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The result of boredom:

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An avatar possibilty. The "member #590" is my profile/user identification number on this forum. The "est. 2006" represents the year in which I joined the forum.


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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Quilts are categorized by their gird patterns. This is a double nine, meaning that the square is broken into nine equal parts which are in turn broken into nine parts and each part can then be broken. Depending on how you break them up and color them in... well you can see the possibilities are endless. Many of these patterns have names like, card trick, chur dash, turkey in the straw, shoo fly to name a few. Well that is your quilting lesson for the day. Maybe I will work on a crad trick to post.



"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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swistaik that is cool how the light seems to come from inside the sphere and you have a heart cut out of it. Wow!

cjmcguinness I think your Implosion calls for a tutorial. I would love to do one of those.

So many great images from everyone. I love seeing them.


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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