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Ego Eram Reputo

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Everything posted by Ego Eram Reputo

  1. You'd go broke exposing clients to bad punctuation and terrible grammar...
  2. Only as collections of pixels on their own layer. See here: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html The puzzle piece and the heart are on their own layers - and can be moved around as a single item by moving the entire layer.
  3. It should be in Effects > Render (under R for Relief Map...) If it is not there, check the Settings for plugin errors.
  4. After a selection is made with any of the Selection Tools, hit the M key to activate the Move tool ( ). The control nubs will appear around the region. Grab a control nub and use the keyboard arrow keys to push it around. The pixels under the selection outline will follow. If you want to manipulate the selection outline (and not the pixels in the image), Hit the M key twice (aka Move Selection Tool ). Now moving the control nubs alters the selection outline without changing the image.
  5. I really like this. Makes me wistful for the paint-by-numbers artworks of the 70's.
  6. It should work with any length string. We're not clipping the length at all. ...looks like Imgur are serving different formats. I'll investigate.
  7. Expand the Colors Window (click the More button) Your current palette is in the bottom left corner. The swatch is clickable with both left and right mouse buttons (= Primary and Secondary colors respectively). This is going to be much faster than trying to use a keyboard to enter the colors.
  8. PDN are lossless <edit: beaten by @BoltBait> Put your source images on their own layer and save, save, save (i.e. make multiple copies). A good method is to date stamp the filename so you keep up-to-date and can see the history of the image at a glance.
  9. Did you first remove the broken installation with the tool mentioned in step one?
  10. You are missing the point. Just because it appears "simple" to you does not mean it is so. Rick puts an enormous amount of effort into testing and refining new features. They don't happen just because someone thinks it "should be easy". Paint.net was more than half a million lines of code way back in 2019. It could easily be double that now.
  11. Do you have the Platform Update installed? It's a requirement for Classic installs under Win 7. See https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/SystemRequirements.html Reminder:
  12. I was referring to the palette. Left = install to Primary, Right = install to Secondary. Not so the color wheel (as you pointed out). I wish it did
  13. October & November Update Well, there isn't one. No new plugins have been released into the wild in the last two months. I'll keep setting the traps and let you know if I catch one
  14. That's what the color swatch is for (number 6 below). Left Click on the color to select it as the Primary color. Right clicking selects the color as the Secondary color. The Colors Window is more powerful than you're giving it credit for, and I suspect there are a few tips you've yet to discover (e.g. you can assemble and show your own custom palettes). Check out the documentation on it here https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ColorsWindow.html
  15. Actually, I meant drag & drop in the image list in PDN. You can seize a little thumbnail and drag the blighter sideways to reorder them. (I've just written myself a note to explain this in the Docs) I'm glad my obscure suggestion gave you a workaround
  16. Hello @kaykaysnowdancer - welcome to the forum Select the Color Picker tool (looks like an eyedropper) and click on the color you want to copy. This will install the color into the Primary Color slot ready for you to use with the next tool you activate.
  17. @MadManDiscoBear sent me this image It looks like there are extra files in your installation directory: .dotnet folder & Native folder. I'm not sure you should have any files starting with api. If I was you, I'd... Uninstall paint.net. Delete the Program files > paint.net folder (if it remains after uninstalling PDN). Reinstall paint.net. Someone else might have a more elegant solution than my brutal suggestion - so wait for more comments before undertaking what I propose.
  18. Why not lower the opacity of the top layer and eyeball it? This took less than a minute....
  19. Navigate to your paint.net installation folder take a screenshot (right click + take a screenshot). Paste the image into paint.net and save it. Upload the image to a 3rd-party hosting site. Post the URL here.
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