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:lol: no pressure as you can see I seldom write tuts. If I get a chance and can simplify some of my work you all will get the scooted down version.... if not "c'est la vie".

Since I write so few tuts it is why I put up work in progress shots. You can perhaps recognize some of the steps as I go along and see the actual changes those things make within a picture. Then try them within your own works.

I'll always try to answere all the questions I get asked, but sometimes I just don't remember what I've done. I push, pull and flip effects so quickly and so often within a picture, add that I work on two or three pdn's at the same time, copying from one into another then back again it is sometimes next to impossible to explain.


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thank you kelly, I hope you can see some of the steps in those work in progress shots. how my pictures morph and twist and turn.

I did some final steps on this pineapple (above) I still might redo a bit of the yellow and red coloration on the pineapple skin. I'm not sure as I'm quickly loosing interest in this one, but I don't like to leave it partially done. :wink: :wink: Maybe I'll go have myself a wee break, maybe a glass of nice red wine put my feet up and think about it.

ciao :lol:

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agreed. when i said, "you could make a pineapple out of this," i didnt actually mean,"go and make a pineapple" but woah. youve inspired me to go make something. like a pineapple.


You should get the Win7 theme for XP. Then get the rest of Win7. Then uninstall XP. Then it'll really look nice. ~ David Atwell

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I think it looks good. :)

:lol: Thanks helen...

I finally finished this drawing. I don't often get so antsy to finish a picture, but this one was making me jumpy. I like to usually savour the process and draw it out. But I am very pleased, with the final results. There are some areas I need further drawing practise on, such as forshortening leaves. The bottom ones need to have a more come towards you feel. So I've things to study and work on. That's how I judge if its a good picture or not, it leaves me room to grow as an artist, and I know what to work on...so its a real good picture in my opinion, even if it did make me antsy. :lol:

agreed. when i said, "you could make a pineapple out of this," i didnt actually mean,"go and make a pineapple" but woah. youve inspired me to go make something. like a pineapple.

well if I've inspired you to make something then I am very very very happy. :D:D:D:D

look forward to seeing what you come up with.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well thank you very much. Glad you enjoyed.

That's where those beatiful palm leaves come from! (and thanks for the tut which I will try soon) and the pineapple WOW! The leaves look real! Super!


thanks topezia I finally broke down and wrote a decent tut. but see they've moved things around on the tut section. :roll: wouldn't you know it. now not only am I old but my tuts in the Legacy section. :roll: i guess I better get my head around writing another tut. wonder what would be a good one. :lol:

@Oma: I really love your stuff. It's absolutely beautiful. Maybe it's because I'm a grandpa. I'll be visiting your galleries often.

well thanks so much, you are welcome to come to my gallery any time I'll even let you in free. :lol: Actually some of my older works are over on DA and the link is under my sig.

Its nice to see another grandparent here. Its a great place to keep the mind sharp, these young ones certainly keep one on their toes.

ciao all

thanks for coming by my gallery.

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That is so cute, Oma! I have two projects that I'm working on that are somewhat like yours. I'm glad they're different, though.

I like how the image is so neat and bright. Oh and the smoke coming out is just so adorable. Very well thought out. Love it. Just simply love it!

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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thanks you Helen and Topezia.

I'm on an early morning roll. Finished up the poster type art I'd been working on.

100% Paint.Net 100% Feel good vibes from this one.

Make sure you read the title folks.

"Living in a prism"

not Prison!

Its an abstract, meant to make you think, wonder, ponder. What would it be like to live inside a prism?

Would you see wild colors? light bouncing off walls? your reflection multiple times? Its a piece to make you contemplate the total unknown.

comments please!


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LOL, Oma. At first I thought it said prison. But then I thought to myself, If living in a prison was only that pretty. How'd you do that? The image looks like fractals, which I have been wondering how to do forever. Any hints? :wink:

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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no fractals at all. totally paint.net nothing brought in from outside this program. I started with a blank canvas. You will see the about 1/2 way picture in the abstract portion of our pictorium.

as to how to make it.

Hint: I'm known for using polar inversion.

Another Hint: and there are multiple layers and layers and blend modes.

Yet another Hint: tiles and semi transparent layers, and seamless texture.


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Excellent job oma on "Living in a prism". It really does look like you're inside a prism with the spectrum of colours. You really must make a tut on how to make an abstract, i'm sure it'd teach everyone a lot - especially about using polar inversion.

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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Excellent job oma on "Living in a prism". It really does look like you're inside a prism with the spectrum of colours. You really must make a tut on how to make an abstract, i'm sure it'd teach everyone a lot - especially about using polar inversion.

LFC4EVER is refering to the picture on previous page. called "Living in a prism" .

Lordy Lordy LFC4EVER are you asking me to break David's rule #7?

Quote of David from the tutorial rules section... a must read, riveting and insightful view on proper tutorial procedures.

7. Think HARD before posting a tutorial that includes Polar Inversion or run the risk of being mocked.

let me think on this.



in the mean time while you hold your breath here is a little one I like a lot

"This one is called "Just a moment in time"


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I'm not sure why I'm thinking of spring flowers, winter is just around the corner here in the frosty north.

but this is the start of a new picture for me

Spring Crocus.

Inspriation piece



work in progress shots







very near completion just need some more dark shadows and shading



I've done some very minor changes but feel reluctant to spend any more time on this one now. It should really be redone entirely from scratch using the things I've learned. I'm not sure I will redo same picture maybe another flower using some of these methods.

thanks for watching the progress of this one. So here is the finished flower as far as I'm taking it. Not an exact to the inspiration, but passable in my opinion. Its been a good learning piece, and has challenged my powers of observation. Truthfully if I do this flower again it will be as a colored pencil drawing, and not as a computor generated picture. Good old traditional pencil and paper rendering of a flower.


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latest abstract "Just a moment in time" .................. :lol: added it above.... leave this as a place marker please for another work I've got on the go.

:wink: meanwhile leave me a few comments on the crocus.


I know by the count you all are looking. so what's up? no one want to comment. Promise I don't bite.

ciao OMA :wink:

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the crocus is coming along very nicely! Great job! Just one thing though, the lines on the petals look a bit too thick and messy in places. Use line tool to perfect the "draft" brush strokes maybe? Or even Render > Bars / Gradient Bars to get the veiny line things on the petals.

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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