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Can you replace Paint.net's icons?

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Up until now I've been using Paint.net 4.0.14, and only recently have I began using version 2.4.8 because a plugin I wanted to use required me to update. In short, I'm not fond of any of the new icons. I prefer the icons of the previous version I used, and as I saved the paint.net files of the previous version I used in a zip file just in case, I would like to know if there's a way to simply replace the icons of the newer with the prior. I personally feel the previous icons were more clear to what they were meant to do, and the new icons are a bit too soft in colors, and just simply don't pop to the eye.


In short: can I somehow take the icons from Paint.net 4.0.14, and have them replace the most recent version's interface icons?

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What @welshblue said. You're used to the old icons and you liked them, nothing wrong with that. But, the new ones will be just fine once you give them a little bit of time to get used to them. There is no going back.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Well, unfortunately if that's the case, I think I'll be sticking to 4.0.14. There are few times where I don't like something, yet "get used to it", and with how often I get confused by the new icons I simply don't find the update worth it given I don't notice any real changes in features other than the icon changes, which I simply do not, and most certainly will not like.


I feel like there must be some kind of file swap that can be done, or something to return the old icons, though if not, I'll just ditch the plugin, and return to the prior version which I have zipped away. I do appreciate the responses, however.

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I do understand your feelings about this @Crimson_Fish it took me a while to get used to them, but in time the eye and the feel for where they are, becomes automatic.  It's worth it in the end - hang in there 😺


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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2 hours ago, Crimson_Fish said:

I feel like there must be some kind of file swap that can be done, or something to return the old icons


Nope. The new icons were completely redesigned as SVGs so they scale with high DPI systems. The old icons did not do this gracefully.


See: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/113859-paintnet-416-alpha-build-7000-new-hi-dpi-icons/?_fromLogin=1



2 hours ago, Crimson_Fish said:

Well, unfortunately if that's the case, I think I'll be sticking to 4.0.14.


You will receive no support here on the forum if you continue to use an old version of paint.net.


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If that is the case, then one last question. Even if it wasn't "graceful" does that mean there might still be a way, albeit not the nicest-looking, or outright impossible to do so without having some kind of knowledge of completely tearing apart the software, and rebuilding it? If it's the latter, then I'd at the least like to hope maybe in the future you'd consider adding a feature where people can make their own custom icons to replace those within the software with, should that be possible.


Also, I fully understand I won't get any specific assistance with software issues unless I'm using the most recent version, I fully accept that. I simply am hoping there is some option for the recent version I can use, or perhaps an option possible-to-be in a future update.

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22 minutes ago, Crimson_Fish said:

outright impossible to do so without having some kind of knowledge of completely tearing apart the software, and rebuilding it?


Yes, that is correct.


15 minutes ago, Crimson_Fish said:

... consider adding a feature where people can make their own custom icons to replace those within the software ...


Don't count on that happening.  Rick's development time/resources are limited, and there are still many things to do that have a much higher priority.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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4.1.4 still has important bugs that have been fixed in the meantime.


I really can't stress how important it is to be using the latest version! Just scroll through https://www.getpaint.net/roadmap.html to see all of the bug fixes, performance improvements, and added features.


You really can get used to the icons. Just give it some time. I promise you'll get used to it, and all the other stuff (fixes, performance, features) is really worth it.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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21 minutes ago, Rick Brewster said:


You really can get used to the icons. Just give it some time. I promise you'll get used to it, and all the other stuff (fixes, performance, features) is really worth it.


I don't doubt there's plenty of performance, and bug fixes, but The new icons to me just blur together when I look at them while the old ones don't. I understand the reasoning for the change, or at least as much as one without software creation knowledge can understand, but the combination of the fact I dislike simple/metro-esque design everyone is turning to these days, as well as the previously-stated fact the new icons just blur together for me prevent me from really being able to use the software as effectively as I do the older variant.


I've asked my questions, and have been answered, which I thank greatly for,  and I won't be demanding any features be added on my behalf given I'm in a very miniscule minority here. That said, I'll be sticking to 4.0.14, and will understand that prevents me from getting any software assistance, though I haven't had problems with it yet, thankfully aside from chugging with larger image sizes. Thank you for the input, and I apologize if my reasoning seems petty for not using the newest release.

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It seems that change is difficult or at least undesirable.

As it applies to software, I have had to make that adjustment since my use of Microsoft's Windows from version 386 (v2) up the present version of 10 (1909).


The icons of the latest update to Windows 10 are very similar to the icons of the current update to Paint.NET.


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