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Everything posted by oma

  1. Ash are people asking mkt to change things in the plug in? why? it was his free work to us all and I for one am ever so greatful. I would liked that he should stick around with us, leave the 3d plug in as it is for now and update whenever he gets a chance. Maybe he has another idea kicking around in his perfect brain that he wants to work on instead, and we should all just let him do his own thing at his own pace. I'm no programer but the source code would help those that are to work on some truly amazing items. Perhaps that's the route to go. So.... MKT thanks for the plug in I use it almost everyday. It is truly awesome.
  2. @verndewd only thing I can say is wow! glad I posted my feeble effort before yours....... I'm still not sure how you get your work so sharp mine always tends to be a bit washed out. must be the too cute colors. will try a darker version of things next time. good use of plug in.
  3. @someone2016 love the mandlebrot pict you did especially the treatment you've done with the edges of the pictures. like those cut away transparent portions. must remember this for some of my future creations. I follow the masters of paint.net control and you rank right up there my pal. good work :wink:
  4. @verndewd its a new look for me pretty soft edged instead of my usual tight controled super detailed but think it suits for this application. thanks for the comment @janetsue well that is simply beautiful. I've this wacom on my Christmas list so hope hubby will take the hint. for now I'm still doing the old lead pencil and paper and scanning.
  5. I call this one mandlebrot moon love this one great plug in now I've another new toy to play with. :wink: only suggestion reset buttons if possible
  6. reinventing my style once again. going for the watercolor look. made this as a mock up for a birthday card to my daughter.
  7. Help! how did you make these images? will you do a tut? just love your style! chow
  8. Sorry haven't posted much .. I've been busy with a commissioned genealogical research project and its been taking up almost all my computer time. but wanted to ask verndewd how he was making that background in cube png. and also how he was making what looked like grills? (ie: gotrosesigb) in some of his work. really love that style. chow
  9. well don't be such a stranger join us more often would love to see some of your wacom work in the pictorium. I've added one of these graphic tablets to my Christmas wish list but I truly think there's a fat chance of getting one. Hubby already thinks I spend way too much time here. :wink:
  10. lost my swing of things having trouble getting back in the creative spirit. little bit of asymetrical work still working with patterns within patterns
  11. Hi I don't own a tablet but seems there were a few mentions of using one with paintnet on our forums. think you should broaden your search params. we just switched over to this forum and the search function is a bit tricky, and has a few glitches. . try just using tablet or graphic tablet instead of wiacom when you do a search. . viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5494&p=95151&hilit=tablet#p95151 hope that helps.
  12. This has definetly not been my most productive week with paint net. its really taking me a while to get back in the swing of things since holidays. but tonight I used the bevel plug in and just did some random experimenting. like how this one turned out colors remind me of melted carmel.
  13. tra la la! will hold you to that hope to hear your wee warbley voice across the airwaves soon. chow
  14. how's the song coming? where can I hear it? so to stick to topic my favourite thing about PaintNet is this forum. helpful, friendly people. Its a place where ability is rewarded with praise, near abilty is incouraged with positive attitude and there are no age/gender barriers. good all round learning enviroment Ps where is the spell check? in this new forum.... my spelling is real bad and I need that button!
  15. Ho so that's why we moved. Well all I can say is yea for the mods and if I can navigate my way over here then I'm finally catching on to the internet and computors in general. So that being said I now nominate my self to advanced idiot stage in computor learning. .... :wink: chow OMa once again mods and Rick thanks for all you do behind the scene's to make this a great forum.
  16. guess I missed the excitement yesterday. bet you all thought I'd never find my way to the new board. (just shows my internet navigation skills are improving daily.) I'm furiously working away on some new pics and will be uploading them as soon as I finish. chow OMA
  17. thanks I'll do that immediatelly but just wondering was not the update supposed to remove that ? I'm curious now how many other duplicates I've on my computor. chow and thanks once again OMA
  18. question re updating I just changed over from 3.08 to 3.10 but notice that now I've two ink sketch and a portrait and a soften portrait is this correct or should I have deleted some effects before updating? not sure which ones to delete now. chow OMA
  19. working on imitating the litograph style of antique postcards. not sure I've got this one correct. edit: picture removed.
  20. like how your planet scape is coming along. I've never done one of these might try it sometime in the future I know these can get quite detailed. I like the stars you've added and really like the reddish glowing planet in the background. Are you going to add some space gas or debris or rocketships?
  21. it's good to be home did a small bit of work on my Queen added skirt, cape, and flowers will be working on background this week. chow OMA
  22. @blooper vacation was great saw the whales loved it. unfortunately those things surface and move so fast the pics look a bit like big old black rocks against the grey water surface. I'll have to try to draw them while still fresh in my memory. the trip was real good sightseeing fab but now need to buckle down ...do the laundry! and catch up my sleep. loved you pic now I know a bit about you. chow OMA
  23. Hi I'm back from holidays. taking the day to enjoy all the new pics. there's been some wonderful new work on the pictorium. chow OMA
  24. @aron it very well could be did you notice the title (right click and properties) Its called the queen! @thanks mustang I've still to do your tut but it looks real good try it when I get back from holidays. ps for all those who just hate polar inversion (take a look at her hair) loads of cutting and pasting various portions but its still there :wink:
  25. well house is all cleaned bags all packed just waiting for tonights sleep and off tomorrow morning. so I'm bored whipped this one up just to do some detail work absolutely everything was 100% paint net.
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