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Would you mind telling me what candescence means? Because I don't know whether it's got to do with incandescence or anything. :?



- adjective glowing; incandescent.

- Related forms

can·des·cence, noun

can·des·cent·ly, adverb

- The state of being white hot; incandescence.



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Woah, haven't been on here in ages. Good job on the pics guys :D all the ones on this page(only one I've checked) look mad.

I haven't really used PDN lately, but was on the other day just messing round with some old effects...


Made ages ago, with the Phoenix tut.


Made this with the Arrow render tool and some radial blurs, negation etc. It became my Wallpaper, still is :D


CJ's Andy Warhol Style Tut, using my dog Finn as the subject. Came out great.


This was just weird :P But I liked it. Couldn't think of anything else to do to it though.

Hope you like them, comments, tips, and all appreciated :D

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Would you mind telling me what candescence means? Because I don't know whether it's got to do with incandescence or anything. :?



- adjective glowing; incandescent.

- Related forms

can·des·cence, noun

can·des·cent·ly, adverb

- The state of being white hot; incandescence.

You have to tut wasteland. No as an answer is not an option.


retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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I've been quite busy today, here's three from me...


^ Click to go to my deviantArt page and download the full 1600 x 1200 versions of each. ^

cmjc, I've always loved how you frame your creations like that....It's so awesome! I just frame mine with either a white or black frame, but it's really creative how you used that "blurred frame thing"



I am a disco dancer. +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+

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cmjc, I've always loved how you frame your creations like that....It's so awesome! I just frame mine with either a white or black frame, but it's really creative how you used that "blurred frame thing"

Thanks. I've tried playing with some different types of frames.

What I do is, on a new layer, select the internal area of the picture I want visible, then invert the selection.

Fill it either white, or black - depending on the image I am framing.

I then Add Noise and Gaussian Blur slightly - then turn down the opacity to between 50-100.



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Awesome! Antialiased and all!

And, thank you for the definition, cjmcguinness. Though that looks somewhat dark for white hot metal? :)

@ Andrew D

I really like it that way. I thought it was pixelated on purpose, therefore I didn't tell you anything :o

@ omgwtfbbq

I like your name.

Your art too, of course :lol:

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As a celebration of my 1000 posts and 1000 views on deviantART, here is what you might call a 'Special Edition' of my previous work, Twilight Glory. Enjoy!


I have now entered the quadruple-digit club. ;)

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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Awesome! Antialiased and all!

And, thank you for the definition, cjmcguinness. Though that looks somewhat dark for white hot metal? :)

@ Andrew D

I really like it that way. I thought it was pixelated on purpose, therefore I didn't tell you anything :o

@ omgwtfbbq

I like your name.

Your art too, of course :lol:

antialaising is easy when you make a pic at 2400x800 :D

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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I used the wasteland texture tut for the snow. i'd been struggling with that snow for ages. what I did was use the tut after the strange color layer I changed tint to a very light blue then fiddled with the brightness and contrast. a small amount of surface blur. snow banks. thanks for the tut!

the polar bear is hand drawen (by me) on paper and then scanned into the picture then colored and shaded in paint.NET

I'm very please with this now just need to work on a sign post pointing the way to the Ice Palace


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