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Everything posted by Onemorelevel

  1. I've added a Pixel art section, because I've just tryed it, and I love it!!! http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5127/rhfjdjejdv.png New StarScape under my starscapes section! My gallery -------------------------- Since This is one of my best pieces of work, im not going to hide it, I want everyone to see it. Updated! Welcome to my gallery, I will Hide my images in hidden tabs, and there will be a description of what is inside. Also, some of the signature that i made say PCSHOP on them, that is for a different forum, please dont ask what it means. Some of the signatures are over the size limit, because I use them for a different forum too. New signature Hidden Content: Signatures(5) Hidden Content: Vortex Shiny bar thing PCSHOP Proud Sticky Explosives WarFare Backgrounds(3) These are thumbnails, click for a bigger image Hidden Content: Just for fun's(3)New JFF Hidden Content: The lost map http://i634.photobucket.com/albums/uu70 ... scape4.png[/img][/url] FlowerScape Notepad v Most Treasured...(4) Hidden Content: Ipod This one took me a while to make. If I remember how I made it, I might make a tutorial, that is, if you guys think its worthy. Shiny Folder Paint.net CD A desk, One of my favorite. StarScapes(2) Hidden Content: The texture credit goes to: http://planetpixelemporium.com/earth.html And the galaxies are brushes. Why did you make the planet transparent - You Becuz I felt like it - Me Starscape Doomsday, Earth is 1000 years from present day, The solar cosmical clouds affect their atmosphere, Bringing the sun over 1 million miles closer, raising earths temperature by 30 degrees, and sucking in a smaller planet, about to collide with our Earth. But, The biggest fear of the inhabitants of Planet earth, is the Blue dwarf star, that is headed straight for the earth. http://i634.photobucket.com/albums/uu70/Daniel100_2009/BOX.jpg' alt='BOX.jpg'> Before and Afters(1) Hidden Content: Before After Cars(These were made with stocks.) Hidden Content: This one is one of my favorites, it was originally white, with a clouded background. All of these.. Let me repeat that. ALL of these, where made from a blank white canvas, with no stocks. I hope you enjoyed my gallery, I will add more when I feel they are worthy.
  2. This is.... An awesome tutorial! Great Effect, could be useful. But I dont get anything like yours.
  3. Awesome! Im going to download it right now! Is it any faster?
  4. Instead of switching the selection mode to add, for thought ballons, you can hold ctrl, and drag. Good tutorial, I like it.
  5. As he said, you can import Photoshop brushes with another plugin. You could always, just make a few different question brushes, and give them transparent backgrounds, then save them and load them.
  6. I have Photoshop CS4, and I hate it compared to paint.net, with some plugins. It seriously has like 20 effects.
  7. Isnt this something someone might find just by fiddling with effects?
  8. Pretty much what he made in that picture. I think it would be an interesting thing to learn, and I would use it a lot, also it would be a great follow up on your other Shape3d tutorials, so would a pill XD
  9. Plugins like that usually arent that easy to make anyways axle, until you know good C# and have made a number of plug ins.
  10. This is very easy to do. Just download Multi colored gradient tool, then use it to making a gradient that fades into white from grey. Also, the problem you are having with the zip file is probably, you are probably trying to open the .DLL file located inside, what you need to do is open another window, going into your paint.net effects, and move the DLL into there, then restart paint.net. I hope I helped.
  11. I would like to know the grey carpet texture... But none of them are good enough for posting a tutorial, they are just messing with the effects, sorry
  12. Not to be picky or anything, but I kind of want to be able to use shape3d, I figured you are the best person I've seen with shape3d, so i decided to come to you. I mean something in this topic, he gives an example picture of all of the functions, there he makes a pill,box,CD,and a sphere. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5271
  13. I mean, on how to make A CD. I've searched all forums, and used the searchbox and cant find one.
  14. I dont know how you do it Ash, but I love your tutorials I have a request for a tutorial... What about a CD tutorial?
  15. How would you get the picture under the glassy part to kind of be magnified? Would zoom blur work?
  16. May I suggest a planet tutorial? I dare you to turn that to paint.net. If you do, :D :D
  17. Did anyone add the ball and zoom thing to this yet? By ball, I mean the draggable roatation ball thing.
  18. Oh well if he means that.. What do you want on it? What color and stickers? Ads? Think of these first of all, then tell us.
  19. If you are new to this, I DO NOT suggest making a racecar, even some of the experts here couldnt do that.
  20. Cool, Thanks I've been looking for a good planet tutorial.
  21. If you dont know how to do this, I highly suggest you start out with a much simpler paint program. This is very easy Just make a picture and select your face with the rectangle select tool. Then, move it to a different picture, and put it on the right side of the canvas. then make a black rectangle on the left, and type the words.
  22. Will someone please turn this into a text Paint.net tutorial for me? Im sure it would help a lot of other people, and i've tried everything I can to make it. I'm sure this would help a lot of people. Thanks, -OneMoreLevel
  23. Its great, but is there a chance of any planets?
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