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Everything posted by oma

  1. jello ring around a kaldescopegen on tiles and of course there is a polar inversion this is what happens when you seamless texture it once :wink: seamless it anymore than that and it starts to look like grandma's quilt.
  2. @ares wow! 8) like your first complete picture very much! you used my favourite plug in the polar inversion. with bubbles? very neat effect will have to remember that one. Also see you like robots, must be the thing with everyone on this forum. chow
  3. Use a white paper without line... you should have a look here then: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1710 ahhh that's what I've just put on my Christmas wish list a tablet! wonder if santa clause will come thru. Madjik use white paper is very much in order, after I have my breakfast, another cup of coffee, and a long shower its off to the store to purchase a brand new sketch pad. Just read the book on drawing last night before bed and wanted to try this morning right away. thanks for the link excellent!
  4. Oh the pictorium has just been a busy place lately. the work is really great. zooky (hope I spelled that correctly) your work is so joyful! and well Ash and Madjik I can't beleive the quality of the 3d that's been coming from you two. Question Madjik to get the transformer did you convert to grey scale after generating your kaleidonGen. now on another note I never knew I liked art until I came across this program .... so Tuesday I picked up an art book finally at the library just wanted to share with you all my very first sketch I've ever done. This morning even before my first cup of coffee voila! I know there are some artists in the group any suggestions? thanks edit sorry should have said thisis old fashioned style art not done in PDN at all but I'm interested is there some sort of tool I can use to sketch with a pen/pencil and get to show on my computor other than hand sketch and scan?
  5. so not like the end tip on the robot hand? need to make a knuckle yet but think I know that one.....but can't recall the tip of the fingers? were they shorter less round ? fatter? anyone have the link to the picture?
  6. someone take a look at this picture for me. I couldn't find Ash robot hand but think the fingers were along this line maybe a bit plumper and shorter?
  7. well not really you did find your way to the pictorium! you'll catch on. don't be afraid to post what you come up with in your computor doodling. the people here are friendly and will offer great advice. I should know I've received plenty of help over the past few months. and yes all my work if 100% paintnet unless I state other wise.
  8. @Kyselina no problem glad you had fun doing so.
  9. ummm I messed up somewhere on the jello tut but kept going and came up with this one. I think its a keeper don't you just love art beauty is in the eye of the beholder :wink:
  10. forget that post its something different I see didn't delet old one and am amazed by results ...especially when I used both effects one after another. great plug in. thanks for sharing with us all.
  11. does this replace the other Kaleidoscope effect or is this something different? If replacing does this overwrite the other file or am I required to delete that first then add this plugin? OMA
  12. Quick question Ash on your robot fellow what colors are you using just black and white for the shapes or grey scales? or is it a gradiant?
  13. Oh just exactly what I was wishing for just the other day on the general board. I use this plug in in my drawings almost every day. The little red bird I did was 3d and then this plug in and tint almost exclusively. two more point each side would be perfect! on knees begging :wink:
  14. So Madjik I've downloaded code lab how do I actually get this dll you listed above loaded up! do I copy and paste somewhere? I'm going to give this a whirl this week. chow
  15. this is what happens when I'm bored. playing around
  16. read this one mandy its how you get the white outline around an image it might help http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 0247#20247
  17. I was thinking of the light source you used but see now how you managed to get the glow. once again great work!
  18. a ha! I'm now seeing the dents in it and the drop shadows, tube effect for stem I'm thinking but not seeing the erode effect yet. Oh I do so think I'm getting the way of this. great work as usual Ash! but where do you come up with all these ideas, wonderful.
  19. did you try that tut where they slice the pictures think it was making cars smaller. make your image size larger slice up the flag, into your sections move one section up one down and then reverse those moves?
  20. @MiguelPereira look at Ash's Pumpkin again. its in the shapes the elongated sphere - horizontal radius is less than 1 multiple layers and some flipped layers. its his shading and lighting I just can't come up with. but it does remind me a bit of the lava lamp tut he did for us all awhile back. am I even close Ash? :wink:
  21. this one won't work for your application? http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 2340#32340
  22. @NotAulophobic very good love the red shoreline. here is a quick one I did this evening wanted to try zoom and polar inversion with the seamless texture.
  23. @jake2k will do and if by fingers crossed chance i come up with something even remotely decent I'll add to my Sig.! LOL! don't hold your breath this might take me awhile. chow
  24. Soldier_Dude05 so do we need to start up the picture add on game again. that always got me out of a slump!
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