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  1. I pretty much have it done, however, there is this white emptiness right next to my picture. How can I remove that? I am looking everything. I can't just cut it?
  2. I have been through that. Doesn't help. Unless you can be more specific in what to read, cause I can't find it.
  3. Okay, I got both pictures in the same box, and the other guy's face is completely black. However, my picture is much more bigger. How can I make it so that it has the same size as the picture shown above?
  4. Okay, I got it. I just increased the brush width.
  5. I am a little hard time erasing the guy's picture with all black. I got most of it, but I need a bunch of small spots filled up.
  6. How can I? The photo takes up the entire box.
  7. http://media.photobucket.com/image/God% ... esugly.jpg I'd like to replace the guy with a picture of my own...And is it also possible to erase the "Atmosphere" and put it in my first name? I saw somebody else do it and I thought it would be cool for me to do. So, is it possible to do this in Paint.NET? Thanks in advance!
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