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Everything posted by oma

  1. @ASH as always your work is beyond words. I can not even begin to figure this one out. but wow! Did I express that well enough for you. I'm picking myself up off the floor now. you blew me right off my chair with this pic.
  2. Once again I must thank you Rick for opening a whole new world of art for me. Your program is amazing and I look forward to the new version. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication to giving us such a fantastic platform for artistic expression. OMA
  3. did you know I'm afraid of flying? have been working away this week exploring xor blend and height multi mapping. this is one of my favs from this weeks play.
  4. beautiful oh I say that a lot on the forum but this is truly a great piece of work. very detailed.
  5. the one Madjik just posted last using the gradiants and a line and 3d was so great I wanted to try that out. here is my first attempt. needs lots of work and a deal more controlled design but love the concept of how simple the basic beginning is.
  6. twisted whiskers that's twisted. spike head woman. I've no idea how to do the spikes imbedded. maybe a bit of blur so the edges are a bit less defined? but this is just aso artsy piece I had to make a comment.
  7. wow OMA nearly had a melt down there the fourm was down. so I had loads of time to play. this is a texture thing I've been toying with for a few weeks. i wanted not only the suggestion of texture 2d but the look of if you touched the screen you could feel the bumps and lumps.
  8. further to mrap if you hit a round object centre palm like that the fingers tend to curl aroung and the thumb is up higher closer to the fingers curled over. if you want to hold up high in the hand along the first joint this is more what you get. sorry had to use an apple as I didn't find a ball handy.
  9. very nice mrap. about the only thing that strikes me incorrect is the little finger. hold your hand up in front of you palm to your eyes. see the little finger does it not come to the height of the first joint in your next finger over and is just a tad smaller in size width wise. . your picture is showing all the digits at the same or just about same size. now cup your hand as throwing a ball. facing about 3/4 towards you. this is the angle you are drawing here. what would you see over the ball/globe. it is only the little fingers tip that you are going to see not the first joint.
  10. I'm here just contemplating what i should work on next. spent the past week doing some pencil art to firm up in my mind various perspective views. check my pencil sketches at my deviant art site. just clik on the link under my signature. you'll see what I've been doing this week. remember you can view any of those thumbnails at a larger size by just cliking on it in my gallery. go ahead have a peek. now I can work out those angles into something I've been working on off and on for awhile. queen Betrix's castle. .
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve this might help blooper
  12. @BoltBait and @Myrddin. you both just opened up a new world for me. now i can get rid of that inkscape program I have so much trouble using. its been sitting dorment on my computor for ages. once in the blue moon I attempt a bezier curve with it. now this is much much easier for me to use. yes! i do love this paint.NET program.
  13. having same problem bb can't find things anymore since the switch. seems hit or miss if the search button picks it up. and yes I do try web search as well. do you need a lot of lines with taper or to make just the few. because I do mine one line then make another slightly curved and fill the centre and merge know its slow go but that works. or sometimes I make a dup layer and use tube oblique and get a taper pattern and use it as an out line to cut and paste my texture into another layer. I'm looking forward to when ever Rick can implement this type of line as well it will be extremely useful. ciao
  14. started with clouds , used map gradiants black red yellow, some dents streched real long 90 degree upwards, some motion blur then polar cut sections I liked the color made about 4 or 5 layers different twist+ and obliques. then merged together the layers. OMA
  15. well I'm not into fire pictures but needed to do this one its called when hell freezes over
  16. working on making my own distinct bruxh stroke over lay http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... e-67262522 take a look in full view. the image is a bit large for here.
  17. @spike121 why wouldn't you finish that one. looks like ripples on a pond in a late fall morning. simple tilt of layer back floating leave, and a nice poem/saying got great potential in that background you've done so far.
  18. I used the wasteland texture tut for the snow. i'd been struggling with that snow for ages. what I did was use the tut after the strange color layer I changed tint to a very light blue then fiddled with the brightness and contrast. a small amount of surface blur. snow banks. thanks for the tut! the polar bear is hand drawen (by me) on paper and then scanned into the picture then colored and shaded in paint.NET I'm very please with this now just need to work on a sign post pointing the way to the Ice Palace
  19. this one by madjik just made me smile. loved the name Rainbowing, so with his permission I did a pop art piece using his as the original image. so Madjik this pop art piece is just for you http://omagrandmother.deviantart.com/ar ... r-67078303
  20. OK Ash explain do you have a picture to show me what you mean. I tried filling a colored glass just now with water and putting a light next to it , either my eyes are getting worse or I've no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for. from what I'm reading from your post I should distort the shadow and not the grid under the shadow... is that it? thanks
  21. hey you stole my idea of flames for a car .....if ever we do a skin of a car....LOL! I'm worried over the skin competiton for this month, I sure wish we were doing a car. :wink: this is exactly like the car I wish I owned. great job and I love the mini version especially.
  22. well there isn't any one thing I do. but mainly, when you stop and think a picture is done, leave it for say a week or so and then add 10 things a day to it, for another week. it can be a rotation , a color change etc etc. when you think originally you might be done ... you are NOT done ..you are only starting. many of my pieces take over 100 to 150 layers (not saying I keep that many open) i merge and merge. rest the peice for a day or so , I found that the eraser is my best tool ever! i might do a flip of layer and only keep the top left portion or so before merging. or duplicate a layer and move the picels and downsize that duplicated layer, and color change it etc etc. and when you get something good don't forget an interesting background. (that can be another 10 or so layers.) trick is to feel the piece, when I start something I have a mood never a set picture in mind. If I achieve a set mood with the piece, I'm more than happy. I tend to stay away from dark colors because I have poor eyesight and the details are lost to me. but i seldom use primary colors often I pick the color I like then open the more portion and down or up the hue. never well seldom never primary. biggest hint I can give you...... have fun, don't be afraid of the critiques on the board this forum is fantastic.. they all want you to succeed and will suggest things to you..take those critiques as complements that someone on the board cares to help you improve and you will accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible with such a great free program.
  23. Oh so true my friend so true keep up the good work. do you have a deviant art gallery? I'd like to add to my watch list if you do.
  24. @ agent387 you need a bit more contrast in the orange one. I can't make out all the work you put into making this . I like the color combination of your avatar that's easier on the eyes to read, perhaps a bit more contrast and you will be happier with the new sig.
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