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Paint Shop Pro 5.01 spray can use?

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Hi all,

I am fairly new to this forum and am very grateful for having discovered it!

The 1998 free version 5.01 of PSP has a really neat spray can with opacity, size, density etc controls. I was wondering whether it is possible to somehow incorporate it into Paint.net?

Also, I am using and creating .ABR brushes in Paint.net but can only use them with Effects ~Tools~Brush Mini. Is it possible to use them within the same main screen of the image? Any advice or help would be deeply appreciated! Thanks in advance.

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3 hours ago, Nellucnaiv said:

Also, I am using and creating .ABR brushes in Paint.net but can only use them with Effects ~Tools~Brush Mini. Is it possible to use them within the same main screen of the image? Any advice or help would be deeply appreciated! Thanks in advance.



I would strongly recommend you use Dynamic Draw as it allows you to load the ABR brushes.






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BoltBait, thank you for your words. It reminds me of just what a privilege it is to have a free programme like Paint.net and all the people who have so kindly contributed to make it such a wealthy work.
Rick Brewster, as for images from Paint Shop Pro 5.01, I can't find any for the Spray brush. The others are simply png's that work similarly to ABR brushes.


ReMake, thank you for pointing Rick to the link for PSP 5.01!


TrevorOutlaw, I am deeply grateful to you for letting me know about Dynamic Draw! I'm going to download it now and check everything out. Really excited!!

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@Rick Brewster According to the documentation for a more recent version of PaintShop Pro, spray can is/was an alternate name for an airbrush.

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Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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23 hours ago, Nellucnaiv said:

The 1998 free version 5.01 of PSP has a really neat spray can with opacity, size, density etc controls

These settings are all in Dynamic Draw as well.

Opacity is #11 and Size is #14 below, and you can use Add Brush Images (#5) to upload ABR brushes, if they can be read (hopefully)

The brush images to choose from is #4 and custom brushes you add appear near the end of the box

Density is #3, but you'll have to turn off the checkbox (#2) to mess with it

Min. Draw Distance (#1) is also related to brush density and useful for long distances between each stamp of the brush

The airbrush behavior is Horizontal and Vertical Spray (#6 and #7)

Let me know if you have any trouble. Here's the Documentation for full details on everything

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