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Everything posted by null54

  1. You need to remove the broken Paint.NET installation with this utility before you can reinstall Paint.NET.
  2. Use PNG if you want to preserve image quality when saving. JPEG is a lossy format, it discards some of the image data during compression. Even the Best Quality setting will reduce the image quality.
  3. My code already uses auto-detection for the bit depth, it ignores the alpha channel if it is opaque. Gray scale (monochrome) support is possible, but when I tested it using cavif the monochrome encoding option it only saved 3 bytes vs a gray scale image saved as 24-bit.
  4. Lossless is supported, but the RGB to YUV conversion is lossy (see https://github.com/joedrago/colorist/issues/26 for more details). What do you mean by bit-depth? If you are referring to bits-per-channel, Paint.NET only supports editing in 8 bits-per-channel.
  5. That may be a sign that you have a hard disk that is failing, try running chkdsk. Also, your Paint.NET version is outdated, the latest version is 4.2.10.
  6. Released beta version 0.7.0. Changes: Add support for negative crop offsets Improve error reporting Reduce memory usage when saving files
  7. An effect that exports the current layer to other image editors. Menu Location: Effects > Tools > That other app+ Compatibility: 4.2.10+ This plugin has the following differences with @Simon Brown's ThatOtherApp plugin: Support for Paint.NET's Dark mode The registry is not searched for applications The tool tips use the file description if it is available instead of the executable name The dialog does not use a "glass" background The temporary image is saved to the user's temp folder instead of Paint.NET User Files Download: ThatOtherAppPlus.zip Source Code: https://github.com/0xC0000054/pdn-that-other-app-plus
  8. Effect plugins do not have access to any document metadata. FileType plugin can access all Document metadata.
  9. Released beta version 0.6.0. Changes: Reduced memory usage when loading files. Added support for loading image grids.
  10. Yes it would, but as I mentioned in my previous post the plugin would have to save a zip file. Paint.NET FileType plugins do not know the location of the file that is being saved (or even if it is a file). A Stream is an abstraction that allows reading and writing bytes from a specific location without the calling code having to know what the underlying storage is. FileType plugins that save images are required to write to the stream that Paint.NET gives them.
  11. @olavrb I posted a plugin that allows Paint.NET to save AVIF files:
  12. This plugin allows AVIF images to be loaded and saved with transparency. This plugin is bundled with Paint.NET 4.2.14 and later. If you need the features from a newer version you can still install the plugin. The plugin will override the bundled version if it has higher version number. Compatibility: 5.0+ Installation: 1. Close Paint.NET. 2. Place AvifFileType.dll, AvifNative_ARM64.dll and AvifNative_x64.dll in the Paint.NET FileTypes folder which is usually located in one the following locations depending on the Paint.NET version you have installed. Classic: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\FileTypes Microsoft Store: Documents\paint.net App Files\FileTypes Portable: <Paint.NET folder>\FileTypes 3. Restart Paint.NET. Download: AvifFileType.zip Source Code: https://github.com/0xC0000054/pdn-avif
  13. Due to the way Paint.NET plugins work the export plugin would have to save the required files into a zip file, that the user would then have to decompress.
  14. That is not currently possible. Hopefully Paint.NET will have a channel selection option at some point in the future. Unfortunately, many games use the DDS alpha channel for things other than transparency.
  15. Paint.NET uses the TIFF functionality that is built-in to Windows (WIC). This is most likely an artifact of converting the image to 8-bits-per-channel when it is loaded in Paint.NET.
  16. Loading is required as the AVIF format can use lossy compression, when IsReflexive returns false the SaveConfigDialog always calls the Load method to get a preview image. After getting my AVIF save code working I discovered that Microsoft's AVIF decoder does not support reading images with transparency, so it looks like I will have to write my own AVIF parsing code if I want to keep the support for saving images with transparency. 😞
  17. A plugin would also need decoding support, as it would replace the Microsoft decoder that Paint.NET currently uses. This also requires reading/writing the AV1 container file format, and I have not yet found a stable library that can do that. Libheif currently only has experimental support for AV1. Libavif has good support for reading/writing the avif file format, but the current version will crash on out of memory conditions.
  18. That is always an option, but hopefully the issue @Ego Eram Reputo opened will get them to remove the repository voluntarily. Quoting the reply you received from GitHub support: Moshyfawn's GitHub profile has a link to a Twitter account, so it may be possible to DM them. The Twitter account includes a YouTube channel link at the top of the page, which I assume is the same one @HyReZ discovered. Also, should this discussion be split into its own thread?
  19. The same would also apply to cube maps and texture arrays. It may be possible to support loading those textures into layers at some point in the future, currently this would be difficult to support in a way that does not confuse users. I already have issues with users not knowing what DDS format their file uses, much less if it is a cube or volume map. There are plenty of other DDS features that this plugin does not support.
  20. I will not be adding volume map support to the plugin. This plugin is designed to handle the 2D texture formats, and volume maps have enough technical differences from 2D textures that it would require major UI changes to support creating/modifying them. DirectXTex has texassemble, a command-line utility that can create them from a list of images.
  21. The rectangle selection tool has a "Fixed Size" option in the toolbar, see https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/RectangleSelectionTool.html#3. You can then use the Crop to Selection option in the Image menu, see https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ImageMenu.html#2. I think the OP is trying to select a 4x6 inch portion of the image and crop to that selection.
  22. Can you upload before/after images showing this to somewhere like Postimage and post a link here?
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