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Everything posted by oma

  1. on that cord do a straight gradiant layer then you want to use your 3d by MKT plugin set it to sphere. top left hand corner those sliders . move first one down around 68 next one around 28 play with those two until you get it as fat and as tall as you need
  2. @madjik u shaped water horizon .......... Oma needs this one.
  3. Ok hint for you all I'm working on my first tut ever but I'm stuck at this refractive distortion stage. have worked out how to turn the bottom opaque arrow of picture 1 into glass see the larger arrow on same picture now the refractive distortion is the graph under neath like in this illustration by Tom Stimpson. help me out here I just can't figure out how to do this.
  4. use the plug in gradiant mapping. it will show up in adjustments not effects after you download. remember its a two part plug in both parts need to go in your effects folder.
  5. dark mood tonight. Its been raining all day and feels like it might snow tonight. OH its too early for winter. this is called Cold 2 ...so suits my mood tonight. dark depressed and cold. it is a good thing I don't often feel this way
  6. yes very similar blooper and yes I've tried them with poor results. that's why I was asking what others were doing. it will come to me at 3 am. my best work is done in the middle of the night when I'm half asleep.
  7. haven't tried this but would the lightbrite effect sort of work for the centre of the letters. if you adjust the colors? just at thought.
  8. thanks Helio understand now its just a picture of what I'd like my desktop to look like not an actual working thing? correct? I don't know if I'm up to doing all that but I'll try to do the start button I wish for and maybe the background instead of the blue 3dbox thingy that's there now. It doesn't have to be full size of my screen does it?
  9. I feel like a real nimwit but still don't get it so will sit out for this one and see what you all post, then maybe I'll understand what you mean. :oops:
  10. ok this is a real noob question from me but if we go with the OS pack someone has to explain what an it is because I've zero idea what you are all talking about. pouting I want to do a car which is the only thing I voted for OMA
  11. yes I'm close but its still off either I'm not hitting the correct settings or I'm missing something completly. was just checking if anyone had a method they use. thanks anyways I'll keep plugging along, perhaps I'll stumble on it.
  12. refractive = bending of light waves distortion exactly that distored. simple example. its what you get when you look thru a glass object with water in it, the items behind the glass object look like they bend in towards you and are slightly magnified.
  13. how do we accomplish refractive distortion in paint.NET ? would I use sinwaves?
  14. @swistak like the screw no background @Ethan great job !
  15. @blooper love that one. real happy feeling to the pic. @someone2016 keep us posted. that's looking promising.
  16. Ok if its going to be my first skinning competition I enter, I want to go with the car. I might even have a fighting chance with that one, once I figure out how to skin something.
  17. thanks David and Myrdin I've used both methods in the past as well as the photo flood fill, or sometimes a text font. I was just checking if there was another alternate method. Oh well thanks! I tried.
  18. @madjik ever thought of updating this plug in. what I'd love to see is where the horizon line is variable. say like when you draw a line and can move the nubs positions ..as the plug in works now you always have that straight horizon. i'd like to be able to make a "u" shape probably a programing nightmare but you know me I just have to ask if its at least possible. OMA
  19. a little bit of my old style updated with some new plugins
  20. oh yesssss i did use your tut for the links. and now I;m on a roll.
  21. comes from the radial blur duplicated the image and radial blur low # of steps and high top slider. it crackeled up the gradiant that was there under neath not sure how to recitfy this happening.
  22. thought that might be he case but can't blame a gal for trying. have a nice evening.
  23. pyro is it possible to add some shapes under the patterns say stars and hearts? same with end caps? could use that if possible. if its a coding nightmare just let me know I know next to nothing about how this is done, so please forgive me if I'm asking for the moon. thanks
  24. Wonderful are you doing this one? I could use it. I don't like asking for changes to plugins as I can't recontribute with any coding. but this is one thing I would most likely use. thanks in advance! hint hint
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