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Everything posted by oma

  1. Chad slow down man.... you've got me in a tizzy trying to keep up viewing all these great images. You are another fellow on fire, showing up with one fantastic image after another. I'm amazed at how quickly you are really advancing in your PDN skills. wow! ciao OMA
  2. lovely tut! should help some of the newbies get over their fears of tackling more advanced images. great job nemo. ciao OMA
  3. oma


    Oh that was a great story Helen. Matches the image to a "T". Yellowman you are like a man on fire! popping those images out faster and faster ....each one better than the last. great! ciao OMA
  4. what a great texture. I totally agree with Helen you need to make something with that one. I can not wait to see what you turn it into, my guess it will be awesome. :wink: ciao OMA
  5. I commented on the flowers in realistic thread it is fantastic. so very colorful and cheerful! When you PM'd me you had a pink flamingo and welding torch in the works for a friend it was a real shocker. Well frankly I had no idea in the world how you would pull that one off. But seeing it now, its magnificent! so hillarious. what a PDN great artist you are turning out to be, it is always a pleasure to view what's new in your gallery. ciao OMA
  6. @possum that is just so precious. Like it jumped right out of a storybook onto your screen. I just love those cat tails! you have growing there. Chad that looks so much better now with the background changed. really nice work! ciao OMA
  7. oma

    Oma's gallery

    why thanks you nemo. I certainly hope its my best work so far. I've been really really trying for that photo realistic picture look. I once again have added more screen shots on pg 68. I was agonizing over the trees on the right..... The near shore needed some rocks as well. now it looks closer to a northern Canadian rocky shield landscape. still more to come. ciao OMA
  8. oma

    Oma's gallery

    updated work in progress on landscape image pag 68 still a long ways to go yet. :wink: ciao OMA
  9. that photo manip is really nicely done. So much more vibrant and interesting. It certainly is good to see you posting images lately. Also I didn't have a chance to comment your wallpaper entry. That was smartly done a real good contender. I see you voted for yourself cheeky. ciao OMA
  10. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Thanks you for nice things you say about this one already ..... I added another screen shot on pg 68 for further work in progress. note the sky is not rotated but has been transparent gradiant. This gave the distant clouds less visability and added more distance depth to the image. The rocks have been redone and any further color change will happen at end with blend modes for entire image. Same with the grass it will still be darkend for more realism, getting away from that granny smith apple green color. did you all look closely at how the water shimmmers on the right side and the different directions the ripples go. especially around the rocks. Water does not always ripple in one set direction it flows and ebbs around objects. the history I show in that screen shot down the left side. well that all is just the little tiny water laps around the rocks. Lots of work but makes the image really look like the water is moving. ciao OMA more to come still
  11. oma

    Oma's gallery

    barbieq25 you want to come rummage around in my trash bin? There is a lot of little bits and pieces ..... maybe I should have a garage sale of 1/2 done PDN's I've put on the shelf and not completed. One more I guess wouldn't hurt to save. ciao OMA
  12. oma

    Oma's gallery

    Helen I've been trying to draw a pesky seagull to stand on that rock for this image. (see image top left the name of this file is seagull.pdn) Not doing too well with the little scavenger. so maybe its not going to happen. not sure what technique for grass yellowman did. mine is basically mirror over line taperd line like ASH showed us on PDN. do about 10 blades bend a few in spots. add shadows and gradiants to a couple and then merge the lot all into one piece. then proceed to duplicate layers and distort each additional layer just a tad and change some layers brighter and some darker. nothing techinical just piddly. one of these days I'll do up about 15 or 20 different tufts and then all I have to do is stamp them with brushes. Nab yes think I should be doing that tilt soon. Only in my mind it was sort of a just off 45 degree tilt so I can have sand and surf angled. also more colors to do in sky yet. long ways from done and if that seagull doesn't start to take shape soon the whole project will be in the rubbish bin. ciao OMA PS I'm not personally sold on the rocks color so that might just get redone as well. It looks like a beached seal to my eyes right now. can't have that or the animal activists will be on my case.
  13. what a pretty kitty. great job Helen.(as always :wink: ) ciao OMA
  14. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you all for the comments. it was just a keep busy project. as i thought thru some items for this work in progress sorry have to consider it done. I flattened both copies of the pdn by mistake.
  15. I imagine since you haven't said in your first post this will work with the new Beta version? just tested in Beta works fine. good plugin BoltBait. looks like a combination of edges and releif. The adjustable sliders are great. one note to picture makers you have any jaggies they will really show up. :wink: so you better work on eliminating them or incorporating them into the overal image. ciao
  16. @Pimwing. That wood texture is very good and the paper is like Welshblue said awesome. grass is something you should attempt in paint.net. This example is just a quick 5 min. off the top of my head grass imitation. I'm sure with the original picture in front of you it would be possible to spend more than 5mins and have some fantastic looking grass in that image. Then you can claim its 100% PDN. (ASH quick tut taper line (mirror over line)) some gradiants and a little bulge outside the grass blades (my pear tut) epicephinay now that's a fine use of the s3d . I'd like to see you fill those black endpieces in with some tufted fabric. ciao OMA 5 mins grass
  17. I'm liking that one it is really inventive. Can not make my mind up which part I like the best. Maybe the stars because being done in green is unexpected and not the norm. Or..... well maybe it is the bottom portion reminds me of green jello and I love green jello..... or maybe its that little green blue piece right in the middle of the bottom half. Just because that blue green color is my favourite color. great image it speaks to me heart. ciao OMA
  18. Now this new star scape is actually very realistic looking compared to the old one. The old one was real good but this new one is great. The colorization is so much better/more beleivable. . ciao OMA
  19. Pink Floyd one great band, one of my favourites. Never did get a chance to see them live in concert. One of my biggest mistakes. Can I ask which albumn/song inspired this image to you? It has just the right vibes for the bands sound, but I'm very curious which song speaks thru this image. I seem to recall most of their early record covers featured black and red colored graphics over multi colored ones. Those multi colored ones I beleive didn't come till the 70's. yes here is the link I was looking for. http://www.pinkfloyd.net/albums/ ciao OMA ps My favourite albumn is dark side of the moon. Speaking of which I'm going downstairs and digging that one out for another listen.
  20. you know I just had to let you know again "I love your work!" I'm glad you are really starting to explore those plugins. they can only add to your already great talent. ciao OMA
  21. well if this is where you live I'm packing my bags right now and coming for a visit. That scenery is lovely. Is this taken with your own camera and manipulated/adjusted in Paint.net or just a download from internet of where you live? usually when people download and switch out and manipulate a photo its nice to see the original (as a link) so we can compare to the worked on one . Gives others an idea of how things can be done to their own images. you've got a nice start to your gallery. I've put it on my watch list and will come by from time to time. May not always leave a message but I certainly do look. ciao OMA
  22. sokagirl I go away for a week or so and come back to see you've added and added and added one great image after another. Slow down girl you are making me dizzy trying to keep up. Oh the joys of being youthful and so energetic. great job on your gallery. Its really coming to life. And to think you once thought you were not good. great great great. ciao OMA PS (Polar often has what looks like little faces one of the reasons I find it so fun to use).
  23. that work in progress is smashing. can not wait for the tut. will be something I definetly will try. ciao OMA
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