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Suggestion: Add Old Icons Theme

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Hello, I do not like the new icons very much. I suggest making a theme that changes the new icons into old ones. If you don't add theme or respond like one of those "old stuff is for dummies! Get a life you dumbo!" then I will quit paint.net and move on to the GIMP because you can change the theme to new or old icons. Right now I'm staying with the older versions of paint.net to feel better on the old icons.

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Just so you know: There is no support for older versions on this forum.

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If you actually give the new icons a chance, you’ll be comfortable with them in a few days. Guaranteed.


Or you can stick to your old version and never see another bug fix, performance improvement, or any new features. That is your right to choose that.


Also, you’ll be at risk of missing any security patches. Not smart.


(I really don’t know why we have to keep repeating this in 2019)

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20 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

(I really don’t know why we have to keep repeating this in 2019)


Dumb question here - is there a way for PDN and the plugin architecture to automatically block users from using older version, forcing the user to upgrade?  The past few days, I have noticed more folks complaining about the new icons and one threatening to keep the older version just to keep the icons.  Reminds me of the folks who complained about the superiority of Windows XP while the world moved on.




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50 minutes ago, TrevorOutlaw said:

is there a way for PDN and the plugin architecture to automatically block users from using older version, forcing the user to upgrade?


Paint.NET does not restrict the use of older versions in case an upgrade is not supported on your operating system.


For example, lots of people use Paint.NET v3.5.11 on Windows XP.


HOWEVER, we do not offer support to older versions, here on the forum.  So, you can stay on an older version, but you're on your own if you have a problem.


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47 minutes ago, BoltBait said:

"you can stay on an older version, but you're on your own if you have a problem."

Ok, I'm using 4.1.6 and I have a problem: I hate the new icons. Do I get any "support"? No. So I guess running an older version would feel basically the same but with pretty icons... :)

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22 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

(I really don’t know why we have to keep repeating this in 2019)

This arrogant way of thinking got me using Picasa 3, Microsoft Office 2007, Adobe Reader XI, non-app version of Skype, etc. in 2019

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Do you really care that much what the buttons look like?


I'm much more interested in what they do when I press them.




I suspect this next image is going to drive you crazy...




Seriously, the new icons are a huge improvement when running a high DPI screen.


Just give it a day or two and you won't even remember what the old icons looked like.


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10 minutes ago, :-) said:

I'm using 4.1.6 and I have a problem: I hate the new icons. Do I get any "support"?


Sounds like a personal problem, rather than a technical issue. Try getting support from a therapist. :P

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been using Paint.Net for many years and think it's the best photo program for smaller, fast, .... work. I can understand that the developers (by the way - thank you for your great work!) do not like when "little things" after an update is fooled around and that's probably always the case (in any program) ... Only I have to say unfortunately that the new icons are really not good! Also not with high resolution and not after a few weeks of use (I did not forget how good the old icons were)! Somehow they look out of focus, yes really unprofessional (?), Sorry ... Especially in the Dark Skin which I love, they are now very bad. The bright skins still work better, but I do not use them. It would be really great if you could also customize the icons for the skin (like can choose the old ones again - which is probably easier than making new icons selectable for different skins). I'm not a friend of updates - and that's exactly why. It is always a surprise what is changed again to the old proven just because a new year has dawned, ... either something else this, or new bugs, .... (and not only related to Paint.Net) - no for each program ( will be developed dead, unfortunately) - just look at Firefox and so on as an example, ... :-(

Regards, Paul.

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  • 5 months later...

I came to this thread looking for an option to bring back the old icons. To put it simply, the new icons are *not* good. I understand that I should simply go on with it and get used to the new icons since "what matters is what they do", but honestly this is the exact mindset that drives developers into thinking that overhauling aesthetics all of a sudden is okay because a percentage of users would like change just for the sake of it. Now, before anyone goes to say "you're just not used to change", the thing here is that change is good when it's necessary and dealt with properly. In this case, I can see that it was a requirement for certain users, but it was not done properly at all. Desaturating everything and simplifying every icon isn't really going about it nicely.

The OP was only asking for a plugin to bring back the old icons, not asking to roll back the update. Going back to an older version of paint.net is more than likely not an option if you use plugins, so suggesting that while saying "it's okay, it's your choice" is rude. It's clear that nobody will get support on this no matter what anyone says just because the staff is okay with it, but the least you could do is say "We have no plans to make a plugin for this", not kick people in the mouth for even opening them to begin with.

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