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Everything posted by oma

  1. would it be possible somewhere along the line in development to give us a function to increase by 100% , 200% etc the fill patterns. (those currently avail by bucket and brush) these are great patterns but if you use them on large size images then decrease size downward you loose the pattern and they look mostly solid color. just a thought not sure if its even possible. ciao OMA
  2. you are welcome. This can be as simple or as detailed as you wish. If you can manage the grass tut ASH showed and lots of layers with cut and paste. add in a bit of smudge with a spray paint brush and you could get that puppy all furry. simple gradiants would work as well to spark up the coloring. ciao OMA
  3. one of your easiest pieces just goes to show how much you've learned in the short time you have been here. as the saying goes "sometimes less is more" simple or difficult it still has that "wow" factor. ciao OMA
  4. That modification of the first image in black and white is very nicely done. much better than the colored version. for some reason the hair just looks 100% better in the darker version. great job on your gallery and sorry for not stopping by sooner and leaving a comment. I've been super busy and I'm trying to catch up on viewing the new galleries this week. keep up the great work. ciao OMA
  5. oma

    Sharp 7.25.11

    you know I don't often make comments on sigs but that latest one is a real stunner! great work on those stars, look forward to seeing what else you do on that one. ciao OMA
  6. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: wow! ciao OMA
  7. hello sweety here is a fairly simple one to do. link http://www.wikihow.com/Draw-a-Cartoon-Dog do the feet and cheeks on one layer just with a large size paint brush circle add a layer UNDER that one and do the wee doggies head, ears, back and tail and tounge. use the line tool for the ears and tail and tounge the head and back just a larger paintbrush then the feet and erase out the portion that goes below the feet. if you still need some help let me know. ciao OMA
  8. Evan thanks for this new version. I often use oct shape. I've also just tried the 3d beta one and find the speed is vastly improved, now I'll be inclined to work with it much more often. Everything seems to be working fine with all your plugins so far .. One major question: Is there ever a chance you will put separate dll's within a pk similar to how pyrochild, madjik and a few others do. That way I can just populate my effects menu with those I use often? also any chance of moving the oct shape plugins to a sub menu. perhaps distorts? once again thanks ever so much for the upgrade. ciao OMA
  9. updated no problems what so ever. thanks Rick ciao OMA
  10. check the orange box above .... Forum Rules. see #15 15) Signature size requirements: The combined size of all images in your signature must not be wider than 500px, nor taller than 150px. There is no specific limit as to the number of lines of text permitted in signatures, as we understand that text can render differently in different browsers, but if you have text in addition to an image of the maximum 150px height, please keep it down to two lines. Ideally, text and images in your signature should be around a 200px combined maximum height.
  11. that Heywood sig is really nice. especially the first one. I really like the end bevels and the centre portion behind the name. the colors of that one are just so harmonious. (hope I spelled that correct I miss the spell check in ie8) well I just have to comment on the sig for Gary. well done and I'm so glad to see that little sword tut put to such a creative use. and just have to say the handle is super! Now these kind of sigs appeal to me. They tell clearly who the sig belongs to. They are personalized to the individual and are so much more classy than just a paste on. Especially since you managed to make all the elements your self 100% paint.net. great great great bravo my friend ciao OMA
  12. around the corner is great. sounds like a kids television program to rival "Mr. Rogers welcome to my neighbourhood" I really like the little flowering bush there in front of the building right under the window . so home! and comfy looking. I left a comment on PDN fanatics about "sweet fantasy" but will say once again how lovely that image is. Like looking at stars in the night sky. ciao OMA
  13. @h3llb0yn3cr0 I'm glad you enjoyed the tut. it was written to answer some of the questions I had been getting in my PM box. @ talionYzero that is an exceptional adaptation of the tut. I especially like how it looks like it is lying under water at the bottom of a stream. very nicely done. ciao OMA
  14. you had me shaking my head there for a min. with calling it smudge before. appears to work correctly now. now I'm off to draw many many thanks! have I told you just how wonderful you are lately? :wink: ciao OMA
  15. Hi Pyrochild don't want to be a pest but did you make any headway into what was preventing me being able to save a scriptlab? I've something in the works and would like to use this advanced plugin. If you've been busy with work and school I understand they come first, just a little hint to possible fix time? ciao OMA (see my post from Nov 12 if you've misplaced the details, or just PM me)
  16. are you trying to save it to a flash drive? do you have enough empty space on the drive?
  17. Without a smidgeon of a doubt David, this has to be one of the best written, easiest to understand tut how to's on this forum. I only wish others would take a page from your book when thinking of adding tuts, and make them truly informative instead of just rehashing the same old same old. ciao OMA
  18. oh I have so been waiting for this to be finished! that little green guy peeking over the edge is just priceless. and the bears well they are just so perfect. The entire image is just so joyful. Really makes one want to get right in there and play. ciao OMA
  19. you are very welcome. even though it was something minor I bet you found it was so totally frustrating. :oops: I got caught the same way right after I upgraded. we used to have the marching ants for selections and the movement always caught my eye. I didn't realize (actually forgot) that would be changing with the upgrade. egg on face for me. we've all had those moments . glad to see you are off and running now with your project. come by more often ciao OMA
  20. you are both welcome so is David. for those like me that had a bit of a time figuring out where the tut was placed after the move over from Legacy tuts here is the link viewtopic.php?f=38&t=20736
  21. thanks for quick run by. off now to play around with the plugin. have something suitable in mind for practise fun. ciao OMA
  22. I better check that out. but I think it works just a tad differently than this one. and in some instances this one is more flexible for different types of images. but i certainly will do some more work with the other so I'm up to speed. edit Simon not the same. check my cardboard tut out you will see the plugin he is speaking of. as far as I can see Pyrochilds gradiant colors can not give square and round gradiants and doesn't have angle and alternate etc. unless I'm really not using it properly. ciao OMA
  23. look over the layers window. if you can not see the layers window top line (window>reset locations) good rule of thumb for text it should always be done on its own layer. and for good measure make your text on the very top layer. hope that helps if not it would help us help you if you upload a screen shot ..... most likely its something really easy to remedy. just can't picture it in my head from your description. ciao OMA
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