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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. Please confirm you don't have Ghostscript v9.27 installed.
  2. Really, you can't read the last few posts right above your own? Please take some more initiative next time. Anyways, this plugins uses the Ghostscript.NET library to interoperate with Ghostscript. Unfortunately, Ghostscript.NET is not fully compatible with the newest release of Ghostscript. You can see the relevant bug report here: https://github.com/jhabjan/Ghostscript.NET/issues/62 As a work-around, simply install Ghostscript v9.26.
  3. No one ever said you have to create a realistic object for this competition. For example, you could create your object in a watercolor style; which I think would still get a lot of votes.
  4. That is a feature of Layer Groups, but Paint.NET doesn't support Layer Groups.
  5. The feature of cropping the image to remove the transparent edges is called Image Trimming. There's no way to do it automatically in Paint.NET. I don't know about the scaling aspect you've mentioned; your example image doesn't even demonstrate that.
  6. The issue should be resolved in Paint.NET v4.2.5: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/115175-full-page-screenshot-color-distortion/
  7. You can't use Google Images outside of a program. Are you using Mozilla Firefox?
  8. Sure, if you make one. https://fossbytes.com/what-is-a-batch-file-in-windows-how-to-create-a-batch-file/ /trolling 😈
  9. You'll need to troubleshoot the drag glitch issue. You can start by booting Windows into Safe Mode, and see if the issue persists. This will tell us if there's another program that's interfering with Paint.NET. Let us know the result.
  10. Do you use any of the following programs? or any kind of gaming overlay programs? Mirillis Action!, Window Blinds, EVGA PrecisionX, Powerstrip, MSI Gaming APP, Webroot, ATI Hydravision, Discord Overlay, MacType, Fraps, Asus ROG Sonic Studio and Dolphin SuperNova. Please also post your Diagnostic information: Settings -> Diagnostics -> Copy to clipboard
  11. Besides watching for new forum threads, new plugins are announced monthly here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/15260-plugin-index/?do=getLastComment As for a monthly report of updated plugins, there currently isn't one.
  12. Why would you think that? <- Not a rhetorical question; I'm genuinely curious. Why don't you try the plugin you already have first, then worry about downloading a new one if that first one didn't work.
  13. If you want to combine many small images into one image, you can use this tool: https://spritegenerator.codeplex.com/
  14. It's part of the Microsoft Visual C++ runtime. Rick explained here: https://mobile.twitter.com/rickbrewPDN/status/1174754574034333696
  15. This plugin uses Reflection to access a private field that no longer exists in Paint.NET. FieldInfo fi = input.GetType().GetField("stream", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); FileStream fs = fi.GetValue(input) as FileStream; This is not a bug in Paint.NET. The plugin will need to updated. This is why there are rules; to protect plugins from becoming broken like this.
  16. I have posted a bug-fix release (v2.1) in the first post. It solves two performance issues: - If there was not an image on the clipboard, the plugin re-attempted to retrieve an image from the clipboard on every single pixel. This is why the plugin would hang sometimes. - The plugin computed shading data on every single pixel, even when a pixel didn't need or use shading data. It should be much faster now. Also, the plugin now uses a built-in method from Paint.NET to retrieve images from the clipboard; simplify the plugin source code.
  17. I know you're excited and all, but please refrain from using all caps and letter/punctuation elongation. The custom text color and size is a bit unnecessary too. No hard feelings. Thanks.
  18. Correct, it would not. Paint.NET still has many Windows dependencies that aren't even part of .NET. For example: WIC, Direct2D, and DXGI. I'm not sure what Android 10 has to do with anything here. Mouse and keyboard support was added in Android 3.1, and multi-window support was added in Android 6.
  19. You must have Win 10 v1903. In this case, you'll need to run the System File Checker: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4026529/windows-10-using-system-file-checker
  20. Please install the .NET Framework first: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/thank-you/net48 Once that has been installed, try to install paint.net again. Let us know how it goes.
  21. You need to reinstall the .NET Framework: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/thank-you/net48
  22. Support for the DDS format has been completely redone in v4.2.2. Please try the beta release, and let us know if that resolves your issue. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/115086-paintnet-422-beta-build-7192/
  23. Howdy, @carpless, Which image format are you saving in? Or do you have this issue with every format? Are you saving images large dimensions and/or many layers? No one is forcing you to update paint.net. You can decline the updates when prompted. You can also disable update checking in paint.net's Settings.
  24. Do you have an Nvidia GPU? If so, try this: NVIDIA control panel. → 3D Settings Management. → Selected graphics processor. Change to: "Auto-select Let us know if that solves the issue.
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