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Everything posted by toe_head2001

  1. I found some time to hack away on CodeLab during the past few days, and I have a few new features brewing. Behold, a new 'Find & Replace' floating panel.
  2. Yeah, I think that's fine. We just need make it disambiguous. 'SVG' is used in a couple of other places in the manual, when maybe it shouldn't be.
  3. Sorry, ShapeMaker can't do that. Use Inkscape to trace your image. We ought to remove the term 'SVG' from the documentation, since it ambiguous between the generic term 'Scalable Vector Graphics', and the 'Scalable Vector Graphics' file format.
  4. When you installed paint.net, did it actually say it had been successfully installed? Did you see this?
  5. Howdy, I've fixed this for the next release. However, anytime you use the UI Designer, it will revert the number back to 0 in your script. You'll need to make sure it's correct before building a DLL.
  6. Are you sure you have antialiased selections enabled? https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/SelectionTools.html#21 There's a Follow button at the top of the page.
  7. That limit is your personal quota for attachments. You can manage your attachments here: https://forums.getpaint.net/attachments/ Most people host their image at a third-party, like Imgur or Postimage. You realize that paint.net can make resized copies, right?
  8. Ancient plugins that used the AmountEffectConfigDialog (or TwoAmount or ThreeAmount) class show White text on a non-Black background, when using the Dark Theme. Example: Lens Distortion
  9. Don't waste your time with that plugin. It functions extremely poorly; to the point it's not practical to use. I think it was made as an experiment. Does the Lens Distortion plugin fit your needs?
  10. ^^ In these cases, I like to make the maximum value dynamic; based on the size of the canvas/selection.
  11. We've been doing this competition for a year now. Hopefully it's been well for everyone that has competed in it.
  12. I'm in the processes of updating my plugins with Custom UI to be 'Dark Theme' aware. Lookie here: I'll be posting these updated versions once paint.net 4.0.20 is released.
  13. You need to use the Bucket tool within the selection. Clicking outside of the selection will not do anything.
  14. Tell us specifically which step you're having trouble with so we can help. You can also take a look at the documentation for the Recolor tool: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/RecolorTool.html
  15. You're probably like... 'Whatever Man' but I should tell you that Planetoid has some major HiDPI issues.
  16. Had to, eh? There are better choices than Abode Reader when it comes to PDF viewers. Can't Windows 10 already read PDF files without any additional software anyways?
  17. There currently no official way for a plugin to detect which theme is active. I think Rick will eventual add this ability for plugins. The CodeLab editor has a Dark theme also, and it would be cool if it automatically switch to that Dark theme when paint.net's Dark theme is active. That is to say, CodeLab themes could be [Automatic, Light, Dark], once plugin can detect paint.net's theme. The best option right now is to use an icon that works on both Light and Dark themes. (plugins should already be doing this for High Contrast accessibility...)
  18. You may vote for up to 5 entries. Poll will close on at 0300 UTC (3:00 AM UK Time) on Saturday, December 30. See the Countdown for exact time remaining.
  19. Yeah, those have custom User Interfaces, which won't work 100% correctly without some tweaks by their authors.
  20. Sorry, plugins can't do that; never could. Here's some more information on the matter: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/14566-what-is-and-isnt-possible-when-writing-plugins/
  21. Hmm, I've never experienced that myself. Can you identify exactly when it occurs? i.e. under what conditions. Clicking an individual Nub should just move that particular Nub with arrow keys. Clicking the Four-way Arrow should move the whole shape with arrow keys. Then again, you could always follow this solid advice:
  22. This can also be done with the Trail plugin. For sure this time.
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