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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. Or do you want a printed version of a particular video tutorial? If so, which tutorial?
  2. 1. Activate the Color Picker tool 2. Right click on the color you wish to replace in your image (i.e. red). 3. Set the Primary color to the new color. 4. Activate the Recolor Tool . Increase the brush size to something significant. 5. Brush over the image with the left mouse button. If the new color overlaps other colors - undo then repeat step 5. with a lower Tolerance.
  3. <moved to Plugin Developer's Central>
  4. November Update Seven new plugins this month including two filetypes, a ScriptLab batch processor, two image tiling tools and Red Ochres' impressive Fur Blur and Cobweb plugins. Alivate Batch File Processor - @merarischroeder. Iterates through a given folder, opening each image with Paint.NET and applying a ScriptLab script before saving the image again. Requires ScriptLab be installed. Chop Up and Save - @Martin Osieka. Chop the current layer into tiles and save them to individual files in a range of formats (including option to ZIP). Four files are required: 2 in /Effects and 2 in the Paint.NET installation folder. Cobweb - @Red ochre. Randomly renders tangents to the 'tone gradient' in the layer/selection. Best applied to an image with smooth tone gradients (i.e. use a low radius blur first). FurBlur - @Red ochre. A blur effect which mimics fur, hair, grass, etc….., Image Tiling FileType - @null54. Splits an image into tiles and saves them a zip file. SVG Filetype - @Martin Osieka. Imports SVG and SVGZ files (Scalable Vector Graphics) and renders them as Paint.NET layers. UnAlpha - @doverdemon77. Highlight fully or partially transparent pixels with the Primary Color, or replace them with different Alpha values.
  5. Glad you got it sorted webdesignbyapw! You've made a nice job of the image. If I have one criticism, it's that the same pattern repeats across the colors. It would be even more impressive if the pattern was offset or different for each. The drop shadow is also very strong. A more subtle effect might have been even more effective - it would give you less of a black edge to the shadow.
  6. The trick is to use Layers. One layer should contain one "piece" of colored paper. The rest of the layer should be transparent. If you apply the Drop Shadow plugin to an object (object = a collection of pixels on a transparent layer), then you'll be able to have the shadow extend over the neighboring piece of paper. E.g. in your image, the colored panels should each be on it's own layer. The right hand (5th) panel + drop shadow = the overlay for the 4th panel. The 4th panel + drop shadow = the overlay for the 3rd panel and so on. IMHO the shadows in your image would look better extending left to right - the reverse of what the image shows.
  7. The Recolor Tool is generally your first option when recoloring. The Tolerance setting in the Tool Bar affects how aggressive or passive it is. It respects shading too as explained in this thread: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/27224-change-a-color-of-one-item-in-a-photo/?hl=recolor#entry398511 What sort of troubles? Can you be more specific? Which plugin was it - and where did you download it from?
  8. I would say almost certainly. Of course the results will depend on the source image and the technique you use. If you link to a tutorial we should be able to say with more certainty if paint.net can mimic it.
  9. Ah. That's your problem. You're finding/downloading stuff from a site which illegally pirates plugins and redistributes them. Avoid them like the plague! The only safe place to download plugins is this forum - or from links posted here by the plugin author. If you go and view the Plugin Index you'll find links to every plugin created for paint.net. You should be able to find the plugin in that list. The pdf and ebook versions of the Plugin Index are free to download and contain even more information on each plugin.
  10. I think this is the only one that might do the job. GIF is not specifically mentioned as being supported. http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14582-paletteconverter-beta/
  11. Oooh. It looks like PS's Fractalius! This is just awesome Thanks so much Red :star:
  12. To my knowledge, dpy hasn't written a plugin by that name. Are you sure that is the correct filename?
  13. Hi zazafromjohor, welcome to the forum. DarkShock has come up with a very nice enhancement. I've edited your original post to change the image to a link. In the paint.net forum we restrict images to a maximum size of 800px wide or tall. This helps out users with slow connections. Enjoy your stay on the forum
  14. There are two plugins which might help Anaglyphs Color Aberation I Googled "Photoshop dispersion" and came up with a number of images which reminded me of this plugin TR's Scatter
  15. Many thanks for that explanation. It will help users a lot when trying to figure out the plugin.
  16. Thanks for sharing this doverdemon77! I managed to figure out how this works by experimentation. As it's not exactly straightforward, how about a mini-tutorial to show users how to..., 1. Highlight 2. Replace ?
  17. This should get you started. You will need @pyrochild's excellent Random Shape Fill plugin. 1. New canvas, any size. 2. Set Primary to #6F1E0C, Secondary color to #FABB67 3. Effects > Render > Random Shape Fill Settings: TriangularConfetti, Fill color Primary & Secondary, No Outline. Play with the Maximum size until you get a nice balance of shapes. 4. New Layer 5. Set Primary to #F96911, Secondary color to #B54800 6. Press Ctrl + F to run RSF again on the new layer. 7. Press F4. Change Blend Mode to Overlay, Opacity to about half (128) 8. Flatten. 9. Effects > Blurs > Gaussian Blur @ 1 Result: Your demo image has more layers and contrast. This technique can be repeated on more layers to get a more complicated effect.
  18. Sweet of you Sasha Thanks. I suppose after my Alice entry I left myself open for a response
  19. You got it. And a nice image too. Welcome to the forum Abats
  20. I would like to ask a question or two to clarify the plugin situation. 1. Plugins compiled using references to the paint.net 3.5.x dlls will continue to work with 3.5.x (obviously) and also 4.0? 2. Plugins compiled using references to the paint.net 4.0 dlls will work with 4.0 but not 3.5.x? 3. Am I correct to assume CodeLab generates plugins compatible with version(s) under the same reasoning as 1 and 2? I'm trying to spell this out as clearly as possible because there are bound to be numerous questions arising from this.
  21. Not to take anything away from null54's filetype plugin, but Martin Osieka has created a similar plugin which may also appeal. It works as a tool (i.e. a regular Effect) and not as a filetype. Find it here: Chop Up and Save
  22. This thread is almost three years old LABHOUSE. At this age the conversation is considered OVER. Please check the date of the last post in a General Discussion thread before answering it. Thanks <locked>
  23. I was gonna enter - but it would be EGO-tistical of me
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