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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. Would you believe the original was a photo accidentally taken of my car door? TG Angle & some fiddling...


    I have a touch screen, amusing when people touch it (I hate fingerprints on my screen & if you touch my laptop screen you will get a very sharp reprimand). :D


    The plant is called (Haworthia Limifolia) Fairies Washboard. I don't know if you have that one? 

  2. @Seerose & @lynxster4thank you for your encouraging comments. I have a few of these but this one is my best :D


    @welshblueyep, it has been a change away from the dark & moody style of years gone by. Too many to mention now. The succulent manips are my faves too because most of my garden is now succulents & cacti. I am an addict. 3 things that spin my wheels aside from hubby: succulents, yarn & my beloved rats. I have 15 of them now. 


    Hypertufa! Wow! They are really awesome. I buy things from the op shop & drill holes with a diamond core bit. 



    • Like 3
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  3. @Woodsy- fantastic work. A huge undertaking but so well worth it. My only criticism would be that the Saloon doors are a little bit too long. Having said that I'd still buy you a drink there :D The perspective is very dramatic too. It's like something is about to happen. Well done. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hi @DazzaDman, welcome to the forum.


    Please check the following:

    • Is the object on its own layer & does not cover the whole layer?
    • Do you have any selections active? If so, deselect.
    • This one, is the thing that gets me most of the time - is the layer you want to work on the active one? Very easily overlooked :( 

    Perhaps sending us a screenshot of what you are trying to do if none of these things helps


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