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Everything posted by oma

  1. ok so Ash I really do need to know how you did this one at least tell me how you got that fur! just some basic steps and I'll work from there
  2. Use the "add dragon" plugin... :shock: Pyro...after the "render human" plugin you did a while back...maybe you'd be up to the task...? oh I remember that plugin supppper good one. pyro you're making a dragon :twisted: one? how amazing.
  3. @blooper101 this ones for you your pattern has been omafied!
  4. @blooper so you want a wee present I'll do a proper oma style picture after supper have to go put some grub on the table for OPA chow
  5. @snospmiS is that your polar inversion? very nice I've also done this using just random text on the layer and the same steps gives a real good effect.
  6. Veromy2308 could you be a little more specific please not knowing your computor skills or program useage background you will have to give us a clue as to what you wish to achieve. ie: do you wish to draw him from scratch or just cut out the people in the background and then add something of your own say castles scene or battle scene?
  7. yes thanks Bob tried that twice but it doesn't seem to be working ? no idea why. I've had this problem before and just left it until later in the day and re do and its fine then. so I'll come back this evening and re do the pictures so for now sorry everyone for the large sizes. chow OMA
  8. mock up of where I want to go with this sketch previous up loaded did a mask to clean up the background and cut out hand portion added mock up background need help with buildings. Also before any one screams at me can someone explain to me how to get these smaller. I have the first on on my photo bucket as a avatar size but it uploads mega large here?edit thanks jpope for the information on how to do this really appreciate
  9. welcome home ASH love the new images you've just uploaded today. really like the third one with the 3d weave here's one I did this morning now I'm off for a cup of freshly brewed coffee and wake myself up.
  10. actually just thought of something else, I'm not even sure its possible but is there anyway to drag say a point dead centre of the picture to the side points or just midway across the image? just a wild inspiration of something I'd like to have added on.
  11. I'll second this request as well as the added nub/points what ever you call them. this is one of my most used effects I just love it and more than willing to wait the few months. thanks in advance. chow
  12. depends most that are in this forum no. read this link http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 1889#11889
  13. another from my sketch pad (doodle book) and a 3d egg with OMA sig and lace work I hand sketched the hand and scanned into computor program. when I get the hang of the old fashioned method of drawing I'll attempt to do this total paintNET. sorry for the edits couldn't figure out how to downsize this one think I've got it now. "OMA in the Hand of God"
  14. Oma, that is amazing. You did that all "freehand" in PDN? Amazing! Did you use a tablet? Oh my goodness no. didn't use anything other than plugins. if you look close you will see my contributions using the paint and pencil in the two squiggly green lines that just don't seem to belong to any flowers. but i did actually hand draw the hand with the gun, using an old fashioned pencil and paper and scanner. chow
  15. update on how my sketching is coming along (this was done with a pencil 2h on sketch pad paper and scanned) does anyone have any ideas on how to incorporate this into a paint net picture I'm stumped.
  16. @ASH once again great love the bird wing not sure how you got the basic shape but here is my stab at a birds wing no comparsion at all love the soft brushed effect you have suggestions please how to get this looking better
  17. no tablet. actually only thing I drew was the wee squiggly flower stems. thank god all of them got covered by other layers of flowers. the bowl I did awhile ago in 3d shape. seem to remember it took about 20 or so layers. flips and polar inverts for sure. most likely some of edharvey plug ins etc etc. the flowers are all multiple layers of stars or rays or in the case of the large orangey ones eclipse shapes superimposed one on top of another until I got the shape I wanted.
  18. this is one my grandson wanted me to do I can not even begin to tell you how creeped out it made me feel! I hate snakes oh yes before anyone says anything I have neverbeen close enough to a snake to ever see the tounge so I know its not right but think the skin turned out well.
  19. oh so you see the optical illusions as well thought it was only me. LOL! I was all set to go get some new eyewear. Actually I think its because of several factors the double outlines on some of the flowers and the small purple and red ones are gradiants made in the rays plugin.
  20. something a bit different from me. I am generally drawen towards abstract art, and things with loads of pattern. Here I was just messing around to see what I can do on a still life. all 100% PDN
  21. @janettsue awesome love how this turned out just like a watercolor painting. hope you made this with enough dpi so you can print it out and hang it on your bedroom wall. its truly lovely. OMA PS. are you reading my mind? as I'm also currently working on a picture using madjik's tree plug in.
  22. maybe try a little of the erode plugin. I've not done much skin tones but one layer background maybe another overlay semi transparent and erode both layers then merge.
  23. hey BB that's great sketch. you use a tablet? or pen and paper scann? I was working on drawing a hand holding a gun earlier this evening (old fashioned pencil and paper) ... Afraid mine doesn't come close to the quality of your drawing...looks like I'll be re sketching tomorrow.
  24. wow! this pictorium is exploding with great works lately. as always @madjik and @ash you both astound me! love the mosquito 2 especially the wings! see hex but not sure how you did that explain , Tut? might be some great butterfly wings there for me to use. and Ash that arm is great! but gee that eyeball is creepy soo realistic. @ares skining 3d objects already! you're off to a good start @verdewd I really like that ying / yang thing you have there lots of texture love the style you've got going. @andrew D see your comic is coming along. can't wait to see the rest of the pages. @Ilko " 8" this is a good one very clear shine. @stephan that a new sig? looks like brushed metal. I like it very much @paintboy hey great to see you over on the pictorium board. like the planet. or whats left of it! :wink: Oh I do hope I didn't miss anyone because there has just been so much great work to look at tonight .
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