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Everything posted by oma

  1. oma


    oh shucks. :oops: from that I'm taking it you thought I never checked your gallery out. :wink: I look at all the pictorium galleries just don't always leave comments especially on sigs. Not because I don't like sigs but there is just so much a person can say on sigs. still I'm looking forward to viewing your new work. ciao OMA
  2. not being much of a photographer I didn't understand much of the critiques you gave yourself on this one and those listed by Gamerworld. but I do know what I like the looks of. and this is really speaking to me. ! the sky is spectacular. certainly looks like a lovely place to live. thanks for sharing with us. ciao OMA
  3. that's really good.! looks like a pleasant place to live in that little pixel world. great work. ciao OMA
  4. oma


    looking forward to viewing what you've been working on. will check in again tomorrow. :wink: ciao OMA
  5. well stranger nice to see you've joined us once again to post. that little duckling is just so cute. great job. look forward to seeing more of your work ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    @theonlychad thanks for vote on "whispers" it is truly an image from deep within. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. @DarkShock thanks ever so much for leaving a comment in my gallery. I truly appreciate when someone takes the time to stop by and view my work. @thanks you Nemo. I find it very soothing as well, my little inner Zen being called on to calm my fears. Things will settle hopefully soon. Its the waiting for test results that kicks a persons inner strength around. @Helen thanks ever so much for nice words. I sent you screen shot via PM. Its not much as it was taken near the end mainly just to capture a few steps of the history I wanted to remember. It should give you an idea of all that went into this one. @yy10 thanks for stopping by. I've many pictures like this but seldom share them anymore as they are just too revealing of my innner thoughts. When I do share I like to hear that others enjoy them as much as I do. @Sokagirl thanks ever so much for the confetti. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. thanks for leaving a comment. 22971 ps everyone I don't even mind if you leave a comment you don't like them. but just know you are looking deep into my life in my abstracts. each one tells you very much about how I feel at the moment, what I think of and where I'm heading. if you view leave a comment even just to let me know you stopped by for a visit but unfortunately no one was home. :wink:
  7. pippa I like your planet wallpaper it is very restfull looking. I'm hoping you head in this direction a bit more. you've a talent there I think you are hiding. Venture forth young man, I can see you soaring to new heights, maybe even outerspace. :wink: . ciao OMA
  8. I like the photo manipulation you did on those shoes. they look like neon. real super hero style footware. welcome to the forum. look forward to viewing some more of your work. ciao OMA
  9. I usually view your work thru DA but thought I should leave a comment here as well about that scene of transparent sea. That's really smart looking! very avante garde sort of artwork. ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Sharp 7.25.11

    excellent orb not just the run of the mill round circle and done. The colors look good together and I like the charcol shades of grey rather than true black. gives much more sophisticated look. ciao OMA
  11. I like the glossy Blocks like walking past one of those fancy television shops in the mall and seeing this magnificent rose being played on a wall of screens. lovely. ciao OMA
  12. @A Fleeting Glimpse that landscape is magnificent. I find that the sheep are distracting because they are so white and immediately draw your eye to them when the rest of the picture is so restful and muted colors. . perhaps one or two sheep closer to the fence would be a better composition and give them more of a dirty beige color. that's my critique now my wish..... I want to be able to do a landscape 1/2 as well. great job as always. ciao OMA .
  13. Frontcannon that one is truly lovely. The color is very nice. Its whispy yet structured. very very pretty. have you ever wondered what a whisper looks like? larger version on pg 65 of my gallery ciao OMa
  14. check madjiks pkg of plugins. he has a gradiant blur that may help. ciao OMA
  15. Well its in the rules we need to upload thru a photo hosting site. my guess its something to do with amount of space on the forum. ??? not really sure why but its just how things work around here. nice start to your gallery and some nice images. Don;t worry if you stick with it you will be wizzing around here working with the plugins in no time at all. ciao OMA PS suggestion: since we are allowed one gallery each in the pictorium many of us name our galleries mine is simple just "Oma's gallery" maybe something with your name would make it easier for us to find your work for repeat looks.
  16. nice plugin! this one I've been playing with tonight. It was the start point in the new abstract I just posted. ciao OMA
  17. oma

    Oma's gallery

    I often wonder what whispers look like. Whispers 22867 the inspiration of this piece came from someone dear to me going thru a series of tests in hospital "whispers is very much one of my inner zen piece of artwork. I was thinking of little whispers of endearment. the colors of love , softness of rainbows and blures of uncertainty. I needed to calm my soul from wild flights of fear."
  18. yes it is what you need to really read. get your self a photobucket account. upload the picture to photobucket. right clik the image tag that comes up under the picture copy it and post it in your message on this forum. ciao OMA
  19. viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26979 <= reading material.
  20. I like that tulip. It definetly was not what I expected very richly colored good job on those playful shapes. . ciao OMA
  21. congrats on your first plugin. I'm not too sure where I'll use this. but will definitely try to work in into a picture when I've time to experiment and playfully push it to boundries you don't expect. ciao OMA
  22. so that's it. nothing was seeming to line up in my mind. will get my self another book ordered right away. this computor business moves way too fast. I'm still thinking "0" and "1" punch cards. ciao OMA edit books take forever to come in sometimes here in the north so I've found a few internet sites. does this one seem like a good place for me to start. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Articles/A ... tionID=144
  23. try power stretch plugin and buldge. depends on the oreintation of the person in the picture. ciao OMA PS thanks for editing the title to something much more appropriate to the group.
  24. don't get discouraged. I've been reading and re reading C+ book for over a year. just starting to get the idea of what's what. I haven't even tried to do a plugin yet. you are way ahead of me. keep at it. go slow, try not to get discouraged. ciao OMA
  25. Is true. You can't beat bouncing ideas off of each other. I've learnt a lot that way ... as for competition; we should all be helping each other instead of wanting to be better than ... :wink: Nice job AFG And nice compilation of your stuff onemorelevel. A few things not right, but I'm sure you know what they are :wink: truer words have not been spoken. I myself have learned more by trying to help others solve a problem than going it alone. ie: thatch roof made me think outside the box :wink:
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