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Everything posted by oma

  1. @amsmith42 I noted them especially since your a beginner (so you say?) and your letters are better than mine. well back to the computor to try once again. maybe I need a supply drop from Stephan (how's about you drop me a few of those jello letters a O and an M and an A would be nice. chow
  2. Hey jake2k those letters are awesome I really stink at doing letters. did you follow a tut? which one if you did? and if you didn't... well I don't need a tut written but some quick cheat notes...... chow
  3. #1 #2 #3 I'm pleased now used suggestion of blue background and the one in my PM box to put something in his mouth. "Imaginary bird steals real flower" thanks I still have the beak gouges and the flower stem to fix up a bit pixel by pixel but think I'm pleased with overal picture compostion and color wise.
  4. thanks Mustang and yata for comments on my little red bird. I've reworked it a bit made the beak gold and added a better background IMO. can anyone make any other suggestions to improve this picture? old new barko I like that dripping Paintnet you did love the font what is it called? and ganstaCrab like this forgot about that tut I'll need to do something like this for my journalling on my upcoming holiday. chow all edit Oh no! I just spotted some real hack job on portions of his beak back to the pdn file to repair. hope my pixel by pixel repaint of those little gouges is a good job. I'll post the final on deviant art.
  5. Wow! I miss checking in here one night and there is an explosion of new pictures. everyone is really doing great, can see some real impressive work, aile first I've got to say that Here's my heart is just so pretty! and ares I like yours i checked with boltbaits steganography plug in just in case you hide something didn't see a picture of you but is that your fingerprint? aguba real good work on withers tutorial I keep saying I'm going to put a picture of this one on the board but mine just are not coming out near as nice as yours.will have to keep at it. Lionhearted What a new avatar and a new signature....! congrats on 1000
  6. that's a good one ! like the smart looking fellow in the picture.
  7. I tried the jitter for torn page edges but like my old method better, so I'll be going back and editing that at a latter date. did this one just because pink flowers make me happy. This picture is of the flowers on my deck. very amature compared to troopers photo manipulations but don't worry I'll get the hang of it soon.
  8. @Trooper this is beautiful I really must learn some photo manipulation tricks!
  9. thanks Madjik I was having problem with this also. good clear instructions. now I'm off to play some more. something from this codelab has been put on my to do today list.
  10. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 8051#58051 this is a quick link to one of the ray pictures I did with the new plug in. Its a real great plug in.
  11. thanks Hope it is not one of my better ones. I should have feathered more on each step. l I guess that's what practice is for.
  12. @Mustang that is sure good. very nice. like your use of multiple effects and colors.
  13. thanks trooper good explanation simplified grandmother version = 3d computor generated paper dolls for boys LOL! actually i think this must be extremely hard and time consuming. I'll have to try it sometime. thanks for taking the time to tell me what this term meant. I hear it often on the forum. chow OMA
  14. really like the new version made the 3d triangles using it. works great.
  15. I posted this in the pictorium but thought I'd put a link under the actual plug in thread I really like how this one turned out. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 7971#57971
  16. :? time for OMA to learn some new terms @Trooper whats skinning? oh and here is my age really coming out UT99 is that a game? or a comic hero? @Madjik you amaze me with your ability to keep coming up with great plug ins. like this one I'll be using it in today's something new play session. If I get something decent this first time around I'll post. @paran welcome nice work.
  17. thanks Ash and mustang maverik and yes Ash that is like the background of your tut on gems. its an eroded triangle then I polar inverted it just because that's my favourite thing to do.
  18. @Soldier_Dude05 not a competion here at all its a place to put up your work for constructive comments. you'll find you improve very quickly if you have an open mind and try new things everyday.
  19. Ash as always your work if wonderful. your use of shading is astounding! great artist eye you have.
  20. OK thought it might be something like that Yata. He hasn't been on the board for everso long so guess I'll just have to figure out another way to do this. might have to use another program for that modification. I think I'll try inkscape again, for that step. Although that program is so difficult to use, it has better vector manouvering .
  21. would it be possible to have someone add two extra control points along each edge? giving total of 16 in all? I'd appreciate if someone could do this. I use this plug in quite often but the extra control points would allow more gradual curves thanks
  22. thanks madjik knew you would have the solution fairly simple once I read your post. and yes that's me. not your average grandmother!
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