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Everything posted by oma

  1. ummm your request was really a bit vague but this is what I understand from it. you've drawen a shape then want to move it from orginal position after you changed your mind. well i generally draw each piece/portion on different layer and use the move pixels left clik (top right tool in tool bar) and you can move the entire layer around or swivel that layer by right clik. if you maintain all the shapes on individual layers you can manipulate them much easier. at least I hope that's what you mean. if this doesn't answere what you want maybe try posting a picture of what you have and what you want moved.
  2. the forum is brilliant tonight. love the new work everyone has posted today. like that one by boltbait love that style. like to see the play you are doing verndewd this is one of my play things from tonight i was trying out the new plugin frames.
  3. BB nice photo and wow I didn't know you could draw so well. are you using a tablet or the old fashioned pen and paper trick. very very good.
  4. @Lionhearted I see it! that new sig you have is really dark and daring. your'e into a whole new look with this one. @namiyoshi I like the second one best. my recommendation is the same one I received from the forum. invest in some unlined paper, and don't stop drawing. you have a good grasp of form, you might try coloring now with some gradiants, in paint.net. real good work. @vladvampire only 4 posts from you so far. and might I say that is a knock out pic is it all 100% paint.net. if so you just have to spill some of your secrets. @cmjguinness well what can I say your standard of excellence continues with every post. love it. @Verndewd talk about trying to keep up with the masters you my friend leave me clueless as to how you come up with such great pieces time after time. and last but not least @pietime I beleive that might be your first sig? and it rocks. good job.
  5. thanks for the new twistz here is my first play with it think this one will be amazing. have a few things I still need to experiment with but so far think that they might work using this new toy.
  6. real easy method you can expand on it from here open your paint.net add a transparent layer text make the text size what ever you wish type webdings the letter "d" to make it just an outline the easiest method is to use the outline plug in in a contrast color about 5 to 10 size 0 blur majic wand out the centre color and you have just an outline. then proceed to fill the centre
  7. Thanks oma like your new stuff as well. Its like someone turned up the heat in here with all the new stuff getting posted. i cant believe what people are making with this program :shock: Just wow all of the sudden. agree agree the progress in workmanship in the past month or so by everyone is amazing. I'm hard pressed to keep up sometimes. so much to tryout and to learn. that Ash and Madjik and BB just to name a few all ratchet up the heat in here. as longas I progress from one picture to another i'm fine. but wow! this pictorium is just fantastic.
  8. can I vote even if I didn't submit an entry? and where's the voting done?
  9. @verndewd love the new sig you got there. love the red .
  10. no I'm sure the sig is within the limits in the rules not sure about the avatar. you better read the rules just to check. OMA
  11. I can see some real progress here. liking this one better than your last one which I found a bit hard on the eyes. keep up the good work.
  12. oh they changed the stars plug in again just when I finally figured it out. this is what I got but I only want one sparkle like in my sig. anyone tell me how to do that.
  13. you sure are enjoying that drawing pad. watch you PM's I'll write up the steps and you can do them on your picture.
  14. Janetsue check your Private messages, there's a surprise in there for you. OMA .
  15. @madjik :shock: now why didn't I think of how to do circular writing. I love it can see me using this ever so often in my digital scrapbooking and my little movies I make for the grandkids. @janetsue don't trash that picture. reserve it for later revamps I have a folder off to the back of my pictures I hold stuff like that. you never know when a new inspiration will strike and take that in an entirely new direction. @BBthat's a great sig! like the progression shots really gives a feel for the processes you went thru. not just two layers bang bang a new sig. great work my friend. @007 Nab that is awesome love the gif reflection well today I went back and looked at some of the older pictures on the pictorium. The pictorium came into being on Mar 5 2006, well what can I say, leaps and bounds in talent, knowledge is to be gathered from reviewing whats been done prior.
  16. @BB looks like grid was used and maybe sin waves? would love a tut. and for those who want to check out my da (link is under my sig) I put up a few pointers on how I made the PDN fake fractals there. check under concept of fractal PDN syle and I added a few other fake fractals all 100% PDN that I haven't posted here. How's that for self promotion :wink: I need some more hits on my da account. chow
  17. @someone2016 like the new sig like how you did that cutaway can see some scrapbookers wanting to know how you got that shape. very sweet.
  18. I promise this is the last try I'll post in my attempts to get the fractals done with out using outside programs well for a wee bit anyways. @madjik tried those code lab ones might work on a different item using them completley forgot about them! smack in the forhead anyways here is one 100% PDN my version of a fractal called wisp of lace
  19. @janetsue and @twistedwhiskers sorry for the confusion I thought the tree was great! the phrase """"here is a 100% not quite fractal"""" refered to my drawing of a non fractal done completely in PDN. but then again Janetsue's tree is also 100% not a fractal its 100% pure downright PDN drawing at its finest.
  20. @janetsue that fir tree is really good. here is a 100% not quite fractal
  21. Oh yes should have mentioned one plug in that might help you is the one Ed harvey made clolor flip/rotate.
  22. little bit off topic but today hubby and I are going to the warhol exibition of paintings at the Winnipeg art gallery in Manitoba Canada. really looking forward to viewing these paintings up close. and yes the Marilyn one is supposed to be included in the exhibit. will look forward to seeing what you come up with "Post it in the pictorium for us all to see when you are done" chow
  23. better now try using other than sphere I used the cylinder shape and bring up the first nob to increase size play with the camera angle and the axis 3.
  24. @MattBlackLamb pretty good see you are haveing much same problem I'm having getting the depth and the tranparency ...most likely because we are using a 2D program mine I did a few layers of MKT's 3D think I'm getting much closer chow
  25. here i another attempt at doing a fratcal style in 100% paint..net
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