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My german does need improvement. :(

Thanks! My avatar is actually just a re-sized version of a wallpaper I made by clicking random effects and typing some keyboard shortcuts and drawing some shapes here and ther.. CORRECTION: Using a very well thought out plan and some very tricky.. things. :wink: If anyone is interested in a larger version of my avatar just click here.

If you're not into numbers, call me Chris!

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I haven't swindled access to a Digital camera, yet.

My boss has one that'd he'd probably let me use, but I won't be able to ask him until tomorrow.

If nothing else, I could use my brothers camera on his cell phone... Or something. :)

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Yeah aatwo, to set the records straight: I only counted to infinity once.

After the first time, I became rather popular. Maury invited me to do a taped version on-set so he could show his audience. The problem was, I had fogotten to take into account the heat generated by the set lighting. I was about 15 minutes away from completion when I passed out.

I did finish he count for the cameras, and they edited out my little excursion to the Land of the Far-Too-Woozy-To-Stay-Conscious, but it wasn't a true count to infinity. :(

I am, however, gearing up for another try in about a month, this time not on a set. Just in front of a camcorder. :D

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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There's a shortcut to counting to infinity though, that you eventually learn in Calculus.

"The limit of 'n' divided by 'x', as 'x' approaches zero from the positive direction, is positive infinity. 'n' is constant."

So really aatwo's sig should say, "Rick Brewster divided by zero and counted to infinity ... both in less than 2 seconds!"

Edit: oops had the limit phrased totally wrong

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