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Everything posted by oma

  1. :Deselect: if you mean you have active selection as in you selected a portion of your picture with and then changed your mind you find that button up near the sissors there's sissors to cut, next is copy, then paste, next button over crops your selection, and the next button to the right after that is the deselect button. :Deselect: hope that's what you meant if not you had better rephrase your question to be more specific chow
  2. Ha! Ha! yes addicting is definetly the word maybe we should vote for a name change of the program. do you know I was out to my favourite chinese restaurant for lunch yesterday with some gals I used to work with and found my mind wandering. I was thinking I bet I could replicate that bamboo wall over there in paint net ever so easily with the 3d tube .....but how do I do the cross rings...... had to snap myself back to the group real quick before I missed out on the juicy gossip. thanks for the comments on my work I try something new every day.
  3. addicted..... you know you need an intervention when you are on an elevator and you try to figure out how to do the wall paper in paintnet. the background twists were my interpetation of the wallpaper I saw at the race track yesterday! oh I'm so toatlly addicted!
  4. Hi Hope well for someone new to paintnet you've done some lovely work so far. I really look forward to seeing what you come up with after you've played with different effects. chow and welcome
  5. there is good information on layers in the forum basically its not too difficult I'll give you a scaled down version open paint you should have a small box over to the right that says layers if not go up to windows and click then click the layers adding a new layer transparent layer use :AddNewLayer: this button will make a copy of the layer you already have then next one will merge the top one with the one below. remember the layer you wish to work on should be highlighted in blue on the small layer box and the small check boxes well they just let you know if that layer is currently visable or not. before you save you need to flatten the image or you will only get the layer your are currently working on saved. to flatten image up along the top under image its the last one down at bottom of the drop down list hope that helps
  6. oh my goodness you feel old! I've a few decades on you! and I'm just getting going!
  7. inspired by the picture by naam (coloring in sketch) I decided to add to my background of oriental man a geshia girl from internet I found this image as my inspiration piece in the works but thought you might like a sneak peek first I traced face and hair on separate layers and colored on the outer dress i wanted to try a few things so its in several layers outline selected within outline of outer dress used a cloud (two shades of pink) another layer same outline of outer dress selected a semi transparent layer of clouds reseeded and more intense in blue and yellow) next layer with again still same outer dress selected a layer of text I used Rose Garden font. merged all the layers for outer dress. I'm not pleased with the fan layer yet so will be reworking that any suggestions for new tricks to try out.
  8. so many plug ins .... yes might be quicker but still gives much the same effect. that's what I love about this program so many options .
  9. Myrddin your way is definetly better as I said I've not looked at a comic book in years and years. what you describe I think is closer to what would be needed. and yes that was the tutorial halftone! I'm looking forward to seeing the first post of this in the pictorium.
  10. if you mean swirl brushes i think you are not going to find this program supports making your own brushes. to acheive this I generally use text ding.
  11. do you mean like in scrapbooking ? this is a real quick one two mins top. you should do more carefully. but these are the steps I use. open new image make a new layer and paint bucket with the color you want. lasso out the portion along the edge and cut with sissors. still on your colored portion use the on the white area use dents effects and stretch them out delete the background layer of white and you have your paper don't forget to drop shadow next (I didn't do in above) you'll have to play around a bit here until you get the desired effect but it looks a bit like mulberry paper edges.
  12. BB real nice orb! let me guess is blue your favourite color?
  13. not sure what you mean post a picture of what you want to acheive. if you mean a template sort of thing I'd start with a grid the grid plug in is excellent and easy to use. modify to your size you want. make the centres of each grid transparent and save as a png. follow the make a filmstrip tutorial that gives an idea how to work with putting pictures in. and of course its been at least 30 to 35 years since I picked up a comic book but that tutorial where they make the picture out of dots is real good not sure correct name for it but it would give some nice looking pictures. and from what I remember of comic books the pictures are sort of pop art looking. I'm sure once you put up some sort of image of what you want toend up with, there will be other suggestions from more knowledgeable forum members. .
  14. I'm not offended. It is really more for photographs. I feel that Ink Sketch is one of my best plugins--maybe not the most often used, true. But, I think it definately has a place in my toolbox. cjmcguinness, NICE job with the Portrait plugin! Glad someone is getting some use out of it. Oh I use this ever so often and guess what boltbait found a way to use in this image after all. I just used my drawing on two layers made the bottom one in ink sketch then made the top one fairly transparent this gave me exactly what I wanted. I'm working on the background this week so will post with some further updates later on. chow
  15. well I'm still working on my oriental man I asked for some help with the face and Ash sent me a website with some great oriental masks this was my inspiration piece my computor attempt to draw the above and insert into my picture modified from my drawing further with boltbait ink sketch. (not sure I'll keep the ink sketch sort of like my drawing better sorry boltbait. usually love this plug in but think its not quite correct for this application.
  16. very nice work (and a lovely looking young lady) I'll have to take some time later today to go thru this information more, It definetly looks like something I had better master.
  17. if i was trying this I'd look at the puzzle tutorial first. then I'd adapt to this shape that you want to use. work away and when you have something post to the pictorium and I'm sure you will receive a few more pointers.
  18. well done madjik! very easy to follow even for the beginners in the group. Ash you have a google page?
  19. I listed this one on my deviant art page but wanted to share here as well used the 3d plug in by MKT among other things all 100% PDN!
  20. read this link should help explain things http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... hotobucket
  21. yes that is a Christmas cactus Rick you better water that puppy. its looking real sad mine grew from one branch about 3 years ago. last Christmas had over 300 blooms (not all at once of course but at least 30 or 40 at a time over a course of two months. )
  22. cute cat but tell me please that is not your sad looking christmas cactus, that poor plant needs some loving care!
  23. hey freak notice this old bird learned how to finally upload with out the annoying tags
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