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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. Sounds like you have an existing paint.net installation that has become broken. Please use this utility to remove the broken installation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed Afterwards, you should be able to install paint.net anew.
  2. As I said, the work-around is to change the scaling in Windows to 100%.
  3. @ColoradoPaul, Your screenshot are way too tiny to see what's going on. It's probably just a HiDPI scaling issue though. Try changing to 100%.
  4. Yes, take a look the Dynamic Draw plugin. The setting you want to set within the plugin is called "Symmetry: At Points" https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/110673-dynamic-draw/
  5. A good option is to use IrfanView, which has lots of printing customization:
  6. If you want to disable the anti-aliasing, there a button for that in the toolbar.
  7. Perhaps you simply haven't mastered the new version yet. What are you trying to achieve?
  8. I think you'd better read the instructions again. It sounds like you're trying to create the folders in the wrong location. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/InstallPlugins.html#4
  9. Hi @todor-dk, Although PerMonitorV2 can be enabled in WinForms, it's not actually well supported. Many controls will recalculate their sizes incorrectly, and the the UI becomes unusable. Fixing the PerMonitorV2 bugs remains a priority for WinForms team/contributors, so hopefully it will be in a good state when dotnet 8 is released in November. https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc+PerMonitorV2
  10. The Color Wheels are not updating when I click and drag my mouse across them.
  11. It should be possible to combine those two buttons, and add some logic to decide which code path to take. I'll take a look. EDIT: PR submitted for review.
  12. None of the animated plugins have been updated to take advantage of the v5.0 features. They're still compatible though. Midora's plugin is regarded as the better one. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/118869-gif-animations-and-images-filetype-plugin-gif-agif/ Be sure to read the tutorial: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/31665-make-an-animated-gif-with-midoras-plugin/
  13. That doesn't sound right. Can you show us a screenshot of the error message?
  14. Paint.net version 5.0 acts similar to 4.3. Why do you think otherwise?
  15. The plugin requires paint.net v5. We don't offer any support for old versions of paint.net here on the forum.
  16. You are using a very old version of paint.net, and you must update to the most recent version. Settings -> Updates -> Check Now
  17. Sounds like you have an existing paint.net installation that has become broken. Please use this utility to remove the broken installation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed Afterwards, you should be able to install paint.net again.
  18. Please post the diagnostic information found within paint.net. Settings -> Diagnostics -> Copy to clipboard.
  19. No, this is an out-of-date version. You need to use the most recent version; found here: https://forums.getpaint.net/BoltBaitPluginPack
  20. Sounds like you have an existing paint.net installation that has become broken. Please use this utility to remove the broken installation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed Afterwards, you should be able to install paint.net anew.
  21. AutoHotkey v2 removed support for the legacy syntax. The script will need to be rewritten using the expression syntax. If you need help with that, you'll need to ask the AHK community. Alternatively, you can just install both v1 and v2.
  22. Yes, it supposed to happen when using Ctrl+Wheel. The behavior has not changed, so no issue there.
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