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Everything posted by oma

  1. just the avatar and the sig are so diverse. evil vs good your name just makes me chuckle.( in a good way ) I know , I know I've been told I have a warped sense of humor. anyways keep up the good work
  2. @vlad Vampire (why do I want to giggle when I type that Name?) love the sig 8) <<==== I'm wearing sunglasses. super bright excellent.
  3. yes OMA means grandmother I might be old in bod but I'm young in mind. love learning new things, and this paint.NET forum has kept me on my toes, all the young ones are so talented its hard to keep pace. But I love every min. of the challenge. look forward to seeing you on deviant art. there is a group of us paint.NET users over there and some real good galleries. let us know here when you get set up so we can add you to our friends list.
  4. @oneHarsh thats real good first post. you also should have a deviant art site. or maybe you do, if so I want to look at your gallery. ciao << note I've been advised my spelling was incorrect, I was typing chow, the way it sounds when my grandkids say it to me. This old bird can learn some new tricks.
  5. @verndewd thanks! you've written part two of my feeble tut attempt. I'm going to have to try this you don't have any screen shots do you? you tut dodger you. :wink:
  6. @olav.k.m thanks love that rules magnifying glass excellent work. Do you have a deviant art page? If not you should! Your work so far is excellent.
  7. yes most definitely my first tut. and it shows. I can do the good pictures but can't explain how I get to a final stage too well. as most of my work is just instinct. but thought as I've received so much help over the past year I had at least attempt to give back .
  8. its a hard one but it is just the first step to making glass. this tut is more of an example ...some background info for the glass ... glass being still very much hit or miss. This gives a decent semi transparent looking glass in a few steps. perhaps I've condensed it too much?
  9. not sure did you move the shadow down below your image? before you start you might want to try a more shaded image look at my orginal arrow its got white highlights and black around the edges making it look a bit more 3d. that does make a difference. good glass has multiple shades.
  10. thanks verndewd and madhatter it was hard to condense to a few steps what I do to get glass. this is just the start and then there are plenty of curves+ and sharpens to get to the items I display in my gallery on deviant art. if you all haven't seen my gallery on deviant art just click the link below my sig here. it will take you to the gallery any of the pictures can be clicked and you will get my notes (if I put any) a better view of the item, and you can read any comments or questions and answeres thanks OMA
  11. after first morning cup of coffee can't wait until my caffine rush kicks in.
  12. @verndewd did a hack up tut already ... have a look. I told you you should have done this one. I really am bad at explaining things. :wink: PS @aguba can't wait to see your tut hope its better and easier than mine. I'd love an easier method of doing this.
  13. Ok thanks ASH take note everyone of the shadow distortion needs to be done as well. its too late tonight to correct the pics
  14. yes it is a little complicate but does turn a solid picture to glass quality from this I twisted once using 3d cylinder I dd this one fairly quickly but think I should maybe decrease all the layers alpha next time around and increase the end glow alpha upwards each picture is a bit different and each color varies as well. did find that the best photos have many shade variations.
  15. you need some transparent around the photo for the shadow plug in to work. and save as a png.
  16. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it back in 2007 on a much older version of paint.net there were several of us that started to try for glass. this was my very first tut. it sparked a discussion amoung several of us. on how to go about making better glass. I used other simplier techniques after we updated paint.net versions and as more advanced plugins came out. At the time there wasn't a drop shadow plug in, and I dont beleve BoltBaits transparency plug in was out. I've had to modify the original sin waves settings within this tut as that plugin has evolved since then. I strongly suggest you read thru all the other posts after this tut. as there is quite a bit of valuable information about refractions etc. especially the one by Verndewd and those by ASH . Verndewd went on to give us a really great sig tut on glass and ASH we all know perfected glass to the point he could do blue glass skull images. Madjik brought to the table some ideas from previous paint.net masters and tabou image shows some work that was done around the same time. water also was a hot topic. Many of us learned to share ideas help each other perfect our own areas of interest. The comment by Vern about luminosity really peaked my interest and many of my early abstracts are from that conversation. Due to Ricks hard work we now have a much more advanced program. The plug in writers have given us so many more plugins, so this is not the easiest way of making glass but its one of the early attempts at a group coming together to make a texture we all wished for. Although its not a current method it may help some understand how blend modes affect and change images. Its where I started to learn to really to look at things and think about blend modes and all the great advanced work Rick had put into this program. after you try this you may like to go to look at the tut by Helen and the one by Yellowman. I know this little arrow needs those white bits of shiny to really sparkle as glass and those two tuts show some great tips on doing that. at the time we didn't have shape 3d which Yellowman uses and fragment and true blue in Helen's was a plugin for the future versions of paint.net. There wasn't bevel plugin which is involved in another method. we worked with what we had and we all had an idea that it could be done! If glass was accomplishable back in those older versions what would happen if more effort went into drawing and making images now with all the advancements that have come about since 2007? edit::::OH SHOOOT I JUST REALIZED MY ORIGINAL HAD SHADING. WILL UPDATE YET AGAIN. THOSE PICTURES but these are the steps. (Dec 1 /2009) so a blast from the past (with updated pictures ) make an image into glass thiswas my very first tut. and I'm hoping you can follow if not let me know and I'll add more pictures very sorry for any spelling or grammer errors open image you need to have a solid image on transparent background mark this layer reserved picture. now duplicate this layer 4 more times mark them shadow, 1, 2, 3, uncheck your reserved layer and uncheck the shadow layer . =================================================================================== work on the layer you named #1 use hue/saturation under adjustments set both the numbers for hue and saturation to "0" and then invert color (found under adjustments) next you change the blend mode on this layer to lighten 26 alpha ===================================================================================== work on layer 2 again hue/saturation same settings as above but do not invert color on this layer set blend mode to overlay at 131 =================================================================================== work on layer 3 set blend mode to multiply alpha 100 ================================================================================= duplicate layer #3 and name layer 4 and set at glow alpha 86 ================================================================================= work on the shadow next. go down and recheck the box marked shadow. make sure you just check the shadow layer and leave the orginal reserve picture unchecked. clik anywhere outside of the arrow and then control I to invert selection. move your pixels over slightly. change the opacity downwards until you just have a hint of colored shadow showing. ================================================================================= this still only looks like a semi transparent image. that's were the refractive distortion comes in. in this case you require a grid. use grid maker plugin and add a grid between the reserve layer and the shadow layer set tolerance of wand to 0 go down to the reserve layer clik anywhere outside the arrow and invert selection ( control + i ) this next bit is done on the grid layer will sinwave I used .50 and 1.5 here
  17. @aguba I'm just writting one now have the pics all ready to go will be interesting to see how they differ and how they are the same. OMA
  18. I'll try that. thanks perhaps I'm being too fussy trying to line up the lines. this example by the illustrator doesn't seem to do any alignment. he leaves that to the minds eye, it seems. OMA
  19. @someone2016 good work on that transparent glasss. check out my question on general board about refractive distortion. think we should compare notes. we are working on similar stuff.
  20. on that cord do a straight gradiant layer then you want to use your 3d by MKT plugin set it to sphere. top left hand corner those sliders . move first one down around 68 next one around 28 play with those two until you get it as fat and as tall as you need
  21. @madjik u shaped water horizon .......... Oma needs this one.
  22. Ok hint for you all I'm working on my first tut ever but I'm stuck at this refractive distortion stage. have worked out how to turn the bottom opaque arrow of picture 1 into glass see the larger arrow on same picture now the refractive distortion is the graph under neath like in this illustration by Tom Stimpson. help me out here I just can't figure out how to do this.
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