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The Pictorium! Post your created or edited images here!


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lol, I just realized how incredibly smooth I got that text looking.

Yeah, I couldn't resist...


Looks very good. I really like the stars.

Hey guys.. I haven't posted here in a long time. So many new people which is good to see. I had a play around in PDN this afternoon,

with this as the result:


I know the symbol barely stands out but it was the idea of having it duplicated & glowing that I liked.

Welcome back! The image looks good but like CMD and Illnab, I too think the text would look better if it were more subtle. Perhaps black text with a red blur behind it or vice versa.

Here's my go at a planet:


All of it was done in PDN. No textures or GIS used here.

I have a 2000x2000 version if anyone wants to see it...

Your planet also looks very good, especially the rings.

My go at the planets theme :D


Looks pretty good. A little constructive criticism... The glow on the clouds looks a bit much.



ok can u guys give me some constructive critisism on these two sigs i just made.... its my first time using paint.net and i want some help... o and which one do u like better? i definitly like the second one better

Try and remove the black outline around the character in the first sig. Also, the colors of the character and the background are very similar. It may look better if there were more of a contrast between the two.


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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lol, I just realized how incredibly smooth I got that text looking.

Yeah, I couldn't resist...


Looks very good. I really like the stars.

Hey guys.. I haven't posted here in a long time. So many new people which is good to see. I had a play around in PDN this afternoon,

with this as the result:


I know the symbol barely stands out but it was the idea of having it duplicated & glowing that I liked.

Welcome back! The image looks good but like CMD and Illnab, I too think the text would look better if it were more subtle. Perhaps black text with a red blur behind it or vice versa.

Here's my go at a planet:


All of it was done in PDN. No textures or GIS used here.

I have a 2000x2000 version if anyone wants to see it...

Your planet also looks very good, especially the rings.

My go at the planets theme :D


Looks pretty good. A little constructive criticism... The glow on the clouds looks a bit much.



ok can u guys give me some constructive critisism on these two sigs i just made.... its my first time using paint.net and i want some help... o and which one do u like better? i definitly like the second one better

Try and remove the black outline around the character in the first sig. Also, the colors of the character and the background are very similar. It may look better if there were more of a contrast between the two.

ya i got a PM telling me how to remove the black outlines.... and ok ill try to use a different color text

o and what do u think of this sig :D


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Okay, I'm finally starting to get used to PdN, but there are still some minor issues. I just made this banner and I'm proud of it for the most part. There's just one image that really bothers me.

Near the bottom left corner, there's a pic of Glinda (the woman in blue) putting a flower in Elphaba's hair. I feathered the edges of the pic, but it still doesn't blend very well and the edges look too defined. Any suggestions? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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