from being the same as the shapes tool, to being gone, to only working when right-clicking on the white square (possible glitch for me), to finally gaining it's current right-click anywhere function. I'm really happy the nice little rotate trick got to stick around. However, the way to rotate a line/curve isn't super obvious. Many new users don't realize right-clicking functions unless the functions are pointed out to them, once the simplicity of right-clicking is known though, right-clicking is like a hidden discovery that new users end up raving about. Also, if compared to the shapes tool, the shapes tool gets rotate arrows when the mouse cursor is hovered near certain areas, but the line/curve tool only rotates by clicking with the right mouse button, holding, and then dragging. However, what is similar to the shapes tool, is that lines/curves can rotate at restrained angels when holding shift. Have I overlooked the line/curve tool's rotation explanations? -- Is there some kind of shortcut key to toggle between the two curve modes now? I like how right-clicking lets us rotate the line/curve tool, but at the same time I really miss being able to toggle between the cubic and Bézier curves by simply left clicking or right clicking. A lot of people didn't realize the line/curve tool had two modes in the older versions of pdn, but for those of us who did, the left/right clicking ease of use was great. Instead of left/right clicking to toggle between the modes, is there at least a shortcut key? -- Is there still a way to use arrow keys + another key to move items 10 pixels at a time? I couldn't find out how with the line/curve tool. A question that's not about the line/curve tool. -- Zooming! Zooming almost feels fun with all the different ways we can zoom. But is there an all in one place that tells about the variety of ways to zoom? We have the zooming under the "view" in the menu bar, we have the zooming tool and it's functions, plus the ctrl + mouse wheel, and we have the zooming controls at the bottom right of paint.net. Each thing, for what I can see, is explained in their rightful places in the documentation, but at the same time they are all spread out, and they have no references to each other, with the exception of the scroll wheel being mentioned on the same page as the zoom tool. Last question, and it's not about what's in the documentation. -- When I'm on the paint.net forums, where or how do I get to the "getpaint.net" website and the "paint.net documentation" ? I hope these questions aren't too bothersome. Thanks for any answers.
  22. If you like plugins that can give neat/cool visual effects to photos, then this one is fun : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/24563-laplacian-pyramid-filter-effect-plugin/ I'm not sure if you know this youtube tutorial or not, but it's one I like for making sparkles/glitter : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut3zFyYf8yw But WARNING, don't download anything from that person's video description, they link to a website that gives viruses. If you need a plugin that the video talks about, find it from these forums http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15260-plugin-index/.
  23. Have you tried downloading BoltBait's plugins from the right place? Here is his most recent thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32048-boltbaits-plugin-pack-for-pdn-v406-updated-august-9-2015/
  24. I have thought of this idea before and wondered about it, but I figured it was something that wasn't allowed, since I haven't seen anyone posting too many youtube videos, let alone videos that are someone elses. However, if we are only talking about sharing, embedding, or linking to the vids, and not claiming them, then I would think it would be fine, since youtube in general is big on the social networking "share" stuff idea. But, if a vid is shared, proper credit probably should be given. I personally think videos are sometimes great for paint.net beginners or for people who learn better from videos than they do through written tutorials. I know for me, I sometimes need to "see" or "watch" something be demonstrated before I can get it or grasp it. Having a good instructor that I can watch and hear is my preferred choice sometimes. I know plenty of other people who are "visual learners", which means they don't learn well by reading, they learn better by watching. I realize the tutorials here have pictures/screen caps, but sometimes that's not enough. The Clone Stamp Tool can be one of the trickiest tools to get people to understand, videos of that tool are very useful. If the idea of a video collection/list is allowed, then I like the idea of us coming together to collaborate a list of paint.net youtube tutorials. I have some ideas about the Video Tutorial Thread too. One person could keep an updated list on the first post (The Original Poster would be the one to manage the Original Post), and everyone else can just add replies about tutorials they watched and liked. Every time someone shares/posts a video (embed or linked), then the OP of the thread could add the video to their list on the first post. The OP could even have a list for tutorials that were made using older versions of Paint.net and a list for tutorials that used newer versions of paint.net. (for example, in the pictorium, there are plenty of galleries where users have kept the first post of their thread organized and updated). I honestly would love this, as most YouTube tutorials are made with old versions of paint.net, and without a warning of the version being old, it can be confusing for newbies. I also am personally interested in newer tutorials, tutorials that are actually made with paint.net 4.0+, since I'm struggling to find them. There aren't too many people doing good paint.net youtube tutorials these days, there are some, and more are coming out, but there isn't a lot yet. The biggest flaw I see about a video thread, is that the videos might need to be watched/viewed by the thread's OP, to make sure they are appropriate for the forums. The youtube videos would have to fit to the forum rules, for example, the sample images used in the videos would need to be appropriate, and the language would need to be appropriate too (as in limited and/or no foul language). If the video breaks forum rules, then the OP wouldn't add the video to the list and could flag/report the post. If the GM's don't like the idea of having to respond to flagged/reported posts, then it could be stated on the thread that all videos need to be submitted to the OP of the thread through PMs. The OP will then simply maintain the first post, adding videos they find themselves or video links that are given to them through PMs. With every thread you have a risk of rules not being followed, if people continue to ignore what to do and not to do, then the thread could be closed.
  25. Hi. If you have a hard time finding pixel art tutorials, perhaps this search can help you : http://www.getpaint.net/search.html
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