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Everything posted by oma

  1. been awhile since I did anything with water thought this lent itself well to that effect. might incorporate into a larger work at a latter date. best viewed in larger size on my deviant art site. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/60163018/
  2. would that be what they refer to as a smudge? Smudge as Rick says in most requested plug ins no estimated time. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 4296#24296 and yes just for the record this is one I've been really waiting for as well. chow.
  3. madjik just solved my problem of doing mountains properly. ya hoooooo! I've got to try this tut as my learning aid tonights play time. chow.
  4. @Aile reminds me of Snow White Story, evil witch "Mirror Mirror on the wall" is what I'd call it. do you recall how you arrived at that great blue texture
  5. I didn't think I was but I must be in a bad mood tonight, if you go by the colors on my latest image. :wink: So I'm off to bed, to curl up and read a mushy romance novel. That should put me in a better frame of mind. chow all
  6. @PineappleQc see my smile! you have to be one of the funniest people around. The Saint-Linnenned-Pineapple of Turin Oh that is so devious. you need to add that one to your deviant art account. just love it.
  7. just a bit of technique practice last night. wanted to try for a shaped frame around the little robot. think those cut aways worked well could be used for some nice frame work on old heritage photos in my digital scrapbooking. tried diferent variations of the outline object to acheive the golden glow behind object. also tried to get dimension in the borders using white paint and radial blurring. edit first try at giving you all a link to my deviant art page for updated larger view. sorry may need to edit again if I do this incorrectly. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/59919622/
  8. @BB wish I could just sit beside your desk and watch you work for a wee bit I think I could learn sooo much. I've got to remember this method for removing shadows to use at a later date. it will come in handy for me for sure!
  9. ahhhh! now I understand I just knew there was a reason. Thankyou MKT for explaining to me. I've not the math background of many on the forum so this explanation was very easy to understand. thanks you
  10. wow! let me just put on my sunglasses! isn't it fun with the new plugins? have fun playing today.
  11. exactly the eyes I meant for Ares! little bot would be excellent. forgot about those pictures of yours madjik . my little guy sort of looks like your's half brother.
  12. @spike121, @aile, @gangstacrab, @ash, @ares and anyone else I missed thanks for the nods to my last two pictures. @ash saw tablets advertised at BestBuy this weekend $150. canadian range. going to have a look at them might try for this on my Christmas wish list. maybe hubby will spring for that over that millenium diamond @ares I love your robot I'm gonna steal that talking idea its great. you should do that make an eye tut by I think it was Madjik for the centre of his forehead. :wink: @unclejordan I don't have 3d glasses but what did you do here. might try it out if I can get a pair off one of the grandkids for a few hours. @comandosozo I just love Calvin!
  13. must be three or 4 but would you beleive I actually cut the centre portion out of one! tonight I'm using eraser as my practice. I'm erasing something each layer to see what gives pleasing results taking away to get something better.
  14. things are just working out with my play session tonight. really really like this one. might even add to my deviant art page. 100% Paintnet
  15. Hey Ash not too long ago in General forum this is the short discussion http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 7401#57401
  16. so what can I tell you even my little robot turns out having a happy face...must be my state of mind. :wink: edit added smaller image so page didn't get out of whack
  17. yes thanks i do change it, almost everytime I use the sphere, but wasj just curious why they didn't default x, y, z as well. I thought there might be some reason I don't follow. also don't forget if you are using this plug in those buttons below the axis are more precise than dialing around the little circles. Oma
  18. not fully understanding something on the sphere axis. there are 3 controls there y, x and z axis one defaults to y axis two defaults to x and axis three also defaults to y Why not z? could someone explain this for me please. thanks
  19. that's about as good as I can get it as I don't understand the curves rgb levels fully i'm not sure how to adjustthe colors back if was my photo from here I'd just copy the shirt from original (use a mask) and overlay it on this one in the mean time.
  20. Stephan that's real funny... just love the rice fellow! @Aile love your jello heart avatar.
  21. zookey that's really good. I don't know what a synapsys pad is. Is it one of those things that you use at the postoffice? I've only been sketching total one day so far and don't think you can get the variations of pressure required for real detailed drawings. I took Bolt Baits advise and invested in a paper pad and couple pencils. walked out of local art shop yesterday afternoon with a good quality pad and 4 assorted pencils, two excellent books by a jack hamm for under 25.00 and a name of an art instructor taking on begginers class in Sept. Oma
  22. try increasing the size of your image and you will see. up near the top the where it says window type in 100 does it say 100% now? think that's what you are asking thru me for ages as well
  23. jello ring around a kaldescopegen on tiles and of course there is a polar inversion this is what happens when you seamless texture it once :wink: seamless it anymore than that and it starts to look like grandma's quilt.
  24. @ares wow! 8) like your first complete picture very much! you used my favourite plug in the polar inversion. with bubbles? very neat effect will have to remember that one. Also see you like robots, must be the thing with everyone on this forum. chow
  25. Use a white paper without line... you should have a look here then: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1710 ahhh that's what I've just put on my Christmas wish list a tablet! wonder if santa clause will come thru. Madjik use white paper is very much in order, after I have my breakfast, another cup of coffee, and a long shower its off to the store to purchase a brand new sketch pad. Just read the book on drawing last night before bed and wanted to try this morning right away. thanks for the link excellent!
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