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Everything posted by null54

  1. Fixed a crash when saving empty layers, file version updated to
  2. According to this post on the NVIDIA forum you can change the language using a registry setting.
  3. You would have to create the UI in Visual Studio using Windows Forms.
  4. You could use the DirectXTex texconv utility, it is a command line tool for converting to/from the DDS formats.
  5. It is a limitation of Paint.NET's Effect plugin API. Effects can only see the currently active layer, and cannot create new layers or images.
  6. Fixed an error when saving EXIF metadata with zero items. Fixed a potential memory leak when loading WebP images.
  7. I thought the same. Rest in Peace, @Woodsy
  8. Upgraded DirectXTex to the October 17, 2019 release. Add a PluginSupportInfo attribute. Changed the 32-bit/x86 build to use the SSE2 instruction set. File version updated to
  9. The DDS header includes that information, along with the number of mipmaps, texture type, etc. See the TexMetadata structure for details on the metadata that DirectXTex provides.
  10. The Intel® Texture Works Plugin for Photoshop® does not show any of that information either. The DDS plugin does not give any format information to Paint.NET. That can be solved with a file naming scheme that describes the file type. For example, Skyrim textures use suffixes that describe the texture type, _n for normal maps, _g for glow maps etc.
  11. Do you have a screenshot of your Effects folder?
  12. You should be able to overwrite the files in your Effects folder with the files from the latest version. After downloading the latest version of the plugin, copy Gmic.dll and the gmic folder into the Paint.NET Effects folder. Windows will prompt you to replace the existing files.
  13. Are you copying another layer from your Paint.NET Document? I noticed when testing version 2.7.4 that the clipboard code used by plugins was not seeing an image (copied from Firefox) that the main application could paste, but it worked fine if I pasted the image into a new document and copied it from within Paint.NET.
  14. Should the FileType templates provide a working example? The PropertyBasedFileType template currently has OnLoad return null, which will cause paint.net to show an error dialog.
  15. Copy the bottom layer that you want to use to the clipboard. The currently selected layer will be used as the top layer. Also, plugin questions should be posted in the plugin thread.
  16. The same applies to the bundled WebP plugin. Also, the DDSFileTypePlus description should be changed now that Paint.NET no longer has an 'internal' DDS filetype. Perhaps it should say something like: Bundled with paint.net 4.2.2 and later, allows paint.net to open and save some of the DDS formats introduced in DirectX 10 and later. Source code has been made available on GitHub. I am not sure that tagging the plugins as integrated is appropriate, as it may imply to users that the plugin is finished and will not receive any more updates. As @Rick Brewster stated in the release notes for 4.2.2, paint.net will still search for the bundled plugins in the FileTypes folder, and will use the newest version it finds. Read his blog post for more details. https://blog.getpaint.net/2019/09/18/paint-net-4-2-2-is-now-available/
  17. The DDS support was upgraded in Paint.NET 4.2.2. The "Opaque" format is linear BC1 (DXT1), the "Explicit" format is linear BC2 (DXT3).
  18. I fixed the issue in DDS FileType Plus version 1.9.7.
  19. Fixed a bug that would cause Paint.NET to hang when saving DXT1 images, file version updated to
  20. Updated the WebP FileType to the latest version.
  21. That error indicates the WIC does not recognize the file format. It may be that the file uses an unsupported TIFF version, or is some other format masquerading as a .tif file.
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