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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. Please ensure you also have the Platform Update installed: https://www.microsoft.com/download/confirmation.aspx?id=36805
  2. Your code is not using the source pixels; it's just using the Primary Color for every single pixel.
  3. The plugin was released here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/107652-ruler-v10-march-12-2016/
  4. @Gifcat, please re-download the plugin from here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/31629-animated-images/ I have ensured that page now has the corrected build. Let us know if it works.
  5. Sounds like the .ico plugin is generating bad icons. I suggest opening both the original icon and the modified icon in a dedicated icon program, and compare the two icon files side-by-side. Here are some trial programs to use for troubleshooting/investigating: https://www.axialis.com/iconworkshop/ https://icofx.ro/downloads.html Let us know what you find out.
  6. I believe the pixels within the selection are Transparent White, and the surrounding pixels are Transparent Black. If I remember correctly, there was talk about changing the Magic Wand to treat all Transparent pixel the same, regardless of RGB values. Not sure if/when that will happen.
  7. This looks like an issue with the .NET Framework itself. It is having trouble understanding the App.config file. Which version of Windows 10? Which version of .NET Framework? If you're running Windows 10 1903, then run the sfc command. If you're running an older version of Windows 10, then install .Net Framework v4.8, or update to Windows 10 1903.
  8. I've been using Snippets more and more in Visual Studio. I wanted to add a bunch of them to CodeLab, but I don't think people want the same snippets that I do. So... I'm thinking CodeLab could benefit from a Snippet Manager where you can add your own custom snippets. For example, say you're working on your script, and you realize you need to retrieve the current palette. You can have a snippet called curPal (or whatever), and it would expand into: IReadOnlyList<ColorBgra> CurrentColors = Services.GetService<IPalettesService>().CurrentPalette; As it stands, you have to open the Templates (File -> New), and generate a whole new file. Then you have to copy and paste the relevant line of code from one tab to another. Unless of course you have that palette code memorized, and are willing to type it out. Who wants this? Or is it just me?
  9. OptiPNG is a lossless compressor. It's going to take a long time regardless of the preview. In fact, the preview has nothing to do with the wait.
  10. Can you post the crash log here, so we can see what the specific issue is?
  11. You need to make a selection before using the Gradient tool. Just as the video shows.
  12. You could try using the Hugin program with your scans. http://hugin.sourceforge.net/
  13. The issue is yet to be addressed. It has been mentioned as a development priority though. https://blog.getpaint.net/2018/12/26/whats-next-for-paint-net-in-2019/
  14. Sorry, no. Paint.NET uses RGB, not HSV. Most programs and image formats use RGB. By all means use the software that fits your needs. Whether that's Paint.NET or something else. Or both together.
  15. The colors in your image are RGB values, and they represent the true/real/actual values. The HSV vales are just approximations based on the RGB values, and are provided for convenience. They do not represent the true values in your image. The two color modes (RGB & HSV) are not interchangeable, and there's really no way to 100% accurately convert from one to another. Thus you'll see that "off by 1" behavior.
  16. Please post a screenshot. Unfortunately, your description doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
  17. Hello @susan welsh, can you give some more information; we only know what you tell us. Maybe provide a screenshot that shows the issue.
  18. Sorry, we don't offer support for MS Paint here. This is actually the forum for the Paint.NET software program.
  19. Hello @vaaski, I have looked into this, and yes, a change did happen in v4.2 that affects this plugin. This plugin uses a programming function from Paint.NET called Surface.CopyFromBitmap(). In older version of Paint.NET under certain circumstances, all transparent pixels were incorrectly converted to Transparent White (RGBA value of 255, 255, 255, 0). This programming function was corrected in Paint.NET v4.2, and transparent pixels now retain their RGB values. The Alpha Mask plugin relied on this incorrect behavior. That is, it assumed that if a pixel is transparent, then it will be Transparent White. As @Eli pointed out, you have Transparent Black on the left and top edges of your mask image. To correct this, you can use the Transparent to Transparent White plugin to ensure all Transparent pixels are Transparent White.
  20. You can use the Shift key when using the Line/Curve tool.
  21. MacType is known to cause issues with Paint.NET. Please try disabling it. Why are you using such an old Radeon driver? Is it just for the hacked refresh rates?
  22. Yes, switch to the Move Selection tool, and then use the arrow keys on your keyboard. Yes, take a look at Paste Selection in the Edit menu. Select 'Copy Selection' in Paint.NET's edit menu, paste into a text editor, change the coordinates, copy the changed text, use Paste Selection in Paint.NET's edit menu. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/EditMenu.html#9.2
  23. @CybOn, your hard drive is at capacity. You should delete or move some stuff off of it.
  24. Are you using Window Blinds or something similar?
  25. Yes, your installation of the .NET Framework is broken. Since v4.8 is built into Win 10 1903, you need to run the System File Checker. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026529/windows-10-using-system-file-checker
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