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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. When choosing to Paste into a New Image, the clipboard pictures comes in as Layer 1 and there is no Background layer. Is that by design? I know that's pretty minor, but, "what gives?"
  2. Screenshot, shmeenshot ... As for the updates, the HTTP stack (or whatever it's called) is probably caching the old update manifest. Open this page in IE, http://www.getpaint.net/updates/version ... x86.en.txt , then hit Refresh, and Paint.NET will pick it up on the next attempt. I'm assuming you're in 32-bit Windows XP, English. Thanks! That did the trick.
  3. If you look in the about box for 3.0 you can see that the translations are being done by Microsoft. I'm not sure he needs any additional help for this release.
  4. 1. Gradient. In version 2.72 you can find the effect here. In version 3.0 you can find the effect in the tool box--already built-in. 2.72 Demo, 3.0 Demo. 2. Page Curl. Paint.net does not have this effect.
  5. This forum is for POSTING tutorials, not requesting them. Moving to General Discussion...
  6. dragonspirit666, nice first post. Look kinda like my front yard at the moment.
  7. dmholt57, your computer is in major need of an upgrade...
  8. Rick, I'm running Beta 1 build 3.0.2525.34975 and it says there are no updates? BTW, the screenshot you give above... is for Beta 1, not Beta 2.
  9. Hmmm... That's not you? Must be some other Rick Brewster... BTW, you can see pictures of me here: http://www.geocities.com/boltbaits/picture/index.html (not that anyone cares...)
  10. There is a drop-down list in the "save as" dialog box. Try changing that.
  11. In the future, just post this kind of thing in the Pictorium.
  12. This forum is for publishing tutorials only. ...moving this to the General Discussion forum.
  13. Rick, I've tried it, but honestly the Toon filter gives MUCH better results.
  14. Thanks! I'm always on the lookout for techniques that would take a normal photograph and turn it into something "drawn". To me, this makes it look as if the picture was drawn in pen and painted with water colors. This technique is the closest I've come using Paint.NET. BTW, sometimes it looks better to use "Screen" instead of "Darken" in the last step.
  15. davidtayhs, that sounds similar to what I described in this post: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2785 (scroll down about half way and you'll see this picture...) Here is how to make this picture: Before you begin, you'll need the Toon effect plugin and optionally the Pastel effect plugin. Open an image. It opens on the background layer. Duplicate the background layer. Call this layer "outline". Make it invisible for now. Select the backgound layer and run the Oil Paint effect (defaults). Now Gaussian Blur the background layer with Radius 1. Select the background layer and run the Glow effect. Radius 6, lower the contrast, adjust the brightness as desired. I used -78 on both for this picture. (Or, you could just run the crappy Pastel effect I wrote.) Select the "outline" layer and make it visible. Run the Toon effect on the outline layer. Now select Adjustments > Black and White. Create a new layer called "Eyes". Select the "outline" layer and lasso the whites of the eyes. You'll have to do these one at a time. Copy the white area of the eyes and paste it into the new "Eyes" layer. When done with that, select the "Eyes" layer and Gaussian Blur it with a Radius 1. Select the "Outline" layer and change the properties to Blending Mode: Darken. That's it. NOTE: You don't have to do all of these steps anymore. I have created an effect that will do them all for you! Download it here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/3474-ink-sketch-effect-plugin-now-with-source-code/ Enjoy. 😎
  16. I like your new sig--very classy. Now you need an Avatar to match.
  17. At the most basic level, "Tolerance" describes "Acceptance of difference". A Tolerance of 0 does not allow pixels of different colors to be selected. A Tolerance of 100 allows all pixels to be selected regardless of color. A Tolerance of 30 allows selection of pixels that are fairly close in color to the original pixel. Does that help? Sorry, I don't speak Russian (other than a few food items and the word for "Thank You").
  18. 3.0 Feature Request... Rick, please remove the Zoom blur from Paint.NET. Every time I look at a picture that has been Zoom Blurred, my eyes go cross-eyed. Thanks, BoltBait
  19. Typically, you would work with a large canvas then scale the final image down for the final output.
  20. Here is how to make this picture: Before you begin, you'll need the Toon effect plugin and optionally the Pastel effect plugin. Open an image. It opens on the background layer. Duplicate the background layer. Call this layer "outline". Make it invisible for now. Select the backgound layer and run the Oil Paint effect (defaults). Now Gaussian Blur the background layer with Radius 1. Select the background layer and run the Glow effect. Radius 6, lower the contrast, adjust the brightness as desired. I used -78 on both for this picture. (Or, you could just run the crappy Pastel effect I wrote.) Select the "outline" layer and make it visible. Run the Toon effect on the outline layer. Now select Adjustments > Black and White. Create a new layer called "Eyes". Select the "outline" layer and lasso the whites of the eyes. You'll have to do these one at a time. Copy the white area of the eyes and paste it into the new "Eyes" layer. When done with that, select the "Eyes" layer and Gaussian Blur it with a Radius 1. Select the "Outline" layer and change the properties to Blending Mode: Darken. That's it.
  21. Normally I don't find it too annoying either, until today... I'm working with a graphic that needs to be saved about 200 times with various layers visible. Ugh.
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