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you can if you click the link for the bigger pic...

Yes, the flowers are there, but they need some work on the coloring.

The face however is really an impressive good work. It will be great if you can tell a bit about how you do this.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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I've been messing around trying to get a lens flare effect - made this sig, its ok (i think!) but has anyone got a clever idea how i could draw that semicircular flare you see in an eclipse as the sun moves out from behind the moon? Like a thin semicircle with a large flare halfway along it. (i'll try and think of a better way to explain it... sorry!)


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Well, theres a long version and a short version. The short version is something like this...

If I wanted eyes colourized:

I would create a new layer for the eyes

Pick a color, zoom in and color the eyes that color.

Set the layer to colour burn, multiply, or whatever made the eys look good (i reccomend zooming back before this)

Sharpen, ajust hue/saturation, or guassin blur it a little to make it look normal.

I used 10 layers in this pic (3 for skin and one for each eye), and the flowers just looked like that after I set the layer to color burn.

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I'am working on the same image you did "Truly Devoted", Its a Great image to get started with! I have the eyes done... now the skin and hair look like its going to take awhile, because you need to pretty much do it pixel by pixel...

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I'am working on the same image you did "Truly Devoted", Its a Great image to get started with! I have the eyes done... now the skin and hair look like its going to take awhile, because you need to pretty much do it pixel by pixel...
good luck with that! The skin and hair seem to always be the problem when I try to colorize, it takes a lot of effort not to get this line where the hair and skin overlap.. try using color burn on the hair, it helps get all the little strays without you having to go in pixel by pixel :)
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Thanks! Yea, its going to be pretty hard, i think i'am just going to use Overlay mode, and pick a nice color... Also, Iam doing the eyebrows, the Earing, and the lips, and i will show you that, than i will get started on the skin : /

I'am having a hard time on the lips... :( "Hints?"

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Haha shes got clown lips :P .

Hmm, I have a small confession.

I've never acutally gone out of my way to do eyebrows. Usually when I do skin I color over them and they appear out fine.

Ahh, I feel so much better.

Now if I could only tell people what happened to that body in the sewer...

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