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Everything posted by LFC4EVER

  1. The wine glass is incredible. Great job! A few pointers though. [*:14taycat]I would add transparency to the wine, and make it darker. Also make it should gradually darken as it reaches the edges and the bottom of the glass, but not too dark. [*:14taycat]The base of the glass is good, but the sharp shadow meeting the "proper" base isn't good. It should fade in. [*:14taycat]Add a shadow of the glass. Glass is translucent, so it still gives a shadow. [*:14taycat]Use a grid or something as a background instead of a gradient. This way you can distort the background and make it seem more glassy. [*:14taycat]Work on the :AntiAliasingOn: too.
  2. I think you need this: Fade Edge Hope it helped. EDIT: Bob got to it before me.. Argh.. :evil:
  3. I'm not sure what you mean.. Glad you like it though. Thanks!
  4. Its pretty easy once you know how. Channels are used and more. Its a tough learning curve though. ] I commented on your latest on sG.
  5. Whaddya think? 100% PDN. I traced the apple with line tool.
  6. Myriad Pro is OpenType font - not supported by PDN. However.. there is a TrueType font available - supported by PDN. Search for Myriad Web Pro. Its the TrueType version of Myriad Pro.
  7. Hey... it wasn't a joke. I actually did. Ok, ok, i didn't but hey, you get the idea.
  8. The reddish one is better. Background is cool, maybe add some effects on top, not too many though.. :wink: __________________________ The following sigs was made entirely in PDN with the exception of the render. v1: v2: v3: Pyro, you rock!!
  9. Again a fantastic piece HELEN! Every update in here is awesome. I would slightly distort and lower the opacity of the clash of the gloss between the large heart and the medium heart. It doesn't look right right now. Looks very glassy and 3D. Great job! I wouldn't advise that. I can see that many edges are :AntiAliasingOn: , not because you aren't capable, because i'm guessing you sort of rushed it. Take your time, and if you aren't physically capable, then take a break. The result would be much more pleasing if you didn't rush it; to yourself too.
  10. A font is your best bet. Try looking here on dafont: http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=605&nb_ppp=50
  11. I love the trunk in the foreground! Great vector texturing! Nice use of dents for the background trees. I never thought of using dents for vector trees lol. Simply amazing piece.
  12. *looks at Vapours piece* *faints*
  13. AFAIK, Ash doesn't make plugins.. but he does make awesome art. Anyways, this plugin would be awesome. So, calling all plugin writers, is such a plugin possible? Please?
  14. Bowl of fruit looks really good! Great job! Just a few things i've noticed though, i'll tell you how to solve them too. [*:2cbw157w]The bananas in the bowl don't match the lightsource, which i presume is from the left. Flip it horizontally, or if you still have the .pdn of the bananas then invert the colors of the light and the shadow, then rotate. [*:2cbw157w]The pears don't match the light source either, just flip them horizontally and you should be good. [*:2cbw157w]The apple and the strawberrys fit the piece well. No problems there. :wink: [*:2cbw157w]Now, the shadow of the pear going onto the other pear (on the right) looks bad to put it plainly. You could solve this by giving it a blend mode that bring some of the pear texture through, but the shadow remaining dark. Or, try opacity too. Once those problems are fixed, are really good piece Goonfella! KIU!
  15. Nice job on the v1 of the fruit bowl. For v2, i'd remove the can, and work on lighting as well as perspective too. It seems off in places.. :? Of course the :AntiAliasingOff: should be fixed, but you know about that, so thats ok. Coming along really well though! KIU
  16. Wowsers, i didn't even realise the Galleria had been updated.. :oops: Anyway, congratulations one being featured in the awesome Galleria HELEN! You don't deserve to have 1 piece in there, but the majority of your works in your gallery featured! *goes and check Galleria*
  17. You'll need to plugins: Align Object and Polar Transformation Write your text on a new layer, and use Align Object to center it on the canvas. Then Effects > Distort > Polar Transformation Set it to Transform Rectangular to Polar, you can play around with the other settings if you wish.
  18. Text effects on your recent are very very cool, but the "box" its on ruins the whole sig. I'd put the text effects on something else, though i don't know what, i have a sort of inspirational black atm. KIU though!
  19. Loving the fruits, great job! All you need to do now is a fruit still life pic. :wink:
  20. Thanks man. easily. wonderful Thanks, and glad your hooked
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