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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. I was really hoping Tom would polish this one up for 3.0: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 6745#16745
  2. Be prepared to be drawn in your underwear...
  3. The zip file is updated... Awesome! It works perfectly now. I'm going to add a link to your DLL in my original post. Thanks for putting a UI on this!
  4. MadJik, could you grab the render function out of my original post on this thread and recompile? There was a bug in it that I fixed tonight. To see the bug, simply set Depth > MaxAlpha. You will see the reflection disappear. This was due to integer math--I was missing a typecast to Double in the alpha calculation.
  5. HAHA! Yes! I totally misunderstood! What this does is put a halo around objects by using the primary color for the halo. I'll see if I can satisfy your request tomorrow when I'm at work.
  6. You could still suggest a listing of catagories that developers could use when coding effects.
  7. Just kidding. Here you go... http://boltbait.googlepages.com/Halo.dll Of course, this is done in Codelab and therefore has no UI. So, I fixed the radius at 5. Once I get setup for making UI's, I'll fix that.
  8. No, because this is based almost completely on the Gaussian Blur code, this would not be possible.* Sounds like you would want to make helo effects/glow effects. You could put a copy of your object on a new layer, saturate it with the color of your choice, Gaussian Blur that layer, then move that layer below your object. *Yes, of course it could be possible, I'm just too lazy to make it happen. Not to mention the fact that somehow I misplaced the feather source code file...
  9. It is really up to the individual effect writers to organize their effects. Perhaps, if you propose a system of catagories, the effect writers could use it when writing their effects. Or, failing that, you could download the source code to all of your favorite effects and change the grouping and recompile them yourself.
  10. This forum is for PUBLISHING effects only. As this is a request, I'll move it to the General Discussion.
  11. There is a reason for the following comment in the original code: int verticies = 5; // number of points (3-10?), default 5, slider The range for verticies can not go below 3. Actually, it can not go below 1. If Verticies is 0 you will get a division by zero error.
  12. More discussion on this topic here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewt ... 5608#15592 including the answer to your question.
  13. You know what I'm thinking? Someone just got pwn3d. Honestly, no one cares if you used a different program to do part of a graphic. But, if you mislead people into thinking that you did the whole thing in Paint.NET...
  14. Hmmm... I just KNEW I should have closed this post. Oh well. Here's something from http://www.BoltBait.com It was done completely in Paint.NET
  15. I was rather wondering about your seeming fascination with underwear. Thank you for drawing me without underwear. Wait, that didn't sound right.
  16. Thanks. I don't either. Oh, and I had already made an icon, but I think I like yours better.
  17. I don't. You must have downloaded the DLL pointed out above.
  18. mastodonant, that's correct. And, fairly easy for a simple example that he provided. I think he wants something that can be used for very complicated pictures.
  19. Sure, easy. Here's a Codelab script to basically do what you want: void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds); Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt(); ColorBgra CurrentPixel; ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor; for(int y = rect.Top; y { for (int x = rect.Left; x { if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y)) { CurrentPixel = src[x,y]; if (CurrentPixel.R >= PrimaryColor.R) { CurrentPixel.R -= PrimaryColor.R; CurrentPixel.A=(byte)((CurrentPixel.A - PrimaryColor.R } else { CurrentPixel.A=(byte)((CurrentPixel.A - CurrentPixel.R CurrentPixel.R = 0; } if (CurrentPixel.G >= PrimaryColor.G) { CurrentPixel.G -= PrimaryColor.G; CurrentPixel.A = (byte)((CurrentPixel.A - PrimaryColor.G } else { CurrentPixel.A=(byte)((CurrentPixel.A - CurrentPixel.G CurrentPixel.G = 0; } if (CurrentPixel.B >= PrimaryColor. { CurrentPixel.B -= PrimaryColor.B; CurrentPixel.A=(byte)((CurrentPixel.A - PrimaryColor.B ; } else { CurrentPixel.A=(byte)((CurrentPixel.A - CurrentPixel.B ; CurrentPixel.B = 0; } dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } } } All you need to do is use the color picker to set your primary color to the color you want to eliminate (i.e. blue, in your example). Then, run the effect in Codelab. Enjoy. 8) P.S. I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do this, but what do you want for 10 minutes of work? Oh, and here's your precompiled DLL: StripPrimaryColor.dll.
  20. This is already supported in a plug-in... Try this: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1152
  21. Isn't that cool when you see a picture and know you had a hand in creating it because you wrote the effect? 8)
  22. I can guess... Printing in Windows is "hard". (And, when I say "hard" I mean a total PIA.)
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