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Everything posted by HELEN

  1. These are so very cool! I wish Ash would stop by to see your art.
  2. Your latest works, wow. What a treat! It's so gloomy here for the past week or so, so this was refreshing to see your creative and gorgeous works. By the way, the plugin sort of reminded me of my hair when it's humid or raining. Yeah, frizzy hair. Nice job yet once again!
  3. Woah! Great volcano eruption! Love it!
  4. Red, by the way, I was kind of hoping (hoping really badly, actually) that you'll be posting more drawings of yours. We really need to see more of your work.
  5. I love your new spacescapes, Skull. You seriously have to invite me to go to space. By the way, the cutting board with the knife and wine glass is superb! Great black and white design, too!
  6. Goon, wow! I feel that every time you post a new image, my jaw drops and I say, "Wow" out loud. That means it's superb, Goon. It means that you're an artist.
  7. Pixey, you so deserve the Galleria piece. Congrats, my friend. My sweet dumpling!
  8. Pixey, this is one breathtaking image. Wow! The details are phenomenal! Love the colors, too!
  9. It looks like part of a camera. Really cool, Trevor. I love how it's a simple design. It will look great for a Website.
  10. That's a really pretty blue container, Seerose. It looks so magical!
  11. Looks like you created this fractally design in Chaoscope or some other fractal-renderer-majigger. Nice job, Sasha! The colors are to die for. Well, not really to die for, but you get my point.
  12. That's really cool. I love that idea. Thank you.
  13. That's a great-looking wallpaper. Any hints on how you achieved the gorgeous pattern?
  14. GREAT new art. The third one down kind of reminds me of art that my sister taught me to create in a graphics calculator.
  15. Wow. And wow! You really have a nice set of skills with graphic design. You're an excellent designer.
  16. A huge congrats to Goon and those who have entered! :)
  17. That's really awesome what you made. By the way, for the ice cube, you can try playing with the Liquify Plugin to make the edges rounder and make it look like a melting ice cube.
  18. I recently saw Stargate with my sister on Netflix. I have been wanting to watch it ever since it came out, but I never had a chance to. Lovely work. Incredible atmosphere, too.
  19. It's beautiful, Sasha. Nice to see you on here again. Missed you.
  20. Dryda, there was a pun--forgot to mention it. And you're very welcome!
  21. The texture in the latest one is out-this-world. Everything seems like it was created that way and you took a photo of it. Reminded me of the movie, Zathura that I mentioned on the Fans board. Really, really awesome!
  22. Woah! Your photo manipulations keep getting better and better. The elephant one is so beautiful. Seamless, too.
  23. A BIG congratulations to MikeRobe! Congrats to CC4..., ventor, and everyone else!
  24. Congratulations on your latest piece in the Galleria, Red. You totally deserve it!
  25. Ooh...the spiralies are beautiful! Futuristic almost. So cool!
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