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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. I believe it is the same bug as this one: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2450 It has to do with finalizing when doing secondary color fades.
  2. Even switching to another tool does not work for me. I just drew a gradiant and pressed S instead of Enter as you suggested. The colors reverted.
  3. Please read this thread from September 7th: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2059 ...espically page 2.
  4. Westrock, are you the driver? If not, this would make an excellent gift once its framed.
  5. Yeah. Rick's gonna hate me when he sees this can of worms I've opened. I should go back and delete all the evidence.
  6. Obviously, this would be much bigger than an 'Effect'.
  7. Use the magic wand tool to select the background. Press the Delete key on your keyboard. Save the image as "GIF" format.
  8. Ugh. Your graphic is so blurry its giving me a headache... Here:
  9. No, think of the first entry as an RGB Gradiant and the second as Alpha Only.
  10. I would like to see some type of script engine added to Paint.NET. Imagine the ability to record/write batch type commands that could be run on multiple images... Open "BoltBait.jpg" Select All Gaussian Blur (2) Save "BoltBaitBlur.jpg", 95% Close Current Image or ForEach File matching "c:\batch input\*.jpg" Open %filename% Gaussian Blur (2) Save "c:\batch output\"+%filename%+"Blur", JPG, 95% Close Current Image Next File How cool would that be?
  11. This program just keeps getting better and better every day.
  12. barkbark00, that's not really possible with the way Paint.NET works. Effects can not change the boundaries of the current selection.
  13. Codelab is fairly simple to use right now. Are you asking for something similar to Codelab that would have its own language that is easier to learn than C#? I'm fairly certain that *you* learning C# would be much easier than *me* defining and implement a new language interpreter... that you would still have to learn. Perhaps, if you had specific questions about C# someone here could help you understand it. Also, if you had an idea for an effect, maybe I could help you code it.
  14. Sorry... IE7 locked up my system, again. Anyway, yes, I usually do the despeckle by hand if the Brightness slider does not take care of the problem.
  15. This should just be a matter of loading the image up into Paint.NET and selecting the menu Adjustments > Brightness / Contrast Change the contrast to 100 (all the way to the right) and you should be all set.
  16. This guy is a total joke: http://youfailit.net/?p=49 A quick google shows all kinds of problems... http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Micha ... tnG=Search From one site...
  17. Sorry, my mistake. I edited in the correct URL. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... layLang=en
  18. Oh, darn! I guess my stuff wasn't good enough for him.
  19. If you've installed his program, I highly suggest you scan your system for spyware. Trouble with viruses? Download AVG Anti-virus program Housecall Online Anti-virus Scanner Trouble with spyware? (Run both multiple times until they come up clean) Download Ad-Aware Download Spybot
  20. Have you installed Service Pack 2 yet? You may need to reinstall SP2 if you just installed XP. To check, right click on My Computer and choose Properties from the menu. On the General tab, under System it should tell you the service pack level of your operating system. If you have not installed Service Pack 2 yet, just go here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... layLang=en
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