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Ok I know this is Paint.net, but a friend told me he uses this instead of Photoshop, You claim to be better then it , and free so arethe two programs compatible? What is better then photoshop, i can not see the differnce beside its free. If i downlaod it will it mess with Photoshop Cs2?

I use photoshop i just need an edge in my design class and i was thinking maybe this could be it but i would love to know these answers. I love to animate and thats why i ask about this, since this can not animate like the CS seris, thank you for reading this and helping me



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I don't think Rick has ever claimed that Paint.NET was better than PhotoShop. In fact, I remember his original goal was "10 times Paint, 1/10th of PhotoShop." Rick has never wanted Paint.NET to be a PhotoShop replacement, one because his goal was an entry-level program that you could teach your mom how to use, and two because he's just one guy offering a program for free, and adding everything PhotoShop has would not only kill him, but would also seriously take away from his time drinking beer with the ladies.

Now, some overzealous users do claim from time to time that Paint.NET is better than PhotoShop, and from a certain standpoint that is indeed true. Paint.NET has a far more straightforward UI for users new to graphic design. PhotoShop is imbued with (some may say inundated by) a great many more features, but those new to graphic design can easily find themselves floundering in a sea of submenus.

Paint.NET is partly compatible with PhotoShop, as there is a File Type extension that will load PSD files. The drawback is, due to Paint.NETs current lack of Layer Masks and editable text layers, layer masks are automatically applied to the layers Alpha Channel and text layers are converted to raster.

If you're looking to get an "edge" in your graphic design class, the best thing to have would be persistence and imagination. The program you use holds very little weight when a user with vision is on the other end of the mouse. Take for instance our very own Ash. This image is stunning, and completely PDN. Having PhotoShop does not by default make one a tremendous artist.

Understand that there are some features for which Paint.NET is in want right now, and there are many features PhotoShop has that Paint.NET does not. This is an indisputable fact. However, for most things PhotoShop does, there is a method by which to accomplish it using Paint.NET.

All this to say, Paint.NET may be a useful tool in your design arsenal, or it may not. The beauty is, it won't cost you a dime to find out. There are many talented users on this forum who can offer advice and inspiration, and we'd be happy to help you learn.

Cheers, and best of luck.


Edit: advise -> advice

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OK thank you now i will not waste the space on my pc .... i was not sure if it was better like better something but i guess not .... my sig and Ava is 110% Photoshop lol if you can see my sig... its not showing up on my screen but thank you


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The sig is nice Shabitha, none too shabby. :wink:

Allow me to share my opinion on the Photoshop vs. PDN topic. I have both PDN and Photoshop on my laptop. The program I use more (much, much more) is PDN. Why? Because PDN is far more fun! Photoshop always seemed to me to be a serious program. Paint.NET was easy to learn, and easy to have fun with. As CMD said, PDN was never intended to become the graphics editing behemoth that Photoshop is; the added complexity would take away from the fun and easy element. This isn't to say that PDN is a simple, functionality limited program like MS Paint. Just look in the Pictorium for a few examples of PDN prowess. In short, PDN is an amazing program with an equally awesome online community. If you want to be an all-in-all expert, go with Photoshop. But Paint.NET is my personal choice.

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You know that saying "if you have to ask, you can't afford it"? That, in some ways, applies to Paint.NET and Photoshop.

Photoshop (I'll call it CS3 from now on) is basically the best image editor on the face of the Earth. But it has its own downfalls. It's very hard to learn, its very expensive, and it can lag in performance on some (or most) computers. In my opinion, Photoshop should only be used by the most professional of the Elite Masters because there's so much to learn about it. But sadly, most of the people that have it don't take in nearly a quarter of what it can do (yet most of them think they are).

Paint.NET is not comparable to that. Were talking about two completely different cars here: A Chevy Volt concept and Lamborghini Galardo Superleggera (with Paint.NET being the Volt). The Galardo is extreemly powerful, but can be hard to handle (it takes a pro) and isn't very efficient (not to mention it's low reliability). The Volt, however, is more of a mid-performance car that costs much, much, much less than the Lambo, any teenager can drive it without denting within the first two blocks, and is extreemly efficient and reliable (getting 50-infininity miles per gallon with a home or gas-rechargeable Lithium Ion battery letting you go over 40 miles without using a drop of gas and I shouldn't be talking about it in this thread even though it's so cool).

To put it in a less metaphorical way, Paint.NET is smaller, faster, easier, and cheaper than Photoshop which is bulky, expensive, sometimes slow, and difficult to learn.

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Photoshop is basically the best image editor on the face of the Earth. But it has its own downfalls.

Exactly. I really should have mentioned that. PhotoShop is indeed a wicked-awesome program, and if you're planning on being a professional, it's well worth the time it takes to learn it's deep and winding web of features.

If you're not planning on being a professional, Paint.NET does most of what you need an image editor to do without the price tag. And, if there is a poignant feature you would like to see that genuinely adds something to the user experience of the program, odds are Rick will try to squeeze it in to a future release.

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~ Becoming the Archetype

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Also, a good thing about PdN that PS does not seem to have is that sometimes you have to find workarounds, when in PS, you can have a shiny button that does it in a few seconds.

I think PdN really sets a good base for graphic design, after all you need to have the building blocks to expand into a sky scraper.

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One could compare Paint.NET to just about anything and Paint.NET would come out on top from a UI standpoint. Both PhotoShop and The GIMP are more powerful than Paint.NET, but both feature rather poor organization in places.

Rick so far has handled feature additions to Paint.NET in a decidedly elegant manner. It usually makes sense why each new button is where it is. I believe this bodes well for the future, as more well-implemented features continue to be added.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

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~ Becoming the Archetype

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Since you guys are talking photoshop.

I am really thinking if I should give PS a try, and see what it can do.

What do you think? Should I?

Youre already gifted; whats next some kind of global prize for gluing everyones eyes to something you made. Youre wicked sick with pdn, with photo shop youd hurt someone. :D

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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OK thank you now i will not waste the space on my pc .... i was not sure if it was better like better something but i guess not .... my sig and Ava is 110% Photoshop lol if you can see my sig... its not showing up on my screen but thank you

just thought I might question this...

1.3mb super program is a waste of space?


Site: RIP =(

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300 Mb for .NET Framework though... Or was it less?

.net frame is pretty much standard with the avg computer you buy anymore. (dells anyway and not sure if its embedded in vista or not) Unless I did some sleep-downloading (it does happen) the framework was already on my computer.

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Thank you all for replying but i think Photoshop is FUN.... i love it and the Cs2 is easy and fun ..... I know how to use 4 diffenrt versions of photoshops and i am a wiz at Paint ( MS) and i get programs easy.....and i mean someonetold me about it and i am going to have photoshop no matter what, i can not wait til i get the money for Cs 3 .... and as for cost, I want to be a Design For LIFE! I Love it .... Its Expression and my passion ... i get joy from design and thats why i want to do it so bad i would go to this place .... but i dol ike the tourials even thou they are for P.N they still work on photoshop ... and to finsh this Photoshop is a easy program if you take time , i taught myself how to use it and then took a class on it and i knew more about then most of the people in the class.... and truly its not about HOW good the program is, its HOW good the designer is ... I could show you Paint stuff i made and animated and its cute .... but the program is a tool and its how you use it .... i just like all the feature on Photoshop and now i will just stop babbling


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